Dezracers' First Journal


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how happy I am with Nirvana at the moment. The Raspberry Cough seeds I got from them were regs and gave me 8 males, 1 herm and one female. I just ordered some NYPD and Papaya and you can't track your order at all. Kind of sucks considering the other two seedbanks I've ordered from give tracking info so you can see what's going on with your order. Granted, the RBC seeds did get here quickly but I had no idea where they were from the time their site said they shipped to the day they were in the mailbox.

I'd better get soem better results from this batch of seeds or I'll never order form them again. 8 males out of 10 seeds is ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
I've always been very skeptical of ordering from Nirvana. All 3 or 4 of my seed orders were through Attitude, besides a few freebies that hermied (Rocklock and Sweet Deep Grapefruit) every other seed germed fine and have been female.

Good luck, if you need some more clones maybe after I get my next batch done I'll start a few random ones for friends


Well-Known Member
I had a few seeds from Atitude that were duds. Have yet to get any hermies out of seeds from Atitude though.

I am pretty sure I just got a bad batch of seeds. If you think about it, there are most likely thousands of seeds of each strain at their disposal and they just package them up in 10s to sell. They don't know if those seeds are male or female just the same as we don't. I am sure I just was the unlucky bastard that happened to get a handful of males.

I just really hope the seeds on their way turn out good. They're all reg so I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that I do get a couple good females from each 10 pack. I do want males though so I can select the best looking one of each strain to be a stud in my stable. I will clone the shit out of the best females and will also pollenate them as long as there are actually some good females in the mix. If not, I just won't be ordering through them anymore.


Well-Known Member
great looking grow!!! how have i missed it? you'll like nirvanas papaya. i've ordered papaya 4 different times and the last time i made room for a mother so i'll always have it. my orders from them usually arrives in a week or less, the longest being 2 weeks. let customer service know about the bad ratio and they might send you out a few more beans. they resent an order of seeds that i messed up when i was first learning so i don't see why they wouldn't replace yours.

I'm not sure how happy I am with Nirvana at the moment. The Raspberry Cough seeds I got from them were regs and gave me 8 males, 1 herm and one female. I just ordered some NYPD and Papaya and you can't track your order at all. Kind of sucks considering the other two seedbanks I've ordered from give tracking info so you can see what's going on with your order. Granted, the RBC seeds did get here quickly but I had no idea where they were from the time their site said they shipped to the day they were in the mailbox.

I'd better get soem better results from this batch of seeds or I'll never order form them again. 8 males out of 10 seeds is ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping they will. I contacted them and will wait to see what happens.

And thank you, I'm pretty excited about both strains I ordered.


Well-Known Member
hey dez hows it going??? im still trimming & have my next grow going querkle & grape ape im getting ready to put in that true 4x4 under my 1000w. not as happy with this grow my #3 pheno grew good but puts out scraggly buds but on a posative note its all spoken for but im ready for change ive gotta figure out how to put to make a real grow journal & figure out how to put it in my signature


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about the scraggles but I'm sure the querkle and grape ape won't disappoint.

With the journal, go to the journal section of RIU. After you have it set up you can simply coopy/paste the URL for it into your sig in the 'edit signature' part of your profile.


Well-Known Member
thanks dez ill give that a try i smoked some of my slh last night what it lacks in bag appeal it more than makes up for in the high its been awhile since ive started a grow from seeds theyre rather slow [querkle from seeds] the clones [grape-ape] are developing faster ill start a thread soon


Active Member
Have a few updates pics to post:
This is the 40" tent at something like 4 weeks of 12/12.

This is the 48" tent that's all Jack Herer and White Widow at just about 1 week of 12/12.

This is the Scrog at 6 weeks or something like that.
that my friend is one nice ass grow !


Well-Known Member
Thank you. I'll be hooking up AC today but probably won't have time to get the small co2 bottle filled or the big bottle swapped out for co2 for a couple days or so. I picked up a regulator and 20lb bottle and have sitting in my garage a 50lb bottle that's Argon for welding that I'll be swapping for co2 so I don't have to fill the bottle so often.
Still need either a co2 controller or a co2 PPM meter or both but they'll have to wait a bit.


Well-Known Member
Here's some current snaps of the grows going on:

The big Scrog

The smaller tent

The 4x4 tent with the small scrog

Sorry they're blurry. I was in a hurry since it's supposed to be lights out time for them. I just wanted to spray for insects and stuff while I was hooking up the AC.


Well-Known Member
DEZ - looking good - especially that screen of yours that I'm so fond of!! So Cal is already cranking up the A/Cs eh...?? Not up here just yet.... 8-)


Well-Known Member
I'm only doing it because in trying to help an odor issue I ended up with less air exchange and the temps went up a bit. I know it'll be hot in there during the summer and was able to get what I got on the cheap so I'm preparing now.


Well-Known Member
I'm only doing it because in trying to help an odor issue I ended up with less air exchange and the temps went up a bit. I know it'll be hot in there during the summer and was able to get what I got on the cheap so I'm preparing now.
hey - whatever it takes bro.... I hear you.


Well-Known Member
hey dez if youre using co2 you can run higher temps i always used co2 instead of argon for the mig because it was cheaper & for the most part just as good youve got the right idea go for it


Well-Known Member
hey dez ive discovered longer veg time [3wks.-vs- 2wks.] really boosted bud development & yield in my slh with this next grow im gonna veg longer yet depending on plant development


Well-Known Member
hey dez ive discovered longer veg time [3wks.-vs- 2wks.] really boosted bud development & yield in my slh with this next grow im gonna veg longer yet depending on plant development
very true HH - because that extra week allows the root system to develope more, and towards the end of flowering - the buds really depend on the roots to keep going - so the better and stronger the roots are, the better the bud..... you're exactly right!


Well-Known Member
I've finally setteld on what setup I'll be using and I'll be using my bubble cloner for the clones to root under a t8 and then they'll veg in a larger version of the bubble cloner (DWC) for a week or two after rooting under a 600W MH. Then they'll go into flower in a system that's basically an undercurrent DWC. I'll have 4 of these flower setups at 3'x4' all side by side along the 12' wall.
The only thing I haven't decided yet is if I'm going to run four 600s so I can adjust each light indepentent of the others or if I'll set each system at a different height off the floor so the canopy will be fairly even all the way down the 12' dimension and run three on the lightrail. Like have one system about 24" off the floor, the next one 12", the next one 6" and the last one on the floor.

Doing this I'd move the plants from one system to another every two weeks until harvest which is more work but I'll be burning one less 600.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
very true HH - because that extra week allows the root system to develope more, and towards the end of flowering - the buds really depend on the roots to keep going - so the better and stronger the roots are, the better the bud..... you're exactly right!
here here !!! my little 2 pence added to that would be that the longer veg would also mean that the plant is a little more mature and ready to be turned into a lady ;)