The Art of The Auto


443.jpg442.jpg439.jpg441.jpgHey All,

New to this thread, awesome info! So far I'm on my very first grow, White Russian Auto from Sagamartha. Started off okay but now outer fan leaves are starting to struggle. Leaves in the center are doing fine but yeah...kinda confused since I thought it was overwatering but probably isn't since I cut down from once every few days to once a week. Unfortunately, I am an expat in a country where gardening isn't very big so yeah...was difficult to get the right materials (as well as some decent dank which is why i wanted to try growing). Got some soil from the local store, got some basic nutrients (which I haven't used yet) with the NPK listed on there but nothing special. Right now, growing out of a PC growbox with 3 -24 watt CFL soft dayling bulbs since its been 3 weeks and i assume theyre flowering. Have an intake and exhaust fan installed and temp isnt a problem. Attached are some pics, maybe you guys can give me some feedback on what i'm doing wrong?

John Mondello

Active Member
I feel that this may be a survival technique in the plant. One last shot to carry on life. So the plant in turn release its best spunk to pollinate the remaining hairs. I also think that this is why femming seeds is so successful. You stress a plant to make it produce pollen, or let it go longer to develop nanners, and then that pollen is used to make a female lot of seed. That tells me right there that there is a major shift in the pollen types over the age of the plants life as well as where they are sourced from.
See, thats what I like about you! This is an awesome concept!

John Mondello

Active Member
View attachment 1340671View attachment 1340669View attachment 1340668View attachment 1340667Hey All,

New to this thread, awesome info! So far I'm on my very first grow, White Russian Auto from Sagamartha. Started off okay but now outer fan leaves are starting to struggle. Leaves in the center are doing fine but yeah...kinda confused since I thought it was overwatering but probably isn't since I cut down from once every few days to once a week. Unfortunately, I am an expat in a country where gardening isn't very big so yeah...was difficult to get the right materials (as well as some decent dank which is why i wanted to try growing). Got some soil from the local store, got some basic nutrients (which I haven't used yet) with the NPK listed on there but nothing special. Right now, growing out of a PC growbox with 3 -24 watt CFL soft dayling bulbs since its been 3 weeks and i assume theyre flowering. Have an intake and exhaust fan installed and temp isnt a problem. Attached are some pics, maybe you guys can give me some feedback on what i'm doing wrong?
Sure enough... bummer on your current locale... anyway.. I think you have some nitrogen defficiency there... or maybe some burn from nutes? My guess is the real cause is a ph lockout issue... tell us a little more... how much of what nutrients have you added if any? where is your water coming from? And the REAL question... is what is the ph of the water you're using? at least tell us your water source.


Harry Bald Sack

Active Member
It will help yep, the "tye dye" leaves you talk about might not come back 100%, but you will stop it from spreading. I feel it is just wet soil after your reply.

When i have mine in bigger pots, i'll stick my finger in the soil up to my 2nd knuckle. If it feels dry i'll water them. Other people do it by the weight of the pot. You do want a wet dry cycle. They will perk up when you have it rite.

If the soil stays wet too long your cutting off oxygen to the roots. Which will start to cause defficencies N/Mag ect. by the roots beeing drowned. Everythings connected to some degree.

Mossy posted some pics of that small red pot ages ago, they were over watered then. If you go find the pics it looks like it could use some N but the leaves are droopy. Over water to the tee :D. Had to mossy.. lol But you brought it out for us. Fair game for teaching IMO :mrgreen:

WOW.. Thank you very much brother. I have been so caught up in the more technical side of this whole thing that I didn't even think about how crucial a something like moisture content was (besides worrying about the substrate getting to dry). I have definitely been over watering. With the amount of Sphagnum Moss and Perlite I have in the compo, I should have known that it would stay moist much longer in doors than a plant I would have outdoors in the middle of summer. I even have a meter that reads moisture content and I really never even used that function. Talk about a major stoner move!!! We all have to learn some way though, right? So thanks again for showing me the light, and in this case, moisture content (I have the light figured out).


New Member
Question for any one that wants to answer: - it would help me out !

Say if i wanted to make a auto-cross to suit the conditions were i live, and to suit my height/potency expectations?? ( i grow outdoors ), but dont have the time to cross ruderalis with a photo plant to make a auto – photo plant ( I would do that if I had a grow room ), should I start with already available strains and cross them, and cross them with other autos ect… ???

also I herd if .. lets say I grow/cross A ak47 auto x ak47 auto, were I live – conditions outdoors. then the offspring will be more suited to the environment than the parents – ( that were grown indoors in Amsterdam or something ???

cheers guys ! peace, Merry Christmas !

also what do you think of super cali haze from short stuff ?? any pics anyone ??


Hey J,

Thanks for the feedback. I am currently using bottled drinking water that I buy at the store. Haven't tested the PH of the water yet...they should have those testers at fish stores right? Just did my first dose of nutes yesterday to see if it would help. Generic local brand 18-18-18 NPK. Very diluted, i probably used about half of the stated dosage on the instructions. Weird....some of my newer leaves in the middle have already begun to curl. Is this a sign of over nuting?

Do you think my plant is still salvageable? Imma try to mailorder some nutes because the ones here probably are no good. Look forward to your response!

John Mondello

Active Member
Well, I'd def go with an organic nurient.. I personally use Fox Farms... however, you probably dont need a whole lot more than say Fox farms Grow Big and Fox Farms Root Drench (Thats what I use... others use others... but you get the idea)... also... some molasses is good...

but your water PH is really really really important... if you dont have much cash order some ph test solution (not for pools but for hydroponics)
also, depending on where the bottled water comes from it may be worse than your local source... do you have a well? or even a stream nearby? how about capturing rainwater in buckets?

ok... you want your water in the 6.0 ph area...

here's a chart...

View attachment 1340997

you'll notice nutrients are "locked out" at different ph's ... thus the reason for such importance... first thing I'd reccomend, judging by addtional burning... is that you flush the plants out... (use 2X the containers total volume of water) also.. when flushing... ph is critical as the soil will tend to take on the ph value of the water you're watering with. However, your choice is let them take more damage or give them Emergency medical STAT! So... use the logical here and flush with well water or stream or pond water if you can get yor hands on it... (not stagnant water like a puddle or gutter)

ok... once you're cleard... use 1 tsp (thats teaspoon) (5 ml) of Fox Farm Root Drench (around me about 18 - 20 dollars US for 1 QT)
and 1 tsp (5ml) of molasses in 1 gallon of water... water thoroughly with that... (around me about 18 - 20 dollars USfor 1 QT)

You can use vinegar to adjust your ph down if its high, and baking soda to adjust it up if its low... but dont do that unless you know whwere its at to begin with.

monitor water by using the middle finger in the side of the container to the second knuckle... feel for dampness... you ultimately want to maintain a balance of air and water in the soil... she'll need both.

EDIT: Also, 18-18-18 is a very strong nutrient... autos require very little nutes!


Active Member
Previous post is only for those of you that have been good...this is what will be waiting for all you that were naughty:

And if you are that is NOT my face or my body in the pic!!!!! lol


Awesome info J! I'm gonna try to find some of that pH test solution asap. The bottled water I currently use is listed at 7.3 +/- 0.5. How much baking soda or vinegar should i put into lets say one gallon in order to change the pH? Also, I think the area I live in is known for its air polution. Should the rainwater still be okay to use on my plants? If I can't find the pH test solution then i guess im just gonna have to do trial and error. It's my first plant so i don't mind learning a thing or two at its expense although it would still be nice to get at least something to smoke on. But yeah, I should have a chance to pick up the stuff you recommended on my next trip back home. Then it should be much easier to maintain a good plant. Thanks again and please let me know if you have any other suggestions!

Btw, I just put some eggshells in the soil. Think that will help? Also, the molasses acts as a nutrient? Interesting....

John Mondello

Active Member
Awesome info J! I'm gonna try to find some of that pH test solution asap. The bottled water I currently use is listed at 7.3 +/- 0.5. How much baking soda or vinegar should i put into lets say one gallon in order to change the pH? Also, I think the area I live in is known for its air polution. Should the rainwater still be okay to use on my plants? If I can't find the pH test solution then i guess im just gonna have to do trial and error. It's my first plant so i don't mind learning a thing or two at its expense although it would still be nice to get at least something to smoke on. But yeah, I should have a chance to pick up the stuff you recommended on my next trip back home. Then it should be much easier to maintain a good plant. Thanks again and please let me know if you have any other suggestions!

Btw, I just put some eggshells in the soil. Think that will help? Also, the molasses acts as a nutrient? Interesting....
Egg shells are cool... good calcium magnesium phosporus... yada yada

sounds like about 5ml / gal of vinegar would do ya just fine on ur bottled water n id stick with that given the pollution

Good luck
and welcome to the forum


John Mondello

Active Member
So... my thoughts are this would be a great way to propogate... have some ideas tumbling around in my head... I'll spit em out sooner or later



Well-Known Member
EDIT: Also, 18-18-18 is a very strong nutrient... autos require very little nutes!
I dont know about that JM. I am using full strength on my gals right now and they still seems to want more. they have begun to pull food from the lower fans so i knew it was time to step it up. So i did and it progressed for another day or so until i got the dose high enough.

I am currently running the full strength on the FF TB bottle plus sea weed kelp and they still want more

John Mondello

Active Member
I dont know about that JM. I am using full strength on my gals right now and they still seems to want more. they have begun to pull food from the lower fans so i knew it was time to step it up. So i did and it progressed for another day or so until i got the dose high enough.

I am currently running the full strength on the FF TB bottle plus sea weed kelp and they still want more
Well, clearly, you know the autos better than I do... if you can "upgrade" my advice, so to speak, I'll of course differ to you, sir... :)

And may I ask... please check my photos... and tell me if I should be taking the same measures?


Out to the orchard to capture some apples seeds and smoke a bowl... be back shortly...
ps - mornin FD!


Well-Known Member
I was reading about tissue culture the other day. I wonder if it would work different in autos. Would it just turn into a bud in a jar?

John Mondello

Active Member
I was reading about tissue culture the other day. I wonder if it would work different in autos. Would it just turn into a bud in a jar?
LOL... now that I doubt, but maybe... I was thinking more along the lines of using hormones to manipluate the plant to stay vegetative for longer thereby enbling easy cloning for propogation... and possibly even eventually 1)discovering exactly what causes flowering in the autos and 2) whether we can actually control it with hormones / auxins / etc. 3) can this help determine more about genetics in some way? (ie studying via micro-culture for say, light response, hormone reponse, mediums, different nutrients, mediums, etc etc)


Well-Known Member
I saw something about tissue propagation the other day in a magazine.How would it work with an auto? What kind of tissue would grow? would it turn into a bud in a jar?