Married Life


Well-Known Member
When did you get married, how old were you? Were you "shit your pants" nervous as fuck? How did you know he/she was the one? What's the roughest position you've found your marriage in and how did you get through it?

Is it worth it? Do you think you're a happier/better person because you got married?


Active Member
ay yo,you tryna feel my lumps dawg? yo hold my poodle..jk

i think hes curious about making his girl wifey,or maybe hes unhappy with his decision or having second thoughts!


Well-Known Member
For the love of god, stay single as long as you can. [video=youtube;rKTN5NHfwlQ][/video]


Well-Known Member
For the love of god, stay single as long as you can. [video=youtube;rKTN5NHfwlQ][/video]
lol that kids face

dont do it padawan!

i feel i should explain my grandpas marriage cuz its kinda funny. he was in japan after WW2. one day his brother called, and said "hey im gettin married". so, my grandpa goes back home to ohio. as the story goes, he figured since he was already there that he might as well get married too. so him and my grandma got married also(i believe on the same day actually lol). he always tells me "if it wasnt for that time, i dont think i wouldve EVER gotten married" hahaha i think he regrets it sometimes


Well-Known Member
I actually enjoy my marriage...a lot. We have been together for 5 years this april. I think the longer your with someone the better you marriage gets but, only as long as you love eachother and acept eachothers faults. If your in a relationship where you think one of you has to change to be more compatible with the other then its probably not a good idea to be together.


Well-Known Member
5 years here. As long as you can accept the other person you'll do fine. We had our hard times but they do work out.


Well-Known Member
I quit smoking because my wife didn't like it and I loved (love) her, we went to Jamaica for our honeymoon (3 years after I quit) and she tried it. I've been smoking and growing almost ever since.

Moral of the story, if you love her and she loves you, take a chance, the risk may be worth the reward :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Nah I'm just interested in how other people do it.

Seems like these days marriage is just something to do to a lot of people.

It's been "the norm" my entire life, it's what is kind of expected I guess. Just kinda tough to see myself married one day.


Well-Known Member
Yep, me and the old lady have also been together close to 20 years, could not imagine life without her.


Well-Known Member
i've been married for 25 years. i was 27 and she was 18. had it's ups and downs but now that the kids are grown and out of the house it keeps getting better.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
When did you get married, how old were you? Were you "shit your pants" nervous as fuck? How did you know he/she was the one? What's the roughest position you've found your marriage in and how did you get through it?

Is it worth it? Do you think you're a happier/better person because you got married?
1) when i was 22
2) not really as i was with this girl non-stop since high school.
3) I had been with her for ever.. never got old..still hasent.
4) The wedding itself, our parents did not get along and it made the wedding itself very stressfull, the month after i almost died in a car accident, and two months after that out house was set on fire by a careless utility employee, so yeah we have been through some shit...
5) yes and yes.


Active Member
I've been married for 12 years. I was a little nervous, but not much. My husband and I clicked right away and we lived together for a year before we got married. Marriage is just like life. It's not always easy, there are rough patches and there are great times. If you do it right, everything works out fine. I think it is worth it and that I'm both a better and happier person for finding my soulmate.

Edit: I was 26 when we got married.


Well-Known Member
Been married for 5 years. Met my wife in Brazil. She has taught me patience, humility, and Portuguese. Brazilian women are beautiful. I've been trying to get her to smoke, but she refuses. I even tried blowing smoke in her ear like you would a puppy, but apparently it has no affect.


Well-Known Member
my wife doesn't smoke and i don't have a problem with it as long as she has no problem with me smoking. i try not to smoke in the house so she doesn't have to smell it, but when we are outside i'll light up and she doesn't care. she's not anti weed, she just doesn't like the stinch that smoke leaves behind.

Been married for 5 years. Met my wife in Brazil. She has taught me patience, humility, and Portuguese. Brazilian women are beautiful. I've been trying to get her to smoke, but she refuses. I even tried blowing smoke in her ear like you would a puppy, but apparently it has no affect.


Well-Known Member
my wife doesn't smoke and i don't have a problem with it as long as she has no problem with me smoking. i try not to smoke in the house so she doesn't have to smell it, but when we are outside i'll light up and she doesn't care. she's not anti weed, she just doesn't like the stinch that smoke leaves behind.
Yea, she's the same. But she is a little uptight about me growing it. Not sure how to handle that one. We shall see what the first crop brings....


Well-Known Member
my grow is out in a chicken brooding house, she knows i grow but she doesn't ask any questions.

Yea, she's the same. But she is a little uptight about me growing it. Not sure how to handle that one. We shall see what the first crop brings....