Seeing An Orb? =\


New Member
okay is this paranormal? okay started two nights ago i posted a post and will i was in my bed watching tv at 00.04 i saw a bright green light thing just swirl move near front of my bed in front of the wondow, i didnt get scared but i was just like wtf was that!! and left the room. okay this morning at like 4ish am my sister said she saw it two she sleeps in the same room as me, at least i know im not crazy she said it was by the tv on top of the box set, and she said was bright green ball moving leaving a trail, basicly what i saw the night before. why is showing "now" when never before weve lived about 6years here. also im not really a believer in ghosts so any knoledgeical answers or any help, i dont want to see it again its kind of creep =\


Well-Known Member

[FONT=Trebuchet MS,times new roman,serif]What are Spirit Orbs?[/FONT]
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There is much debate about whether orbs are just dust, moisture particles, inexplicable light anomalies, or whether they really are signs that a spirit is present and trying to communicate with the physical world.
As a medium, it is my firm belief that in certain circumstances, where the likelihood of moisture and dust can be eliminated, the capturing of orbs in a photo or on a camcorder is a genuine sign of spirit energy being present at that time. True spirit orb activity is rarely visible to the naked eye, but can be caught on digital media such as digital cameras and infra red camcorders, CCTV and webcams.
Having said that, I once captured orbs with an APS camera in a haunted theme park!
Orbs usually appear as spheres of light, they can appear as tiny flashing pinpoints of light as they move sometimes. Orbs can and do move about in a random way – dust particles can be mistaken as orbs for this reason.
Of course as a medium I can "cheat" and read a photo or piece of footage to tell if a spirit was really present.. but to the untrained eye how do we tell?
True spirit orbs tend to appear to have faces or "snake" patterns within them and tend to have a nucleus of some kind. The faces however aren’t the actual faces of the spirits present, we are programmed on an instinctual level to look for faces in random patterns, and so the patterns we see in orbs can look like smilies!
Orbs are sometimes accompanied by delicate mists or smoky wisps as the physical apparition is attempted and progresses. Often a mist will be caught on camera in the same shot as a spirit orb. These mists can sometimes show the actual shape and form of the person manifesting – a good example of this is in the Orbs Gallery – look for the Native American face picture..
Why Orbs occur..
Orbs and light anomalies are a reaction produced by the expenditure of energy when a spirit is in the early stages of manifestation here in the physical world. They are part of a physical reaction created as the manifestation occurs..
Physicists tell us that action produces a reaction - hence when a spirit expends the energy required to manifest in our presence, the spirit lights we know as orbs are produced along with other phenomena.
I know that it takes a tremendous amount of energy for a spirit to materialise here in our environment. Hence the orbs, mists, localised cold or hot spots we record on our laser thermometers on investigations.. the unexplained sudden breezes, noises or lights we may experience in their presence.
Spirits aren't often successful in full materialisation, but more often than not they can create an intentional or unintentional reaction of some kind that we are able to sense, such as orbs of light, or a noise for us to prove they are there.
For believers, it is enough proof of their visit! For sceptics? Well I can only say, “Find your own personal proof!”
I don’t see it as my role make you believe something I have experienced for myself!
Spirits – a brief explanation from a medium’s point of view..
As a medium I’ve been shown that when the body dies, the spirit lives on in another state, with all memories, personality traits, and intelligence intact, and that The Spirit World is in fact all around us occupying space at a different vibrational speed than physical matter here.
Everything living , dead or inanimate has a vibrational speed, again, basic laws of physics..
Your spirit is the essence of life, and has no physical form, but can occupy physical form (occupying a body of flesh and bone). However, the spirit is perfectly capable of existence outside the physical form it is housed in during a lifetime here. What makes us a “mind” or conscious being, is far more than mere flesh and bone, and my belief in life after death is backed up by the scientific knowledge that energy does not cease to exist; it simply changes form. So that part of us which is consciousness changes form when the life supporting it ceases.
When mediums communicate with spirit, the spirit often represents as remembered here on the physical plane. This means that a medium can describe him or her as they remember themselves, for example tall, blue eyes, blonde hair, distinguishing features etc, a description of the personality and character, any illnesses or complaints they had, how they died, life experiences and so on.
However, this is what the spirit remembers about their life, but is not how they actually are now, since they no longer occupy the physical plane. They simply remember what they looked like, and recreate it at will for whatever purpose, be it during a haunting, or in order that a medium can pass on the information to help recognition of them by loved ones during a sitting.

(c) Rachel Keene

an the link in case you wish to read more-


Active Member
Any small manifestation of corporial entities such as energy orbs or trace resonnance, is usually just residiual in nature, generally you will see these anomalies during more susseptable states of during moments of mental and physical fatigue/sleep states. While ive personally seen many with my own eyes, you tend to perceive on an individualized the fact that your sister witnessed the same vision is more interesting to me. Typically, green (in MY own personal experience) is a territorial and protective energy...on the positive side, it could be a close friend or relative who has passed, either coming to protect or check in on you..adversely, it could be something more molevolent you/someone-thing have disturbed somehow, and its making you aware that its there and upset. just need to go to sleep at a decent time and cut back on the bedtime bowls. lol...

either should use this as a template to figure out your situation..and..if all else fails, try communicating with said energy..


New Member
Any small manifestation of corporial entities such as energy orbs or trace resonnance, is usually just residiual in nature, generally you will see these anomalies during more susseptable states of during moments of mental and physical fatigue/sleep states. While ive personally seen many with my own eyes, you tend to perceive on an individualized the fact that your sister witnessed the same vision is more interesting to me. Typically, green (in MY own personal experience) is a territorial and protective energy...on the positive side, it could be a close friend or relative who has passed, either coming to protect or check in on you..adversely, it could be something more molevolent you/someone-thing have disturbed somehow, and its making you aware that its there and upset. just need to go to sleep at a decent time and cut back on the bedtime bowls. lol...

either should use this as a template to figure out your situation..and..if all else fails, try communicating with said energy..
how could communicate with it, is an oujia board okay or dangerous or does it even work, is there other reliable ways i could communicate with it? its just weird why its showing up now after all this time =\ okay this is weird me and my sister told our dad, and he said he said he experienced being pulled out my sisters bed, he slept there for one night because my sister went to sleep on dads cause its bigger and she was pregnant, he said this was like couple months back. please im not lieing about none of this should we get a priest or something? it hasnt done anything to me or my sister its just shown as an orb 2days in a row now, do you think it was getting my dad out cause he was in the wrong bed and it was angry? 0,0 .. also my sister saw it while she was sleeping by the tv she just woke up cause her bf texted her, she opened her eyes and it was there moving she screamed but she said it went right away . thanks take me seriosly n haha my sister dont smoke so its impossible its the weed making me see things xD


Well-Known Member
Any small manifestation of corporial entities such as energy orbs or trace resonnance, is usually just residiual in nature, generally you will see these anomalies during more susseptable states of during moments of mental and physical fatigue/sleep states. While ive personally seen many with my own eyes, you tend to perceive on an individualized the fact that your sister witnessed the same vision is more interesting to me. Typically, green (in MY own personal experience) is a territorial and protective energy...on the positive side, it could be a close friend or relative who has passed, either coming to protect or check in on you..adversely, it could be something more molevolent you/someone-thing have disturbed somehow, and its making you aware that its there and upset. just need to go to sleep at a decent time and cut back on the bedtime bowls. lol...

either should use this as a template to figure out your situation..and..if all else fails, try communicating with said energy..
This explanation is not saying anything meaningful. Energy is a scientific word that ONLY means one thing, a measurable work potential.

From a previous post:
"Energy is a science word that means only one thing, the ability to do work. A measurable work potential. Energy can be used, it can be stored, but it can not be imprinted onto a house, or felt from negative thoughts. It is not some sort of ghostly cloud that moves around and does things. If ever you hear the word energy being used, replace it with the phrase "ability to do work" and see if it still makes sense. If not, then it's probably a meaningless statement.

Correct use:
These batteries have no energy.
These batteries have no ability to do work.

Incorrect use:
This old house is giving off a lot of negative energy.
This old house is giving off a lot of negative ability to do work.

When someone is trying to explain a scientific concept, and misuses such a basic scientific word as energy, that person probably doesn't know what they are talking about. Keep that in mind the next time you watch ghost hunters. "

ball lightning
Although a popular and often accepted answer, ball lightning is not an evidence based explanation. Ball lightning has never been recreated in a lab, never been definitively observed in nature, and it's very existence is in doubt. At best, the explanation uses one unknown to explain another unknown.

From Skeptoid
Ball lightning is not reproducible in the lab. All known forms of electrical discharge are.

Electromagnetic theory makes no prediction that anything like ball lightning need exist. It does predict all known forms of electrical discharge.

So then, in summary, what about this popular trend of suggesting ball lightning as an explanation for a strange report of a hovering ball of light? It's a little hard to justify. As ball lightning has no established properties, it cannot be argued to be a probable match for any given report. It is fair to say that it's likely that one or more unknown phenomena exist that have triggered eyewitness accounts of hovering balls of light, but there's insufficient theory to support assigning these accounts a positive identification of ball lightning. Indeed, as ball lightning can only honestly be described as an unknown, it would be illogical to use it as an explanation for any report.
how could communicate with it, is an oujia board okay or dangerous or does it even work, is there other reliable ways i could communicate with it?
It's a little scary that you so easily accept that it is a consciousness and can be communicated with. Ouija boards take advantage of a well known, well understood phenomenon known as the ideomotor effect. To keep it simple, you are moving the game piece without realizing it. What happens when we take accomplished Ouija practicers and blindfold them? Well they still hit the letter perfectly. They site this as evidence the spirits are watching and guiding them to the letters. What happens if, after we blindfold them, we turn the board upside down without them realizing it? Well, they go to the place they think the letters are supposed to be. Are the spirits not paying attention, or is this action governed by the players consciousness?

It's sad to see you struggling to understand something that is probably quite simple by turning to explanations which have no basis in reality. My guess is a simple mistake of perception which you and your sisters brain, quite understandably, interpreted as something surreal. Your dads experience sounds similar to sleep paralysis and I suspect a little embellishment when the story was told.

Take this opportunity to learn about the reasons people, even really smart people, sometimes become convinced of weird things. In the meantime don't be scared, be curious. Love with your heart, use your head for everything else.


Well-Known Member
Although a popular and often accepted answer, ball lightning is not an evidence based explanation. Ball lightning has never been recreated in a lab, never been definitively observed in nature, and it's very existence is in doubt. At best, the explanation uses one unknown to explain another unknown.
Actually there have been some laboratory experiments that have reproduced properties that are similar to those reported of sightings of ball lightning.
The phenomena is no longer considered in doubt is because of reports from trained observers and the fact that some episodes leave physical traces after it dissipates.

Just because something is rare and difficult to explain does not mean that it is not a reasonable explanation. No one even knew about other forms of lightning like sprites, elves and blue jets until very recently and we don't have a solid model to explain these phenomena either.


Active Member
how could communicate with it, is an oujia board okay or dangerous or does it even work, is there other reliable ways i could communicate with it? its just weird why its showing up now after all this time =\ okay this is weird me and my sister told our dad, and he said he said he experienced being pulled out my sisters bed, he slept there for one night because my sister went to sleep on dads cause its bigger and she was pregnant, he said this was like couple months back. please im not lieing about none of this should we get a priest or something? it hasnt done anything to me or my sister its just shown as an orb 2days in a row now, do you think it was getting my dad out cause he was in the wrong bed and it was angry? 0,0 .. also my sister saw it while she was sleeping by the tv she just woke up cause her bf texted her, she opened her eyes and it was there moving she screamed but she said it went right away . thanks take me seriosly n haha my sister dont smoke so its impossible its the weed making me see things xD
theres really nothing to be done..reactions should stay concurrent with the level of interaction. if all your seeing is a light show, clap and say thank you! to speak..understand? if you receive specific or tailored anomalies, you may have an opening to communicate. the best advice right now is to just sit tight, dont panic and just stay alert.

When someone is trying to explain a scientific concept, and misuses such a basic scientific word as energy, that person probably doesn't know what they are talking about. Keep that in mind the next time you watch ghost hunters.
ahh yes..the scientific know-it-all response...youll have them in every forum!

sir..if your grasp of the concept of ENERGY is as simple as its work need to find resources able to educate and expound your mind. i should have specified as electromagnetic energy, perhaps you wouldnt be so amusingly befuddled. seriously? i dont have the time to enlighten YOU and help this person, which is what were supposed to be here for. it vexes me at times, i really DO respect your types..very very clinical and precise..but as open-minded as a door knob. ive argued and fact-fought till it literally made me detracted from the internet.

Even tho ive met those idiots from GH, i am nothing like them..thank you.


Well-Known Member
ahh yes..the scientific know-it-all response...youll have them in every forum!
As opposed to the dumbass new-agers that misuse terms with precise definitions like energy in order to give credence to their nonsense by using scientific-sounding jargon?


Well-Known Member
As opposed to the dumbass new-agers that misuse terms with precise definitions like energy in order to give credence to their nonsense by using scientific-sounding jargon?
Are you and Heisenberg seriously implying that light is NOT energy? If nothing else, we can determine that there was energy involved here.


Active Member
when you sleep at night and your mouth is open or when you brush your teeth if there are ghost, then their ghost wiener are in your mouth think about that while you brush your teeth! supernatual freaky! ;P


Well-Known Member
This explanation is not saying anything meaningful. Energy is a scientific word that ONLY means one thing, a measurable work potential.

From a previous post:
"Energy is a science word that means only one thing, the ability to do work. A measurable work potential. Energy can be used, it can be stored, but it can not be imprinted onto a house, or felt from negative thoughts. It is not some sort of ghostly cloud that moves around and does things. If ever you hear the word energy being used, replace it with the phrase "ability to do work" and see if it still makes sense. If not, then it's probably a meaningless statement.

Correct use:
These batteries have no energy.
These batteries have no ability to do work.

Incorrect use:
This old house is giving off a lot of negative energy.
This old house is giving off a lot of negative ability to do work.

When someone is trying to explain a scientific concept, and misuses such a basic scientific word as energy, that person probably doesn't know what they are talking about. Keep that in mind the next time you watch ghost hunters. "
In the case of it being imprinted on a house - it's being stored.
In the case of the person feeling it, the work it's doing is either causing interference with the person's normal electromagnetic function OR specifically triggering the receptors that people have for this type of energy. It's measurable in that someone who knows how to actually use these receptors can detect it. sometimes the EMI that very strong disturbances cause can be detected with an EMI detector as well, but this is generally interference and not the actual type of energy that we're talking about here - which we don't have the technology to measure yet(other than our bodies).


Well-Known Member
Actually there have been some laboratory experiments that have reproduced properties that are similar to those reported of sightings of ball lightning.
The phenomena is no longer considered in doubt is because of reports from trained observers and the fact that some episodes leave physical traces after it dissipates.
Nice, I was not aware of this. Interesting because the leading theory was indeed exactly what these experiments demonstrate. I always wanted to see ball lightning as a kid, glad to know I don't have to give up on it just yet. Thanks for the link.

Are you and Heisenberg seriously implying that light is NOT energy? If nothing else, we can determine that there was energy involved here.
I did not say no energy is involved in a ball of light. What I said is that your explanation consistently misuses the word energy in such a way as to be meaningless. Energy, no matter what form or how it's stored, can not have the attribute of being protective, or be communicated with. If your idea is that this ball of light was a consciousness, then it was not energy.


Well-Known Member
What I said is that your explanation consistently misuses the word energy in such a way as to be meaningless. Energy, no matter what form or how it's stored, can not have the attribute of being protective, or be communicated with. If your idea is that this ball of light was a consciousness, then it was not energy.
Not my explanation, Mr. White. Nor did I claim the ball of light in question here had a consciousness associated with it. However, even if there were a consciousness involved, the orb that OP saw was energy, as light energy is what our eyes can see.

I agree that there is a significantly large number of errors in the terminology and "scientific" explanations used by the paranormal crowd as a whole.


Well-Known Member
Not my explanation, Mr. White. Nor did I claim the ball of light in question here had a consciousness associated with it. However, even if there were a consciousness involved, the orb that OP saw was energy, as light energy is what our eyes can see.

I agree that there is a significantly large number of errors in the terminology and "scientific" explanations used by the paranormal crowd as a whole.
lol while it can be argued that its "energy" instead of light i personally find it much too ambiguous a use of the word. i much prefer the scientific and accurate term "something" it might not sound so spiritualy satisfying as "energies" it could be argued to be even more ambiguous than "energy" but its certainly less likely to be abused


Well-Known Member
Not my explanation, Mr. White. Nor did I claim the ball of light in question here had a consciousness associated with it. However, even if there were a consciousness involved, the orb that OP saw was energy, as light energy is what our eyes can see.

I agree that there is a significantly large number of errors in the terminology and "scientific" explanations used by the paranormal crowd as a whole.
I apologize for the confusion.

lol while it can be argued that its "energy" instead of light i personally find it much too ambiguous a use of the word. i much prefer the scientific and accurate term "something" it might not sound so spiritualy satisfying as "energies" it could be argued to be even more ambiguous than "energy" but its certainly less likely to be abused
Even though the term "something" is more vague it better reflects the information. This is a mild mis-use of the word energy but it's a pet peeve of mine. When it offends me most is when it is used to explain fake healing techniques. When your basic mechanism of action must be explained by twisting scientific sounding words, that's pretty despicable, yet a common theme on Oprah. My intention was to reassure the OP that what he's experiencing is probably very benign and nothing to be afraid of.


Active Member
Not my explanation, Mr. White. Nor did I claim the ball of light in question here had a consciousness associated with it. However, even if there were a consciousness involved, the orb that OP saw was energy, as light energy is what our eyes can see.

I agree that there is a significantly large number of errors in the terminology and "scientific" explanations used by the paranormal crowd as a whole.
ah but it was mine, i appreciate you taking the time to enlighten the darkened masses karri0n, i just dont have potential (dont wanna misuses and anger someones to fight about it all the time. i will apologize for the slightness of my misuse H, since this post was paranormal in reference i thought ALL of our mindsets shifted to representitive schools of thought. my mistake. and no, i was not claiming anything HAD a consciousness..rather in MY experience, color and observed behaviors over 19+ years of research and investigation..what I conclude..thru PERSONAL what i iterated to the OP.

Indeed, anything we perceive with our senses must have the potential to trigger them. and anything that is on an evisural plane, not OF this world, must transform energy to enter/interact into this plane..wether thru EM fields, static charges, protoplasmic anomalies ect ect.. small balls of light are the simplest form THAT type of tranferencial energy can take..a sphere.

As opposed to the dumbass new-agers that misuse terms with precise definitions like energy in order to give credence to their nonsense by using scientific-sounding jargon?
lol..if you dont understand what you are reading, ask questions, instead of thinking that person is wrong and your right..or bring some content to back up your big mouth. or just grow up, kid.

You dont know who your dealing with 99% online, their experience and knowledge. The difference IS, any knowledge that is learned is easily attainable by ANYONE...i have knowledge, thru experience, few people will EVER attain in their entire lives, and therefor..can never completely understand. thats what we have here.


Well-Known Member
I searched the web for the term "evisural" and found only this:

and also here:

grigorian said:
Re: Soooo I have a question..
Post by grigorian on Oct 3, 2006, 11:41am

Indeed they are easily created...but even "orbs" presented as evidence hold some worth. think about it, an orb/sphere/circle is one of the simplest building blocks of form, down to the molecules and atoms composing matter, all hold this universally recognized shape. moisture, even particles of light can all give this appearance when, if there is an environment that is uncondusive for natural explanation, and the mind veers towards the evisural, we can assume that spiritual energy can also hold true to its simplest. translation: i dont think orbs are necessarily evidence of spiritual existence, but more of spiritual presence..possibly the residual energy signature left by a spirit as it enters or leaves this plane of existence. IMO.


Active Member
o its been quite some time since ive been there or read some old posts, am i that interesting?? did you have a comment or focal point for that link? or were you trying to split hairs with 'existance' and 'presence'?

thats the only place you will find an answer for that term, theres a reason for that! ;) knowledge comes from experience...and everything has a starting point. for ME..evisural gleens from its root, evisurate. the plane said energy encompasses is one where the spiritual self is evisurated from the mortal, corporeal ...if you were confused as to my use.