Smoke N Grow nutes versus Jack's Professional


New Member
Just wanted to know if we're on the same page.
The technique yer using is referred to water pumping,nothing new about it.
Aside from the workload and waste it stresses the plants,you would get the same results by not using the volume of water and just using the proper nute ratios.
I am using the correct ratios and it has shown to out grow compared to the water to a lil runoff method from what I have observed. What stress does it cause? I have not noticed any increased smell nor any other stress indicators...the reaction I see from them is favorable and the growth is amazing



New Member

rain works from the top to the's kinda pointless to "rain" on them without that bit imo
i even go the extra mile and turn off half my lights for about 20 minutes before a decent storm so the plant knows what's about to happen.
there ain't no lights in the tub yeah.

why? you think i'm knocking off treasures or something?
I do not wet the whole plant but just the dirt...had a losing bout with Botrytis cinerea though so am quite weary of moisture in flower



Well-Known Member
ah...i see.
That's understandable.
i find 30-35% humidity and good air exchange in the tent and the bathroom combats that fairly well


New Member
ah...i see.
That's understandable.
i find 30-35% humidity and good air exchange in the tent and the bathroom combats that fairly well

Well at over 6500 ft elevation in the semi desert my humidity in flower is from 10-20 %...for two reasons...avoid rot and increase resin production



Well-Known Member
Because yer giving bad advice.
Well in light of the fact that Riddleme's threads are all about some good info, why don't you share your explanation of precisely how Illumination is providing bad advice?
I've been using this method with very favorable results. My plants never show signs of stress when I RAIN. In fact they show every indication that what I'm doing meets their needs very well.
Now if you can adequately explain your point of view and convince me, I will switch to the method you recommend and just abandon this RAIN "nonsense"! So there's your chance, if you are here to help.
Learn us sumpin buddy.


Well-Known Member
I love that the thread went crazy last night, sorry I missed it :)

did a search for "water pumping" and did not find one single reference to plants or gardening, no pot growing forums came up either?

I did however find a regge song called water pumping so it makes me wonder?



Well-Known Member
I know, y'all had a busy fun night :D Bonzi that flowchart was funny as hell, and taint did seem to interrupt a conversation, not to share any more valuable information that he did


Active Member
Ok I have 5 gallon containers and this is exactly what I do

Take 10 gallons ro water per plant that needs rain
Add 1 ml per gallon Dynagro Protekt per gallon (ph stability and silica saturation of media)
Ph it to 5.8
Run all 10 gallons through
Mix nutes in 2 gallons water to 750 ppm (currently, adjusted as plants tell me) Ph to 6.5
Pour those 2 gallons of feed water through
I do this every time the containers get light...approximately 30% full wet weight ( I have found they prefer not getting too dried out, and with lotsa of perilite they drain awesomely)
this is the rain method I have developed which works best for me...your mileage may vary...the plants will guide you

And here is where I show just how new I am at this... I plan on following this with the exception of the fact that I don't have the Dynagrow. and I don't currently have any ph up or down. Will have to use the old standbys lemon juice and baking soda. But other than that, In about an hour the girls get rained on. (Gotta get out and pick up more water!)


Well-Known Member
And here is where I show just how new I am at this... I plan on following this with the exception of the fact that I don't have the Dynagrow. and I don't currently have any ph up or down. Will have to use the old standbys lemon juice and baking soda. But other than that, In about an hour the girls get rained on. (Gotta get out and pick up more water!)
Apple Cider Vinegar my friend :) very cheap, all grocery stores have it and good for plants, a very little bit drops ph a lot :)


Well-Known Member
Is your water bad? Personally, I don't even PH my water. I have some decent water here though.

edit: but you should still ph your water to 5.8 when using the rain technique.


Well-Known Member
Once again, another situation where you guys provided all the sources possible and they just said, no you're wrong and made up some bullshit water pumping method. lol. So awesome.


Well-Known Member
Is your water bad? Personally, I don't even PH my water. I have some decent water here though. Unless you live somewhere with total shit water, I personally wouldn't worry about it. I'll get a lot of pointed fingers at me but oh well.
properly making it rain requires that you PH the water to 5.8, soil/medium should be ammended to return PH to 7 once water is transpired out. It is this combination that makes the technique work


Well-Known Member
I love that the thread went crazy last night, sorry I missed it :)

did a search for "water pumping" and did not find one single reference to plants or gardening, no pot growing forums came up either?

I did however find a regge song called water pumping so it makes me wonder?

Sorry I missed it also. I did listen to that damn song three times and I am positive it makes no referance to MJ. Sad thing is I'll be singing it to myself all damn day!:wall: WATER PUMPIN!!!!!




Well-Known Member
Also, I've been seeing a few people doing this different. In your write up I believe you say to rain, then wait till it is almost dry, then nutes, right? But I've been seeing some people rain, then add the nutes a short time after the rain. Which way is the right way?


Well-Known Member

rain works from the top to the's kinda pointless to "rain" on them without that bit imo
i even go the extra mile and turn off half my lights for about 20 minutes before a decent storm so the plant knows what's about to happen.
there ain't no lights in the tub yeah.

why? you think i'm knocking off treasures or something?
Some of you might remember this thread???

Actually raining on them, done right is very beneficial, please note the done right part :)


Well-Known Member
Also, I've been seeing a few people doing this different. In your write up I believe you say to rain, then wait till it is almost dry, then nutes, right? But I've been seeing some people rain, then add the nutes a short time after the rain. Which way is the right way?
It works both ways, beauty of others experimentin is that the technique can be refined or modified to fit your garden

In soil that has some nutes in it such as FFOF waiting makes sure you don't over nute em

in a soilless medium that has no nutes in it you want to add nutes sooner, don't want em going days with no food :)


Active Member
So if using this method in FFOF, I should make it rain with the big watering and then wait for it to dry for a day or so before hitting with nutes?