Gravity / Bushmaster = Roundup


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody!
I just wanted to share some news with you about 2 products made by a suspicious group of hippies(idiots) out of Humbolt County who have made some outlandish claims about their additives. These claims are almost unreal so like others before me I had to try them out for myself.
At this point I have tried using Gravity twice. Both times I used it on a strain called Critical Mass (Mr. Nice Seedbank). Before I get into too much detail let me first tell you about my setup.
I have a 16 site DWC bucket system with a 10 gallon remote resivoir (40 gallons total) under 4 600 watt HPS lamps. I love my system and have had great results with it.
The first time I used gravity was in super small amounts and only applied it to my 10 gallon res. At a super low 5ml per gallon. If spread out across my entire 40 gallon system we are talking about 1.25 ml per gallon. Both times the results were undetectable with no real improvement in either growth or density. Because my plants were slightly stressed at time of application I decided to give it one more shot at my next grow.
The second time I used it I had a beautiful crop of perfect Critical Mass plants. No stress or problems of any kind. In order to play it safe I cut my food by 50% (The idiots at humbolt reccomended it to be reduced by 1/3) and added gravity at 5ml per gallon. As a further safety precaution I added an additional 5 gallons of top of water to further dilute the mixture. The first 3 days showed me nothing, then on the 4th and 5th day I noticed my plants dying. My beautiful fan leaves had been turned crispy brown and started curling uncontrolably. Luckily the buds were saved and only because I quickly drained out the system and replaced with reduced strength nutes.
One of the problems I have had with CM (Critical Mass) is that it is hard to control indoors because of its desire to grow upwards. In order to control this my friend and I decided to use Bushmaster.
On the bottle, it suggests using 2.5 to 7.5 ml per gallon for a max of 3 days and that some strains prefer it to be used with clear water. My friend started his first at a rate of 5ml per gallon in clear water since we did not want to take the chance of burning his plants. When my friend was on his 2nd day I decided to add it to my trainwreck grow since they were stretching a bittle bit and I wanted to keep them low. On his 3rd day the plants were completely destroyed. Since I did not want to take the chance I drained my entire system after only being in my system for less than 24 hours. The damage done was not as bad as my friends BUT it was enough to hurt the grow considerably. All of my large happy fan leaves were now scarred and burned. Small leaves were burned at the tip. I guess that Bushmaster works as a plant poison that stops growth by killing the plants. This is my only logical conclusion.
If I ever encounter a rep from Humbolt Co as any of my local grow shops, it is safe to say that I will cold clock that motherfucker and put his ass in the hospital. SInce there is no regulation in this industry any moron can make any caim on their products and cheat the public by selling Roundup in a 30 dollar bottle and laughling all the way to the bank.
This post is a warning to any growers who might be curious about using these horrible products and a warning to any Humbolt Co employees to stay the fuck out of Berkeley. If I ever see any of you faggots come near my area I will cut your balls off and put a bullet in your head. Take your garbage out of here. Hopefully this post will save an innocent grower from using your plant poison.
Feel free to post anything you want to try to defend these morons but I know well enough that anybody defending these losers is just propaganda for the fags out of Humbolt Co trying to rape the growing public out of their hard earned money.


Well-Known Member
thats good to know, i was recommend bush master at the local hydro store inorder to keep my plants short and bushy


Well-Known Member
Wow, scathing review there. "Cut your balls of and put a bullet in your head"? LMAO

I'm glad I read this post. I was considering ordering these products, but I'll stay away.....far away!


Well-Known Member
I plan on doing an experiment. 5ml per gallon of Bushmaster and 5ml per gallon of Roundup to see which will kill a plant faster.

I feel bad for the bubble gum clones that I am going to do this to but I think it will be interesting to see which kills them faster.

Stay tuned...


Active Member
My limited experience using Bush Master in a hydro set up on 2 grows was positive. Plants stayed low and bushy with low height-high yield outcome. I put 1tsp in a 12 gal res during 4 week veg


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I use gravity and have use purple max.You said you used it in a dwc setup you did read the bottle as they dont suggest use in some hydroponic setups and there is a dosage difference from soil to hydro which is alot smaller dose.You must also keep on top of your ph and ppm when using this and its only to be used at certain stages of growth and usually in just 1 or 2 waterings so you have to do the math if you put in a dwc setup as you will use very very tiny amount as the plants roots will be sitting in the solution unless you do a res change 24 hours lately


Active Member
I have never used the stuff in hydro but the claims are %100 real in soil, but dosing has to be controlled very carefully even there. Hydro poses a lot of issues when it comes to hormone based products (which they are, except PurpleMaxx) simply because there is absolutely no buffer whatsoever and cellular absorption varies based on the types of nutrients used etc.
My best results, the ones without ANY burning were always with organic nutrients, and I don't mean those with rock phosphate, I mean completely organic, non-mineral nutrients. So one hell of a home made tea, took me a week to get it right.
It would be nice of them to dilute the product and half the amount used, I usually had to do that anyway and it makes things easier to measure and control.
Overall though, you are talking about very expensive products in an industry that is based on flash and reputation. They have been around long enough that if they were only flash, they wouldn't sell.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
They also make Dark Energy products which are great.They are for the advanced grower who monitors very cloely what they are doing


Active Member
Yes they really need to do somethin bout those directions I use about 1/2 tsp to my res of 15 gal at the start of flowerin.... and I agree about the concentration level .... less would be easier to measure and more forgiving


Active Member
I also have a DWC system and used Gravity on my slast grow. it worked as advertised i ran it for 10 days. The only problem that I had was that towards the end it was throwing my Ph off (rising up to 5 points a day) but I was at the end of flowering and ready to flush. I think it also says something on there about raising you lights up a bit too. I was also using a 30% nute mix.


Well-Known Member
gravity? hahaha organic?.. read the bottle it is organic and it also mentions where to go to see the heavey metal content.. which is!... (drum roll)

[SIZE=-1]Mailing Address[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]BOX 701 [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Post Office Box[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]City[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] FORTUNA [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]State[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] CA[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Postal Code[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 95540 [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Telephone Number[/SIZE] 707-725-4119 707-725-4119 Fax Number[SIZE=-1] 707-725-3747[/SIZE]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]GUARANTEED ANALYSIS [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1](%)[/SIZE][/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]TOTAL METALS IN PRODUCT [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1](ppm)[/SIZE][/FONT]​

[SIZE=-1]Total Nitrogen (N)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Arsenic[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 0.0200[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Available Phosphoric Acid (P2O5)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 0.1000[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Cadmium[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 0.0100[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Soluble Potash (K2O)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Cobalt[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 0.1000[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Calcium (Ca)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Mercury[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 0.0020[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Magnesium (Mg)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Molybdenum[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 0.1000[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Sulfur (S)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Nickel[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 0.0500[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Boron (B)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Lead[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 0.0770[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Chlorine (Cl)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Selenium[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 0.0500[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Cobalt (Co)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Zinc[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] 1.8000[/SIZE]

what does that mean!? well what is its highest heavey metal? zinc..

marijuana is used all over the world to remove heavey metals and polutants from ground contimination (they use it at the gernobal 'mishap')..

so why do they get heaveier? why do some plants burn? and it is all organic...

don't consume heavey metals..


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure they're not idiots as I've used them and seen good benefits, I've had friends use their products
with good benefits as well in soil/hydro. For the maybe 3/4 people I've heard bitching about their products
there's plenty more supporting their products with great results.

What are the specs of your grow, could just be a combination of something else you're using.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Emerald Triangle is the name of the company. Not Humboldt County.

It is:
Emerald Triangle's Humboldt Counties Own Gravity Flower Hardener.

I have used it several times successfully as many other have.

Personally, 1/4ml per gallon to 1/2ml per gallon is all I find necessary. Using 5ml per gallon of the stuff... no wonder you killed your plants.

I do get some burn when using at 1ml per gallon. I usually go with about 1 tsp in a 15 gallon reservoir for 3 waterings over the course of 9 to 10 days during the 6th week of flowering. I notice the effects by the second watering. The plants usually respond by throwing out new flowers containing large clusters of pistils. I would compare it to an after-burner. Just as the plants are winding down, about to finish swelling and start ripening you give them a quick burst or hormones which cause the plant to prolong the swelling phase. It doesn't really cause the flowers to get much larger, but the new flowers that emerge have more pistils than I see normally and they wind up curling up inside, resulting in a really dense finished product.

That's my experience with the stuff at least. I like it. I hear the Snow Storm Ultra is legit as well. Planning on giving it a shot in my next grow.


Well-Known Member
so does gravity bulk buds up with trace metals???? i had problems with buds sparking when i tried it. anyone else?