Wow... ok I am the noobiest of all noobies lol... ran across your thread looking up mites... way to keep me in suspense! LOL! But now I think I have pot hypochondria and my plants have everything! LOL! Started with one tiny lil GDP clone last June when I finally had some light outside, with no planning and flying by the seat of my pants, and she was a gorgeous beauty of a Grand Daddy Purple sweetheart! lol! I showed her much love and she showed me much in return, prob close to a qtr lb worth of the sweetest most juicy lamborgini love everrrr... lol... I just wish I had many little friends alongside her!! Sooo, I tired my hand at clones, and got 10 successful ones out of about 20 tries, under a single CFL and a dome lol... but then I planted them outside, cuz I had no lights lol... 2 to a 3 gal pot, with momma who was in a 5 gal pot, and they all budded whith momma, wayyyy toooo early, in August! LOL! Cute lil things, but just wayyy too tiny, like around 3 inches tall! LOL! Soooo... I moved them all inside on Labor Day, transplanted them, six of them to just one per 3 gal pot, four to 6 inch square pots, in a 4x2' space with just a single bulb T5... LOL I told u I was just flying by the seat of my pants... LOL! I soon added another T5, but those poor babies had no clue what to do, as I was trying to re-veg them from full-on ripe buds in 12 hours of sunshine to 18 hours on T5s plus transplantting all at the same time! OMG! lol they sat there for a good month doing NOTHING, except the poor luscious buds shrivelling up and drying out before my very eyes... lol... then they started growing CRAZY as all get out, gnarly and twisted lil green balls that looked nothing like a pot plant... LOL... they looked like they were very stoned plants indeed... lol... I got a ton of pics around here but I need to sort thru them all before I can post some... I have been very very busy... lol... then after a bit, the flowers started looking like they had balls on them! LOL omg! I had heard about how u can't clone a clone and all that bs, and how they can hermaprhodite, and you should just get rid of your crop! Well I was not about to do that, so I just cut them balls right off, yep I castrated them, hehehe... lol... then they finally started getting shoots on them, that actually looked like pot plants... lmao... but the bud formations were still there, and still all crystaly and gooey and yummy looking... lol... so I decided to cut all that off and dry it out and smoke it, which was quite yummy lol... while I was cutting, I went cut happy as well, like u said, I woulda just thrown it away, so I tried my hand at cloning again, but it ended up completely outta hand, and I was sitting there looking at 60 happy little grandchildren of my mommy grandaddy purple... OMG LOL!!!! ... All of COURSE by the seat of my pants again, with absolutely no plan of how I was going to care for my ever-expanding family... lolol... (btw, to clone all I do is scrape with my teeth and dip in Roottone... lol... by the end you come to almost like that bitter green flavor of pot stem juice... LOL) Sooo... Here I was a short 3 months after I had gotten my first perfect little GDP clone, sitting with waayyyyy too many little babies, amazed at how my life has changed since June... LOL! Sooo... I went and got me another T5, then another... lol... and watched my little green project... hehe...
BUT alas, with a bigger family, come bigger worries... lol... Toward the end of September, I went off camping for a few days, and when I got back, I noticed a bunch of leaves on my bigger 10 were totally dried out on the plant! I researched what I could, and removed all the dry growth, and they seemed to be ok for a while, but then started getting white spots on the leaves, which I thought was because I had decided to foliar feed them and then had lights on them, grrr... I originally thought mites, but then changed my mind as I read... maybe it was just wishful thinking / denial lol... but then I checked with my microscope and saw the nasty little guys... omg I was so disgusted!! Again the advice I got was to deystroy the crop! (Actually, it was to go out and set them on the curb by the garbage and walk away LOL)... That was still not an option for me! lol... So I sprayed them and removed leaves as they dried out and yellowed... (but now that I read your thread I think this was probably nute lockout!) A "friend" was going to help build a bubble around them and get some praying mantis or lady bugs, so I was kind of relying on that, but he flaked on me BIG TIME grrr! So, in the meantime, my 10 bigger babies, that I started flower on Nov. 15, that had been cloned on July 17 LOL 4 months earlier, started deteriorating quickly one by one, and its been a race to the harvest before my precious babies give up! I've lost/harvested in frustration 7 out of the 10 so far... the first 3 together was maybe an eighth oz! You can imagine after how successful my first grow was how broken hearted I was! lol! Right now, I've got 3 of those 10 left... one of which looks like I will have to harvest tonight or tommarrow before it starts degrading too much... but smells absolutely FANTASTIC yummm... and the buds at least have some substance to them not just hairs... the other two are looking and smelling mighty fine, but I must add, I have removed almost ALL the fan leaves at this point because of the damage to them and my attempt do get rid of what I think are the mites although I can't see them on the leaves anymore with my microscope! Hmm The more I think about it its' prob a nute prob as well lol... Oh well it's all a learning expierience!
Meanwhile, back on the pot farm... lol... My other babies down the hall are growing profusely... lol... I dropped the tray a couple times, my cats got them, my lights burned them, etc. lol... prob lost about 10 on the way due to these but no biggie... plus I packed them all up at one point and drove them all across town because somebody said they wanted them, but then when I got there turns out they had gone somewhere else already! BURNN! Hey now that i think about it, its that same "friend" that FLAKED, WTF!! lol... Anyway, here I am 6 months after my first baby being overrun by babies lol... Them Grandaddys like lots of Grandkids I guess! LOL! So, my third generation GDP are going into flower now lol, they are 18 inches tall and in 4 inch pots... under 2 T5 lights... LOLOLOL!!!! I just got some AzaMax to spray and drench them with, as I am seeing a couple white spots on them as well, but they look WAY healthier than the bigger 10 did... I must be learning something lol... Wish me luck, my fellow stoners! This has to be the most funky grow setup ever lol, dont' follow me folks! Hahaha! I know I need better lights but I'm really planning on just growing more outside this summer since I did so well with mother nature except for the damn green worms which I found out were from the oh soooo pretty white butterflies I watched land and play on them all summer... oh yeah and moved INSIDE as well lol and were CHOMPING down my lucisous buds on both momas and babies, OMG ughh! lol! But hey any tips any of you wish to throw my way or direct me too would be most appreciated! And sorry if I intruded on your thread here eyezla, I did not know I was gonna babble so much, and will probably repost this to my own thread and start my own grow journal there with pics n stuff... but you inspired me to post and I enjoyed reading yours and look forward to harvest time as we discover this green garden of goodness together... lol... Best of luck and happy toking!