male or female!!!???


Active Member
Hey peoples from what i know and learned is that this is a female but im a rookie so if im wrong lmk asap! On the sides a see pistils am i right?!!! Hope its really a female. HELP!!!



Active Member
Well yea i had known that lol i just thought i can tell right now. Bu ill wait a bit. But sum say i should start flowering now. Or realll soon.


Active Member
Lol ok. No not the leaves like look riht on the side of the stem next to the leaves its like a little string lol. Unless thats just how it suppose to be. Ill keep till i find out if its a male or female. Hope its a female tho.


Active Member
Zoom into the picture u can see what im talking about but maybe im wrong. Need u guys help on this one. Thanx


New Member
i see what u mean and that isnt telling u what sex it is, them are always there from what ive seen. Do you have it on 12/12 because if you dont have it on 12 on and 12 off it wont sex it will just keep growing.


Active Member
Ok lol thanx alot. Ok so when ever i find out itl b on top of what im talkn about? And actually i do like 8 hrs at the max right now. Sum says itl show within 10 days though


New Member
yes it should be right on top of that. and u should run your lights at 12 on and 12 off. you need a timer if you dont have one they sell them at walmart for a couple bucks. but itle need to go on and off at the same exact time every day


Active Member
Ok ku. Um u think i can turn it on now? And turn it off 12 hrs after. Its 4:38 where im at. Well i have 2700k which is for flowering right. I dont have the 6500k at the moment. Sucks.


Active Member
if it's green it's not a pistil, pistils are white, just remember that :). Those green things on the side BOTH sexes have, just wait a week and don;t do anything irrational, just wait.


New Member
yea you can start it on 12 12 at any time but i would start it right when the hour changes so at 5 so itl be easier. And i dont no alot about lights but i think you should be good with that light for flowering.


Active Member
Aw dam lol. That put a smurk on my face i forgot it has to be white. But yea. I hope it can show even if i dont do 12/12.