Who belives in this American Ideology

The Knuck

Active Member
It's not only about getting a job its about what that job gives you, its about cost of living and about the going wadge. being American is soposed to come with its advantages and earning a living wadge and living a middle class lifestyle should be one of those.
Seee more whinning, america owes him a middle class living???? go get one if you want it. THATS what your america is suppose to be all about.


Well-Known Member
Seee more whinning, america owes him a middle class living???? go get one if you want it. THATS what your america is suppose to be all about.
Then what's up with taxes?? if its just go get a job ...do it yourself..everyones equal....why are their laws against immigration and why do we pay taxes? why not just let everyone compeat equally wherever we want?


Well-Known Member
Im not here to impress you...I type of the top of my head..i dont need to spend time to correct my grammer to impress people on hear
A. it's grammar B. the term is "on HERE" (emphasis added) Your linguistics match the intelligence of your views. You made comments earlier about the Mexican people not being a "pure race." Hate to be the one to break it to ya, but that whole concept is a myth; a nazi myth. Let it go. America enjoys it's position BECAUSE of the diversity of it's residents; not in spite of it. Teabaggers are the tool of the john birch society fascists. Alex Jones is the worst; he's on the jbs payroll for Crissakes!!!

The Knuck

Active Member
i have a job, and a good one, taxes are to pay for things to run your country. you know your military, your welfare, your roads and bridges.


Well-Known Member
You made comments earlier about people not being a "pure race." Hate to be the one to break it to ya, but that whole concept is a myth; a nazi myth.
They actually took most of that science from the U.S. we were practicing it before the Germans. And the Aryan race thing was started by a russian.


Well-Known Member
taxes are to pay for things to run your country. you know your military, your welfare, your roads and bridges.
Wouldn't that include toe border patrol and INS? And what is the point of having such a dominant military if not to gaurentee us a certain amount of economic advantage?


Well-Known Member
i have a job, and a good one, taxes are to pay for things to run your country. you know your military, your welfare, your roads and bridges.
...your jails and prisons, your steroid bloated white power cops, your corrupt "money=freedom" court system. Don't get me wrong, i like clean* water piped into my crib as much as the next guy, but the system is rotten & doomed to planned collapse unfortunately.

*relatively speaking... relative to Bhopal, India.


New Member
A. it's grammar B. the term is "on HERE" (emphasis added) Your linguistics match the intelligence of your views. You made comments earlier about the Mexican people not being a "pure race." Hate to be the one to break it to ya, but that whole concept is a myth; a nazi myth. Let it go. America enjoys it's position BECAUSE of the diversity of it's residents; not in spite of it. Teabaggers are the tool of the john birch society fascists. Alex Jones is the worst; he's on the jbs payroll for Crissakes!!!
Well prove it to me...Btw you didnt captialize "its" and trust me why waste time to correct my grammer oops grammar and punctuation on here....this isnt a place to be proffesional and trust me i have more professional experinces than you ever had even tho im only 28 years of age...do you text on your phone i bet you have a word check app..lol anyways your psuedo intellectual comment jus makes me laugh...see what you need to do is actually read the post from the begining. ....My intellect has no time with dumbass's like you....I see many mistakes in your little post..the sad thing is u actually went back to correct your mistakes ...and you still have a shit ton of grammer oops grammar mistakes...your such a fucking tard...have you ever heared of this saying " "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." blah blah blah....makes sure you have your ducks in a row before you challenge me on anything...i will not change my grammar on a marijuana forum...If you would like to challenge my intellect i take your challenge...you fucking dumbass....the first word in your sentence grammar and punc is already fucked...btw this only took like one minute to type....so ESD eat shit and die...i will not back down from my comment to say that mexicans are not pure...and the word myth only goes with the term nazi..because they were trying to make a master race....u cant tie that into a mexican...a real mexican is atzec or myan...this race is died out..you might be able to find someone who is 1 percent of this race...you such a dumbass...did u ever make it out of jr college


Well-Known Member
prove it to you? ok.
I'll let alex show ya himself. And if it's King's English ye fancy, I'm quite proficient. I just talk hoodrat 'cuz it's fun. "More professional experience" merely means you follow directions well; good for you. Society needs people like you too. So let's take a dispassionate look at the views you're advocating; i.e- racial purity. A concept foreign to Europe before the advent of Judeo-expansion and subsequent Christian conversion. The "white race" is a social construct with absolutely no basis in fact. Counterpoint?


New Member
well if proffesional experiences is going to war and saving peoples lives in 9-11 and sumatra...i hope they are more like me...anyways like i said your psuedo inellect is getting you in trouble because what your trying to say doesnt even make sense.... iplease please dont show dumb shit on youtube....please show me some reliable facts...and not wikipedia..