We all knew a scumbag steve in high school, some of you may of even been been him. It's a meme of the scummiest, shittiest things people do sometimes.
What can you guys come up with?
That's only a couple. What can you guys come up with? this is the original pic.
Friends come over and everyone contributes to pile and get blized
He gets blized and never contributes to pile YET he has a 1/8th on him quit frequently
I was trying to come up with some, then I had a few, then I saw the link earlier, and everything I thought of had been done similarly or exactly. A lot more pages to go, but maybe when I finish I'll come up with some new ones, I know a lot of people like that.
lol our Steve was some wigger kid named Lee we got him to smoke catnip, and cigar tabacco mixed with roaches (joint ends) for taste and smell, kid was sooo dumb lmfao
I even had him convinved i had a twin named Dawn, i wore clases back then for school and not many people knew, he saw me one day walking and i played dumb said i was april's twin, kid would tell about stuff my "twin" would say lol
Im so fucking mad...someone was on my computer and signed me out of my account I been logged on to for like 4 years and I havE NO idea the username or password...fucking scumbag steve....
So since I can upload my pics someone if you can edit this in...
Can I get a quick ride?
Makes you drive 2 hours to the worst part of town and home
Got munchies?
Eats all the food in your fridge while you sleep and leaves before you wake.
I have a kid I know named Jesse...same exact way. Will bum you for EVERY ciggeratte you have, hit your L 20 times in a row....he even stoled alchol from my 18th bday party. i payed for it myself...
(i set my friend up on a date with a tranny from craigslist. they knew what was up but I left my friend in the dark. He fucked her, and i still to this day have never told him I knew it was a guy (He knew, she told me he found her surprise.))