The myths, truth, and just plane LOL of marijuana growing


New Member
Hello. I am very happy to be back with my commrades on RIU. While I was away I was working on my plants and thinking of all the bullshit I was feed since I started growing! Absolutley amazing what people who don't know anthing try to feed you as information! But theres also some stuff that have been proven to be true, and some stuff that just makes you LOL once you get the knoledge. So please grab a cold one, pack a bowl and enjoy!

Got some too add...please do! bongsmilie

"You got to stop giving plants nitrogen during flowering all together" - Bullshit! You SHOULD cut back but a little nitrogen will not burn them.

"If you pot even a little light on your plant during there 12/12 you restart the clock on there 12/12 cycle" - Bullshit! I frequently open the closet where my flowering plants are and give them nutes, mollases etc. They are still flowering very strongly and no signs of hermies anywhere. Now with that being said also use discretion. I wouldnt shine a flash light on them, but a few seconds of very low light isnt going to do anything. It's the same thing outdoors. So plants that are close to highways or fires wither over and die or become hermies cause of that lil light? No. They know there "sun" by the time there into flowering.

"Toppng gives you more budsites" - Very true.

"Miracle gro products are inferior to (random cool designed logal product)" - Bullshit! You can find basically and miracle gro product that has the smae amount of nutes and is a fraction of the price of the ones sold in the hydro stores for top dollars! Those products are aimed at novice growers who are afraid to fuck there plants up (understandable) and really don't know much yet.

"SCROG's produce more bud" - Very true. I have a buddy who has almost the same wattage (actualyl a lil less) and the same ammount of plants a s me and his yield is about 85% more!

"Bagseed produces shit plants" - Bullshit! Even though alot is genetics, I taken bagseed plants and made them into bud that rivals my friends g13. Alot has to do with the grower.

Theres alot mroe. I'll smoke and think and update this when I get a chance. Goodday all! :bigjoint:


Active Member
While I don't know if I agree that topping gives you more budsites (I feel as if you actually lose one in the deal.. at least with LST where you are growing side branches by intent).. I agree 100 percent there are a lot of fun crazy nutty stuff out there..

In fact I will go one step farther and say I learned a LOT about what NOT to do, by reading stuff in here, thinking it was going to help, and realizing I just did something stupid without thinking it through.. (like adding mollassas can be great.. it is advised often, but it can also drive your PH dangerously low, and if you didn't think about it and adjust, that Molasses will start killing that plant.. etc etc..

Probably not the best example.. but wat I mean is it is the ol phrase 'a LITTLE knowledge is a dangerous thing'.. or rather, there is a lot of 'half' truths..

I should of started a journal.. some of the crazy things I have tried from reading them in here.. many that were sound advice, but mis diagnosed etc etc..

And I do so love the obvious folks that have never grown really, but know all the answers because they are prolific readers and find an interest in it.. but as we know hands on is a lot different than text book'.


All that said, on the flip side, I have picked up some INCREDIBLY logical stuff here that I never would of thought of.. being here has made me myself a better grower.. although as mentioned, some of it was because I learned first hand what NOT to do by almost killing a few plants first along the way.



New Member
First off welcome to RIU! And second off I agree with everything you said but I disagree with your opinion on topping. Why do you feel that way?

kether noir

Well-Known Member
intersting. im sub'd up. it is sad how much misinformation there is on here. got to weed through shite to find the gold.


Active Member
Hi 80 MG

I look at it this way..

When I top, I don't get two NEW branches as tops, I get the two OLD branches under neath the top that grows.

The two old branches become the new top..

But with LST I am growing those two branches out with intent anyway.. they will be roughly as big as the main top and do all the things they would if I topped it, BUT I don't lose that main top.


If when I topped I got two NEW shoots it would be one thing, but it is the old shoots that become the new top.

So the way I see it, I still grow those branches, AND keep the top..

Thanks for the greets my friend~!


New Member
Don't you notice how when you top though the branches come in closer together? Hence more bud sites at the same amount of height?
Hi 80 MG

I look at it this way..

When I top, I don't get two NEW branches as tops, I get the two OLD branches under neath the top that grows.

The two old branches become the new top..

But with LST I am growing those two branches out with intent anyway.. they will be roughly as big as the main top and do all the things they would if I topped it, BUT I don't lose that main top.


If when I topped I got two NEW shoots it would be one thing, but it is the old shoots that become the new top.

So the way I see it, I still grow those branches, AND keep the top..

Thanks for the greets my friend~!
I fully agree, I had planned on topping my plants until i came across the same info in my research... Mutilating and dismembering plants is a shame!
Don't you notice how when you top though the branches come in closer together? Hence more bud sites at the same amount of height?
Honestly, I believe that vertical growth just stops when you top the plant for a period of time while the plant heals and develops more hormones and whatnot, so the shorter internodal spacing you see is actually retarded growth pattern, instead of an improved one. If you really want to decrease internode length, intensify your light, and work with 50% indica strains. I dont believe that topping is in any way a truly effective growing practice :(


That being said, top your ladies if you must, but ill stik to training and using light to produce what I want! :)


Active Member
Don't you notice how when you top though the branches come in closer together? Hence more bud sites at the same amount of height?
Not the way I grow.. I grow very small space (18 inch by 2 ft) under CFL.. I need my plants to be as close to the light as possible.. ALL The branches are manipulated a few inches from each other by intent.

For example (don't laugh, it is very modest.. still pulls me 2-3 z's every harvest)..

If I were to Top, the ONLY thing that would be different in this photo, is the bud in front (for example, pick a but, any bud) would be GONE..


Well i guess i will butt in and i think you both have a good point as with topping all it promotes is the bottom branches to grow up and act as tops which will create more colas at end result but 333maxwell is right you don't make more nodes but 80mg is correct they do come closer together. So both have a great point and its all good stuff....


Active Member
Herer.. hey man~!

I wouldn't say topping has no purpose.. there are reasons one might top.. but I can't see yield being one of them in a low key indoor situation.

Still I agree.. the idea of topping in my situation gives me the hives.
Herer.. hey man~!

I wouldn't say topping has no purpose.. there are reasons one might top.. but I can't see yield being one of them in a low key indoor situation.

Still I agree.. the idea of topping in my situation gives me the hives.

Hey brotha!

I use effective gardening practice as pertaining to yields and quality only. Topping can have its uses for mothers, kepping them short, retarding growth if she really wants to get bigger (along with leaving her rootbound) And that is why topping does not fall into my definition of "effective gardening practice"


New Member
I'm honestley very shocked you all feel this way. Theres a ton of info on the web from good sources and plenty of people who top to increase yield. But hey two eachs own. Anyone got more stuff they'd like to add? I honesltey been looking at guns online and totally forgot about this post lol. Ill be thinking of the other stuff I wanted to add though now


Active Member
I'm honestley very shocked you all feel this way. Theres a ton of info on the web from good sources and plenty of people who top to increase yield. But hey two eachs own. Anyone got more stuff they'd like to add? I honesltey been looking at guns online and totally forgot about this post lol. Ill be thinking of the other stuff I wanted to add though now
See how we are?

You start a thread to bust myths, and we stop in to help to keep everyone wondering.. *G*


New Member
Herer.. hey man~!

I wouldn't say topping has no purpose.. there are reasons one might top.. but I can't see yield being one of them in a low key indoor situation.

Still I agree.. the idea of topping in my situation gives me the hives.

IMO topping for yield purpose is halarious topping cause of height issues yes i topped last grow and wow i got 6 colas but overall weight still didnt compare to ones that i didnt top now you cloned from a stem from ur top cuts takes alot longer to get roots other then normal cuttings
the real thing is super cropping and i will see soon the difference between both topping and super cropping


Active Member
Fever.. ey mate..

I haven't done any super cropping (I mean except by accident, if yo know what I mean and I think that you do)..

I never even screwed with LST until recently.. you CAN teach on old dog new tricks.. I LST the #$*&#$ out of my stuff now..

Have you compared super cropping to LST.. I mean are they working the same, or is super cropping actually beefing up the plant (although setting it back a day or two?)

I do know I am tickled to death over LST.. all the times I coulda.. woulda.. shoulda.. cest la vie.. at least I know now.
See how we are?

You start a thread to bust myths, and we stop in to help to keep everyone wondering.. *G*

I would gladly entertain a "logical arguement" as to as to how these "plenty of people" use topping to "increase yeild"

Think of it this way, if you cut off 5% of your plants total mass in veg, have you not just lost 5% come flower time (consider no time for plant to heal) and if you do give time to heal, it takes much longer to grow out 2 side branches after having disrupted the plants natural processes (hormones, flow of sugars) which in itself is shock. So please, I'd love to hear something in favor of this idea...


New Member
Could LST, start to be induced at the begining of flowering? J.w.

Ya see this is what I don't like. I disagree with you guys but I didn't start to be little your opinion as your trying to do with me -.-

But you want info? Np...gimme a minute.