why are work days eight hrs long minimum?


Well-Known Member
So here I am @ work enjoying the site when I was wondering why are work days 8 hrs long? I mean who came up with the idea of us humans having to work for minimum 8 hrs a day? Not the I'm complaining ah what the fuck am I talking about I am complaining but not much. How long have we humans have had the 8hrs shifts for? I know before they where longer and tougher but that was because technology was not advanced at all. Anyone has any inputs on this?
In the olden days people work 12-16 hours a day 7 days a week.

During the Industrial Revolution, everyone (but the boss) worked long hours for low pay (look up Marxist theory of Surplus Value).

Then came Unions, Strikes, the Communists, Sanitation Workers, In and Out Burger, you know, the stuff you heard you could read about in books.

Hell, I bet you could google it and find a whole lot of information. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I had a tough job in the 90s.....if you watch PORN are get mags of NUDES you have seen my work............Im the guy with the bottle of water and the spritzer on the end.....my job was to mist the pussy to make it look wet............sometimes it took me 8 or 9 trys.....had to wipe it dry each time............to get it right...........................................

if you believe this I have some land in the artic I want to sell for farming.
Dude you're fuckin' hilarious with that shit, lol :) Good story none-the-less


Well-Known Member
they do it because they only want us to be free for 1/3 of our day(8hrs work + 8hrs sleep= 8hrs free time)

my dads a truck driver. they work REALLY hard. ive been out on the road with em a few times. usually hes driving ~10-11 hours a day, 7 days a week, for like 3 weeks at a time. imagine driving for that long... it sucks. plus the fact that your away from family


Well-Known Member
Not if you have weed and porn

porn would probably work great. but hes gotta be careful with the weed(he does smoke sometimes). if they get into ANY accident for ANY reason, u get an automatic drug test right away. if your positive, your fired immediately. so if an idiot runs into the back of your truck, and youve smoked recently, your FUCKED lol.

i would LOVE to be a truck driver. the experience is quite amazing. but with my anxiety, theres no way i could do it without weed. not that id be smoking while driving... it would just be nice to be able to relax and fall asleep quickly after a long drive


Well-Known Member
porn would probably work great. but hes gotta be careful with the weed(he does smoke sometimes). if they get into ANY accident for ANY reason, u get an automatic drug test right away. if your positive, your fired immediately. so if an idiot runs into the back of your truck, and youve smoked recently, your FUCKED lol.

i would LOVE to be a truck driver. the experience is quite amazing. but with my anxiety, theres no way i could do it without weed. not that id be smoking while driving... it would just be nice to be able to relax and fall asleep quickly after a long drive
thats fucking bullshit is you ask me, getting drug tested because someone else hit you, this fucking laws are more than fucking stupid..... on the other hand you mentioned that you would love top be a truck driver.... i used to work for a delivery company and ever since then i have the much respect for truck drivers, that shit aint easy as it seems, i remember falling asleep behing the wheels for a few minutes and that shit was fucking scary.... i dont know how truck drivers can drive for sooo long at a time..... i would always get drowsy and fall asleep for about 30 secs at a time (30 secs is more than enough to cause a terrible and big accident) thank god that the highway i would drive in was always empty for most part of the day..... i really hate driving for so long its not my thing and for that i respect every truck drivers mainly the ones that go to different states everyday.... you guys are amazing......


Well-Known Member
hahahah true

btw pony that fucking avatar of your trips me out every single time i see it... it will never get old...... who the fuck is that? lol


Well-Known Member
i work 3-6 hours every day 7 days a week from my computer in my house... good pay too :) actually im working right now(on the computer-headset phone)


Active Member
I work 7-3 M-F at a refurbishment plant. We get 2 20 min breaks. one at 9, and one at 12(lunch). Think of this, there are about 25 people in the section i work in...say 10 go smoke cigs, that leaves us 15 that want to EAT fighting for the THREE FUCKING microwaves for 15 of the 20 mins we have for lunch. Ive ate so much cold leftovers that I dont even give a fuck anymore if I get the microwave.

And do you want to know the best part???????????? Remember me saying its a REFURBISHMENT plant...guess what the fuck we refurbish?

About 400 a day.

Every single day, I walk in, I usually have 2 hoodies on, both hoods up because its fucking cold in warehouse...and my manager asks me if I'm high. EVERYDAY. Fuckin retard...he has worked there 15 years, and he cant figure out that 4 more microwaves for your SLAVE ASS EMPLOYEES, isnt going to destroy your quota.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
porn would probably work great. but hes gotta be careful with the weed(he does smoke sometimes). if they get into ANY accident for ANY reason, u get an automatic drug test right away. if your positive, your fired immediately. so if an idiot runs into the back of your truck, and youve smoked recently, your FUCKED lol.

i would LOVE to be a truck driver. the experience is quite amazing. but with my anxiety, theres no way i could do it without weed. not that id be smoking while driving... it would just be nice to be able to relax and fall asleep quickly after a long drive
the drug test thing is common around here for all sorts of drivers. anyone who has one of those "how's my driving?" stickers is almost certainly subject to drug tests. that's why companies put those stickers on there. they get cheaper insurance for having hair trigger policies. friend of mine is a cable guy and people call his sticker for all sorts of fucked up reasons and he gets a piss test every time. some stupid 16 year old bimbo t-boned him in his van after she ran a red light. even after the investigation was over and she was proven completely at fault, he had to pee in a cup so some suit could check off a box.


Well-Known Member
While the oil field preaches full safety....it's fucking bullshit. I'm a Vac truck driver and I worked a 43 hour shift, and was expected to return to the yard (280km away), get some sleep and go out the same day/early next morning again to another job.

As soon as the decision between money vs. safety comes up....money ALWAYS wins.

I am legally not allowed to drive after a shift of 13 hours....all kinds of regulations in place. Yet I'm expected to return to the yard after that 43 hr. shift, and not just a driving shift.....crawling waist high in drilling mud and well cement, spraying it, breaking it up, sucking it up...Nevermind sluffing thru knee high mud the whole time, putting 6 sets of triple chains on and off multiple times a day. Basically slave labor (well paid though) but intensely brutal, not even counting the noxious fumes and sludge that ends up in every nook and cranny of your body.....most of which is somewhat carcinogenic.

If I wasn't paid as well as I am, no way I would put up with this bullshit.


Active Member
While the oil field preaches full safety....it's fucking bullshit. I'm a Vac truck driver and I worked a 43 hour shift, and was expected to return to the yard (280km away), get some sleep and go out the same day/early next morning again to another job.

As soon as the decision between money vs. safety comes up....money ALWAYS wins.

I am legally not allowed to drive after a shift of 13 hours....all kinds of regulations in place. Yet I'm expected to return to the yard after that 43 hr. shift, and not just a driving shift.....crawling waist high in drilling mud and well cement, spraying it, breaking it up, sucking it up...Nevermind sluffing thru knee high mud the whole time, putting 6 sets of triple chains on and off multiple times a day. Basically slave labor (well paid though) but intensely brutal, not even counting the noxious fumes and sludge that ends up in every nook and cranny of your body.....most of which is somewhat carcinogenic.

If I wasn't paid as well as I am, no way I would put up with this bullshit.
Damn, and I bitch about my job...

You know I think about you guys that have jobs that like that..you guys are fuckin heros in my opinion. It brings me back to earth when I think of it ya know?

I mean, the economy the way it is? I'm 19, livin at home with my parents(after a bad breakup), i pay no rent, but I do buy groceries every week(100$), i have 3 payment plans set up to get my debt caught up so I can go back to college, and a 200 dollar car payment. I think about people that have no job that have FAMILIES to feed, electricity...everything..And I bitch about my job...

I mean, ya 8 hour shift sucks........but there are people that would kill right now for your piece of shit 8 hour shift.


Active Member
While the oil field preaches full safety....it's fucking bullshit. I'm a Vac truck driver and I worked a 43 hour shift, and was expected to return to the yard (280km away), get some sleep and go out the same day/early next morning again to another job.

As soon as the decision between money vs. safety comes up....money ALWAYS wins.

I am legally not allowed to drive after a shift of 13 hours....all kinds of regulations in place. Yet I'm expected to return to the yard after that 43 hr. shift, and not just a driving shift.....crawling waist high in drilling mud and well cement, spraying it, breaking it up, sucking it up...Nevermind sluffing thru knee high mud the whole time, putting 6 sets of triple chains on and off multiple times a day. Basically slave labor (well paid though) but intensely brutal, not even counting the noxious fumes and sludge that ends up in every nook and cranny of your body.....most of which is somewhat carcinogenic.

If I wasn't paid as well as I am, no way I would put up with this bullshit.

i dont drive the trucks but i know exatly where your coming from man every time i show up on site im just waiting for somone to get hurt bad . and your way in the boonies so help is a long way off if somthing does happen


Well-Known Member
i dont drive the trucks but i know exatly where your coming from man every time i show up on site im just waiting for somone to get hurt bad . and your way in the boonies so help is a long way off if somthing does happen

So true. When I used to run tank trucks, they wanted me to stay clean shaven...for H2S/SCBA concerns.....but why??? When I would tank truck, I was usually the only guy on lease. So I guess I just keep shaved so my corpse looks fuckin good for the coroner when they finally realize I haven't reported in for 3 hours.....and by the time someone comes to check on you, rigamortis has already set in....LOL.

Stupid fuckin rules up here....and the most important ones get blatantly overlooked if it means it costs any money, or means a customer is lost.

But I guess that's why they pay us so much, to shut us the fuck up. We all bitch, all week/pay period long, then the checks come and we shut up for a few days.

It's definitely a lifestyle that many can't handle.....and my body, even though only in mid-thirties, is at the breaking point. Multiple hernias, broken fingers, I've been knocked the fuck out, I have been knocked down and poisoned by H2S gas, massive infections in hands from caustic chemicals getting in gloves, one of my friend's was killed when a P-tank was mistakenly "unpurged" before he entered it full of oxidizing chems....BOOOM. He was blown about 200 feet thru the air across the lease and died on the way to the hospital. All becuase a well tester purged the wrong tank.....a fuckin clerical error killed my friend.....fuckin lame.

But this is the life we lead I guess.

Forgot to even mention about a couple nasty septic accidents I have been thru......GEEE-ROSS!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
they do it because they only want us to be free for 1/3 of our day(8hrs work + 8hrs sleep= 8hrs free time)

my dads a truck driver. they work REALLY hard. ive been out on the road with em a few times. usually hes driving ~10-11 hours a day, 7 days a week, for like 3 weeks at a time. imagine driving for that long... it sucks. plus the fact that your away from family
10 hrs is a start....I once drove from buttfuck Nebraska to San Diego, Ca non stop well except for fuel...some 1300 miles took about 24 hrs. Never been an 8 hr day kinda guy, certainly couldn't do the microwave refurbishing gig or any other inside punch clock like deal.....I'm an outsider.

Big P

Well-Known Member
So true. When I used to run tank trucks, they wanted me to stay clean shaven...for H2S/SCBA concerns.....but why??? When I would tank truck, I was usually the only guy on lease. So I guess I just keep shaved so my corpse looks fuckin good for the coroner when they finally realize I haven't reported in for 3 hours.....and by the time someone comes to check on you, rigamortis has already set in....LOL.

Stupid fuckin rules up here....and the most important ones get blatantly overlooked if it means it costs any money, or means a customer is lost.

But I guess that's why they pay us so much, to shut us the fuck up. We all bitch, all week/pay period long, then the checks come and we shut up for a few days.

It's definitely a lifestyle that many can't handle.....and my body, even though only in mid-thirties, is at the breaking point. Multiple hernias, broken fingers, I've been knocked the fuck out, I have been knocked down and poisoned by H2S gas, massive infections in hands from caustic chemicals getting in gloves, one of my friend's was killed when a P-tank was mistakenly "unpurged" before he entered it full of oxidizing chems....BOOOM. He was blown about 200 feet thru the air across the lease and died on the way to the hospital. All becuase a well tester purged the wrong tank.....a fuckin clerical error killed my friend.....fuckin lame.

But this is the life we lead I guess.

Forgot to even mention about a couple nasty septic accidents I have been thru......GEEE-ROSS!!!!!!!!!

damn about how much u get paid for that