Having to deal with law enforcement real soon


Mr I Can Do That For Half
ps if the computer you come on here is at that address please clean the cookies and all the histories and temp pages stored in the backup folders


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Why becuase if you leave anything behind and they do have a full warrant they can confiscate your computer to investigate it and if your not low level clearing the drive and only using the windows clear cache and cookies that stuff is till on your drive


Well-Known Member
Why becuase if you leave anything behind and they do have a full warrant they can confiscate your computer to investigate it and if your not low level clearing the drive and only using the windows clear cache and cookies that stuff is till on your drive
they can go right ahead I'm not selling, I'm just growing it and giving it away to people that I know


Well-Known Member
lol i like the idea about tanning that would be really funny. but if it was me i would just get some tomato seeds dont plant them or any thing and when they ask you about the light just say im about to grow some hydroponic tomatos, i just havent got around to doing it yet.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
so you wont cope to a lesser charge of distribtuion or sales but you would admitt to cultivation with intent to distribute???


Well-Known Member
if you where growing then just tell them because it could make things lighter later on you if they want to charge you and as for what you sayed Filthy about distribtuion or sales if I was gona get nailed buy the cops and I was just giving it away I would tell them if I was selling I would tell them because they proibly would just think I was selling and take every thing away so its better off to tell them what's going on then to hide it


Active Member
play dumb and claim it was all a prank or you getting owned. because u were gone your roommate and friends decided to prank you and party hard to see if the police would come and have a look. then say that is why u got rid of everything or that someone came and disposed of them or took em back but that you dont know who ... like they all said no evidense no case the da's office has better things to do than harrass on a stupid prank...hahahahahah laugh it off and make the landlord and police know u are very sorry for the mis understanding....


Active Member
ya its not illegal to have lights ,but ya its a cop. ofcourse hes gonna be sketchy n suspicious. keep your nose clean so to speak and don't grow there. you never know if they gonna be back...id move :S


Well-Known Member
I know nothing about the legal procedures in this.. or the law in general for that matter BUT haha I think you should leave the light up and put some kind of flowers underneath it. Not a seedling or anything, something that can be easily identified as a flower. I'd assume that if you move it they'll be wondering where the "pot light" went and will search the crap out of your house and try to find some kind of dirt.

You didn't fuck up, you were just doing your part to ensure that we all have what we need... Don't get discouraged by your faulty start but realize that they might track your electric bill for a while (although one 400W won't spike it enuf to cause concern).

Peace & luck



Active Member
I like the pet reptile story. Tell them your pet recently died, and you haven't decided if you are getting another one.


does this light have a label that says "marijuana grow light"? i wouldnt be too concerned, many people grow legit plants such as orchids, ferns, and bonsai trees. orchids are your passion and you are getting set up to grow a few of your favorites. of course they will know that you are probably full of shit, but as long as they cant prove it, and you are cooperative and polite, they will leave you alone. just dont be an smartass or they will nail you to the wall for any reason


Well-Known Member
With them "Seeing " the lights in a closet with foil or whatever the cop goes to a judge and "Swear's " before the judge that he indeed did see the setup with his own eyes . Cha ching.. That said cop will get a search warrant to search your place . maybe a day , a week , or a month later , they are good for 45 days in the U.S.A. But yea they will be back


Well-Known Member
dude, keep the hps in the room...dont hang it up keep it out and let it be visable...cuz when the cops roll through there gonan be like "so wheres the light that was hanging in the closet?' then your gonna look more suspicious like ur hiding sumthing. they cant do shit to u if u just have a light..this is just to spare yourself some embarassment cuz its obvious wat u were growing...and tell them u had a lizard in there.