Remember when......


Well-Known Member
I remember when gas and smokes were 50 cents. I had just started driving and smoking. Lids were $10 when I was in Jr high.

When I was a kid I wanted rock'em sock'em robots. We didnt have much money and I never got them. Believe it or not my sister got it for me this Christmas! LOL 50 years old and I challenged everyone in the house. Had a blast.

Hotwheels, remember the redlines? they came out in 1967 and ran through 1976. Still today I have my collection of about 250 of them. I have one of each, well all but one. The rear loader beach bomb cant be had for under 20k. It originally sold for 89 cents.

I have no children, didn't want the responsibility and still don't but I feel sorry for the kids of today. America was such a great place to live, too bad greed has made us sell out. In the next 20 or 30 years I bet China will own whats left of the the US after the nuclear war the middle east starts.


Well-Known Member
Remember when LSD was legal and you could go buy it at the head shops but if you were broke the college would pay you to take it.


Active Member
i remember the hot wheels guy talking fast as hell on commercial ninja turtles were the shit and fuck i dunno nickelodeon was worth watching


Well-Known Member
Remember when mom would come home with different guys and try to tell you they were your uncles


Well-Known Member
I remember when no one had a cell phone or computer and a pay phone was 10 cents
and i remember when you could take those same phones, using a paper clip, and short out the mic to the coinbox, which would then trick the payphone into thinking you had just deposited bout 200$ into it, and you could call anywhere in the world for free....



Well-Known Member
Remember shitting your pants during class and being embarrased and having to flush your undies at school?


Well-Known Member
anyone rememba 10-10-2-20, dat was used for collect calls bout 11 yrs ago man. aww yeah an rememba when y2k had everybody shook so much that shopping gross went up somewhere between 60-80% or did my folks only do dat?


Well-Known Member
lol Y2K. I'm in the IT field, so for me it meant a lot of overtime. Then...nothing happened lol. Maybe it's because of all the panic and work done to prepare, dunno


Well-Known Member
i remember when i was younger my mom would send me to the corner store with a note and some cash so they would let me buy smokes for her
lol I remember doing that.But my dumbass abused it and started writing notes myself to get my friends dutches and cigarettes so that didn't last long.

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
just before y2k somebody hit the local food bank and took every bit of food there...was some serious motherfuckers...remember when skinny jeans were just for your sister? remember when your bonfire party would get raided by the cops and all they would do is say "were coming back in an hour and anyone here is going to jail" but they never came back because they were worried about real crime?


Well-Known Member
i remember playing the 1st Mortal Kombat and Resident Evil for the first time. ahhh those were the days.
I loved resident evil when it first came out.
me and a friend spent like 8 hours on it one day because we didn't have a memory card,we got to the end and died so we had to start over from the very beginning.I said fuck that game after that.
lol and I remember playing mortal kombat at this pizza shop,when you knock the guy out to finish him we would start pressing buttons like crazy and the guy would turn into a dinosaur or some shit and eat him lol.


Well-Known Member
just before y2k somebody hit the local food bank and took every bit of food there...was some serious motherfuckers...remember when skinny jeans were just for your sister? remember when your bonfire party would get raided by the cops and all they would do is say "were coming back in an hour and anyone here is going to jail" but they never came back because they were worried about real crime?
lmfao at the y2k part.I cant wait for 2012 now.