Nirvana Bubblelicious Waterfarm Scrog in a Secret Jardin Tent 600 Watts


Well-Known Member
I paid $149 for a 5 stage with a DI stage as a final. I ordered it with a garden hose attachment, so I can hook it up to my pre-filter and start making water asap. Now I have to decide on a storage method. The water flow is so slow you don't want to be getting water on demand, you want it making water before you need it. I'm thinking of using a 18 gallon Rough neck somehow...

Hey how much did you pay for that reef Master RO filter, I have been debating on getting one.


Well-Known Member
If it is like any other RO system, probably about 2-3 minutes per gallon. I may try to either by a damn tank with built in float shut off or rig one.... I don't want to babysit an RO line... Maybe 18 gals at a time in a Rubbermaid?

Wow How long do you think it would take to fill up a few gallon jugs?


Active Member
Hey.. As far as your RO storage, what about a thermoelectric cooler mod to store your water? I've been toying with a concept that could potentially chill & circulate your reservoir, that would also be a great chilled storage for your r/o water.. the only problem is I don't actually have a need to do it or the money or space for such a project. If I had a larger scale grow or grow temp issues I would give it a try.

Kinda blurry rough sketch I did just for you, could build a drain hole on the lower part of the cooler with a short length of hose and empty a gallon at a time into jugs. My original theory was purely to chill and circulate reservoir water but I adapted the idea to incorporate r/o storage.



Well-Known Member
Something like that would work with a large water-control tower with reservoir. I have thought about daisy chaining my waterfarms, but I keep thinking about plants in different stages with different needs and put the idea on the back burner. I wouldn't mind a storage tank with a float valve that just held water. I might search for one. I have a huge shower and there is plenty of room in there for a mid size tank. I do have 20 gallon totes I could toss into shower pan and let them slowly fill.... Still working that one out. It''l be here in two days.


Active Member
So you're planning to have the r/o system in your bathroom and move full containers of water from room to room? Is the grow immediately adjacent to your bathroom?


Well-Known Member
Exactly. The grow tent is even on the same wall that the shower plumbing runs through. :)

So you're planning to have the r/o system in your bathroom and move full containers of water from room to room? Is the grow immediately adjacent to your bathroom?


Well-Known Member
We are coming up on the end of 5 weeks in 12/12. The aroma emanating from the Jardin is intoxicating when I have it open. It is hard not to stare in wonderment at over 50 colas, some stretching up over 12". The tips of the leaves are just beginning to show signs of too much nutrient, so we are going to cut it back a little. The reservoir is telling me that 1400 ppm is ok, but the leaf tips are saying otherwise. It may be sodium build up, so this weekend, I'll have the new RO unit and I'll be flushing these roots out real well. I plan on straight water and Drip Clean for 24 hours, then I'll remove and add fresh water again and bring the ppm to 1100 and see how she responds to that. Plant #2 was starting to show signs of a calcium deficiency, so I gave her a double dose of Cal-Mag in the last feeding.

Plant #2 has a bud that has gotten to within 12" of the hood. It's leaves are bleaching and the tips are bent up, as if to escape the scorching sun. I was worried there for a bit, as the stretch had plant #2 looking as if it wasn't going to stop. It is about 2 weeks behind plant #1 and wasn't worked as long into the scrog. It still ended up with 8 main colas and each one is beautiful and beginning to look like donkey dicks. (use your imagination) LOL... They are long and putting on weight. I'll share some bud porn wit you guys this weekend.

UPS is arriving today with over 40 lbs of goodies. I'll be writing about that in my Tangerine Dream thread, linked in my signature below in orange. :)

Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
@ Serapis, it looks like you are going to have some fat ass buds come harvest time. And I see that you made the choice to get the RO system which is good stuff. With RO, is there a chance that you won't need to use any pH up or pH down? And when did you start using cal-mag?


Well-Known Member
I didn't need to introduce Cal-Mag to this grow much until a few days ago. Plant number two started to get a severe case of Ca deficiency. The Flora Nova Bloom has it, but either something was locking it out, or it wasn't enough for this particular cycle in the plant's life.

I never have to use PH up, and I rarely have to down. Since these plants were past 3 weeks old, they have not needed a PH adjustment from me. My gallon of GH PH Down goes mostly unused.

@ Serapis, it looks like you are going to have some fat ass buds come harvest time. And I see that you made the choice to get the RO system which is good stuff. With RO, is there a chance that you won't need to use any pH up or pH down? And when did you start using cal-mag?


Well-Known Member
RO is here:

The Fed EX dropped off my stuff to me today and my RO system is currently making water! I'm so excited.. No more trips to the store to lug 15 one gallon jugs home and wondering if my neighbors are staring. I'm making water now, though it is a bit slow. I've adopted a method that should make it hands free for at least 6 hours. Take a look below....

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Boy do I hate hard water. it makes things hard to clean. It stains bathroom tiles, caulking, grout, etc. When I bought this house, this particular shower was disgusting. It took over a full day to clean. It wasn't that it was filthy, it just had so much caked on calcium and other minerals and the tiles looked dull and stained. We almost replaced the shower it was so bad.

Our water was rated as one of the top 10 worst municipal water systems, yet our city (which owns it's own utilities) claims our water is pristine. Home that were built 15 years ago are being replumbed. EVERY hardware and grocery store carry huge bags of Morton salt for water softners right at the front door of their businesses. The water delivery guys here make a fortune, and our blind city officials claim the water is great... :roll:

I'm now making water with a ppm of 003. Coming out of the tap, it was 380. Water problem solved!. I need to find a solution for the waste water from the membrane, that seems wastefull watching it flow down drain with it's valuable minerals.... I might have to rig up a collector for outside gardening.



Well-Known Member
nice ro setup. i need one myself, my tap water is 450. i started melting snow for water to save some money :) im broke lol.


Well-Known Member
I got tired of spending $15 a week or more and the security of hauling water is not good. I started going later in the evening and backing up to my garage door to unload there. I was getting paranoid about the amount of water my plants were going through. More than a gallon a day per plant, plus my other needs like soaking, MicroGarden, mother plants, etc... Now that i think about it, I was going twice a week and bringing home 12-15 gallons at a time. It was crazy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm looking to do this for some time and I am interested in all types of hydro and soil grows. I'll be taking some specimens outside this Spring and work my magic there. I just picked up 5lbs of Seven Dust. I'm going to look at Trellises now. I'm going to try my hand at training a few plant along a trellis and see how that goes. I'm excited about potential yields I could be having this fall. I'm going with Mango, and Dankee Doodle, two big bud trees. It should be interesting. That will be a new journal.

Speaking of new journals, I have one going on with my Tangerine Dream and new MicroGarden and New Wave T5 lights. The link is in my sig if you are interested.

Hell yeah Serapis! You have been on a roll recently getting all these new toys. You still looking to expand your op?


Well-Known Member
On RO storage, I popped a top in the top of the tote and a siphon tube fits right down in it neatly. I just picked up 2 7 gallon water totes with spigots for camping. I'll be transferring water to them. With those, I can make 34 gallons of RO water. That takes about 5 hours. Thankfully I have nice water psi.

34 gallons should last me about 2 weeks between having to make more RO water. I think about 100 gallons of water went in the drain from the discharge line though.


Well-Known Member
I just finished up purifying 30 gallons of water. Everything is stored away, and my RO unit is drying in a empty tote. All told about 5.5 hours to clean up 30 gallons. This must be a 150 gal per day unit.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, they waste more water than they make.. The discharge line was pumping about twice the volume as the RO clean water line. When they say 150 gallons a day, they mean it takes 24 hours to filter 150 gallons.... Then if you have nowhere to put it, you are at mercy of waiting for it....

5 hours holy shit I had no clue that they were so slow.


Well-Known Member
PICTURES: Reservoir changeouts

PMM 1350
PH 5.5

Today was the day. I went to check ppms on my plants and plant# 2, which has had no new nutrients added in almost a week was still showing a ppm in the 1400's, yet her leaves are clearly showing a lack of Ca and Mg. I broke out the shop vac and drained both waterfarms. My 6 gallon shop vac turned off about half way through the second far, it was full... 6 gallons my ass. It might hold that, it was engineered to shut off at 4 gallons.

I sicked Evey last drop of H2o out of those things. Each farm is still holding 2.5 gallons of fresh water to reach the fill line on the tube. I was expecting it to be about 1.5 gal with the root ball and all. My balls ain't displacing much water....

Lacking a larger container for mixing, I blended each gallon of nutrients by hand. I took my time on the first gal, to make sure I hit my ppm mark... Below is what went into each gallon to achieve 1350 ppm....

1.5 tsp Flora Nova Bloom
.5 tsp Fox Farms Cha Ching
5 ml H2O2 @ 17.5% strength
5 drops Drip Clean

I used RO made from my new portable RO unit. The ppms were 0 and the ph was 7.8. After adding my nutrients, my ph was at 5.5. (Note: one gallon that I was mixing for the calcium def plant, I added a half tsp of Cal-Mag and reduced the Cha Ching by a 1/4 tsp.)

According to Nirvana, we have 3-5 weeks to go. This harvest will be done in stages. I really didn't get a chance to work plant #2 into the scrog much because it was 2 weeks behind. Her buds, while taller, aren't as filled in as the first plant. Also, I have many new growth tops that aren't getting much light at the scrog. I'm going to cut down ripe lollypops and leave the plants to continue flowering. I believe the potential is a few extra ounces. (Remember my goal of 21 ounces? :) ) I'm going to squeeze these two for all their worth, because I do not have any plants ready for flowering. My Barney's Farm Tangerine Dreams are setting me behind. I started Vanilla Kush seeds today. I have about 6-7 weeks before I have plants ready for flowering a new scrog, so I'll let these two continue to ripen those buds, as long as the plants are producing. I may try a second veg, as the reservoirs are still holding 2.25 gallons of water.

Bud pics for your viewing pleasure!...
