4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
thanks homer, i'll have plenty of pics!!

yeah, i seen that wally, duh, LoL.

yep, so true hippy, but this one is the shits!! and not crappy weed!! and my best grow yet!! and... LoL.


Active Member
ONE) It's a dope picture! It's the center logo of my beer pong table! Been my avatar on here since day one!
TWO) Ordering seeds is always better and getting them in person from the breeder is the only thing thats better! (or good clones)
THREE) Livin with the Green Passion is the greatest lifestyle choice ever.

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
ONE) It's a dope picture! It's the center logo of my beer pong table! Been my avatar on here since day one!
TWO) Ordering seeds is always better and getting them in person from the breeder is the only thing thats better! (or good clones)
THREE) Livin with the Green Passion is the greatest lifestyle choice ever.
sounds good to me!


Well-Known Member
hell yea cd i think i will be chopping today as well! imma do an update today to explain y lol but i cant wait to see dem pics man!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
thanks everyone, well im cutting, LoL, just got one hell of a scare, im in the middle of cutting this thing down and my sis goes theres 3 cops sitting in front of the house. all the windows were open and the smell i cannot describe. any ways, they stopped some dude walking down the road and were fuckin with him, but dam, fucked me all up, we were shutting windows, spraying shit all over the house in case they came to the door, what a trip. more later, gotta eat and then finish, be back soon with a wet weight!!



Well-Known Member
Hell yea man can't wait to see the final product! i guess ur gonna use those trimmings and popcorn buds for hash?


Active Member
Yup messin' with some dude for being wrong place wrong time... it's what they do in this county if you wander into town.

Looks yummy, and now ya got trim for hashish!


Well-Known Member
That's a nice harvest cd! Great stuff. Good thing the cops weren't there for you, that woulda freaked me out too. Guess that trueair thingy can only do so much lol. Now comes my test, just flipped my babies to 12/12!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
well the rocklock is all cut and done, R.I.P. rocky and thank you!! the wet weight of rocky is 175.3 grams, thats 48.2 for the big main bud, 96.1 for all the real nice buds and 31.0 for the small popcorn buds, not to bad!!. the root ball on rocky was massive!

its day 94, and week 8 of flowering for choo choo. grassy is now back with her mom in the flower box. she should be real happy in this 3 gallon pot. i left blade in with her so she wont be lonely when mom is gone. its still a little crowded in there even though the 2 girls are different sizes, so i cant adjust the lights till i take choo choo down next week.

heres the pic, im done for a while, that was a workout, LoL. wish i could smoke some.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Hell yea man can't wait to see the final product! i guess ur gonna use those trimmings and popcorn buds for hash?
thanks, thats the plan, i need a better grinder to chop it up finer.

Yup messin' with some dude for being wrong place wrong time... it's what they do in this county if you wander into town.
Looks yummy, and now ya got trim for hashish!
believe me bro, it was pretty tense cutting down a plant and trimming buds while 3 cop cars are sitting outside your door, LoL. yeah, gonna do something for sure, see above.

That's a nice harvest cd! Great stuff. Good thing the cops weren't there for you, that woulda freaked me out too. Guess that trueair thingy can only do so much lol. Now comes my test, just flipped my babies to 12/12!
hell yeah, it sucked!! yeah true air couldnt handle cutting time, it was pretty dam strong!! it cut down the smell alot though during flowering, it works better than nothing.

hell yea cd! thats just crazy man! everything is still lookin lovely too! u got me all jelous now man! lol
thanks rasta!! it is a nice haul, im very happy. 173 grams, might be 2 oz's dry??

heres a pic from just now, there on a baking rack in the veg box, lights off, fans on. all the small popcorn buds are in the tray under it. the leaf cuttings are in a baggie in the freezer. that big ass rootball and all the big fan leaves and stem are in 3 walmart bags ready for the dump. i didnt want to use all that shit to make the hash with.



Well-Known Member
congratz on the harvest man !!! I chopped one of mines down the other day and got it curing as i type this
havent got a chance to update my tread but i thought id let you know .. Thats gonna be a great smoke tho CD go ahead and pat yourself on the back bro lol