Well-Known Member
In the olden days people work 12-16 hours a day 7 days a week.So here I am @ work enjoying the site when I was wondering why are work days 8 hrs long? I mean who came up with the idea of us humans having to work for minimum 8 hrs a day? Not the I'm complaining ah what the fuck am I talking about I am complaining but not much. How long have we humans have had the 8hrs shifts for? I know before they where longer and tougher but that was because technology was not advanced at all. Anyone has any inputs on this?
During the Industrial Revolution, everyone (but the boss) worked long hours for low pay (look up Marxist theory of Surplus Value).
Then came Unions, Strikes, the Communists, Sanitation Workers, In and Out Burger, you know, the stuff you heard you could read about in books.
Hell, I bet you could google it and find a whole lot of information.