Who Believes In God?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • I believe in God

    Votes: 112 36.1%
  • I do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians but I do believe in a higher power

    Votes: 69 22.3%
  • I do not believe in any form of God or higher power

    Votes: 96 31.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Fantastic.. I thoroughly appreciate and enjoy reading your writing....

Why argue ONEs limitations? How about an experiment? An experiment in stillness..

An experiment that may allow perception or experience that does not require "thought" or "memory"

An experiment in stillness... I could not agree with you MORE.. regarding reaction...

But what of there was a stillness... imagine a balance and stillness so perfect that a ball the size of the earth could balance on the head of a needle... something so stable and so SECURE....that it no longer reacted....

Such an experiment exists... such stillness exits... IT's called the present moment.. There is no religion in the present moment.. There are no tricky semantics being played...

What eludes words is the same thing that eludes those concerned with the MINDs interpretation of the world... this is the present moment...

Many people make the attempt top get a glimpse... Vipassana Meditation Website
It can not be an attempt... it has to BE DONE...

The mind is a doing machine.. even when ONE says they are "not doing anything", the mind is actually "DOING" nothing...

BUT it is possible to do NO THING.... but it is not possible for the mind to do this or to even comprehend this... this is where I suspect the confusion lies in our dialogue...

People have awareness... yet they have pointed at there mind.... and forgotten that THEY are AWARENESS.. and not the mind.... Once ONE connects with awareness...ONE can not be effected by my word.. your words.. or even ONE's death.....

Sanity begins to creep IN.. only one realizes that THEY are nothing more than a body...

If I smash "your car" with a sledge hammer and that effects "YOU" then you are 1 million miles away from awareness.. NOTHING on the outside Can effect awareness..

and nothing on the inside can affect awareness either...

It is still all experienced... but it does not effect the BALANCED BALL of stillness




Well-Known Member
If life the universe and everything itself is impossible then there must logically be a creator.

There is no other logical answer.

Because we live in a universe that cannot logically or even mathematically exist we must then assume that there is a creator of some kind.
Kind of like an AI computer program finally working out the fact that its just a simulation all though the intellect has evolved from the simulation.

Ascension if you like.

I don't think that i or anyone else can really offer any real insight as to what,how,why,who,where,when he/she/it/god said about anything if they even said anything at all in the first place.

People know in their hearts that the universe is impossible and they don't like it so some choose to believe nothing and some choose to believe in God.

Both are ultimately crutches to the same end and for the same reason,to increase their level of realness and keep their concepts of reality in a place that they feel comfortable with.

I choose to believe that there must be a positive source and a negative source.
I choose to believe that i can draw on either in myself and from the universe around me for energy when i need it.

And i believe that Jesus existed and that he was a cool dude who talked to much and gave away free weed and oil to help lepers the poor and sick etc. that he wasn't supposed to do so they caned the crap out of him and crucified him when he failed to stop doing it.

Maybe Jesus was the first weed head to make a stand against assholes and corruption and we also have to remember that people were deeply religious and that much of what is said is open to interpretation and the fact that what Jesus really did was upset the apple cart,talk to much and give away free weed.:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Some say consciessness happened when we were trying new easier ways to hunt game and in turn the nutrients in the meat caused a rapid growth and development of the brain. Kind of a spiral effect. The more clever we became at hunting, the more meat we would get, the bigger our brains would get. +1

Now days we are so clever that we don't even know what is in our food anymore.


Well-Known Member
Maybe Jesus was the first weed head to make a stand against assholes and corruption and we also have to remember that people were deeply religious and that much of what is said is open to interpretation and the fact that what Jesus really did was upset the apple cart,talk to much and give away free weed.:peace::joint:

Classic example of people making religion suit themselves. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
i only believe science and what we know to be true.However im open to the possibility of a higher being, but all religion is nonsense. As far as im concerned our whole universe could be one big experiment in a larger being's labratory.

This movie is 3 parts: Jesus The "Sun" of God, 9/11, and the corruption of the US gov't.
Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007
Its almost 2 hours long but its well worth the watch. Real eye opener.


Well-Known Member
Fantastic.. I thoroughly appreciate and enjoy reading your writing....

Why argue ONEs limitations? How about an experiment? An experiment in stillness..

An experiment that may allow perception or experience that does not require "thought" or "memory"

An experiment in stillness... I could not agree with you MORE.. regarding reaction...

But what of there was a stillness... imagine a balance and stillness so perfect that a ball the size of the earth could balance on the head of a needle... something so stable and so SECURE....that it no longer reacted....

Such an experiment exists... such stillness exits... IT's called the present moment.. There is no religion in the present moment.. There are no tricky semantics being played...

What eludes words is the same thing that eludes those concerned with the MINDs interpretation of the world... this is the present moment...

Many people make the attempt top get a glimpse... Vipassana Meditation Website
It can not be an attempt... it has to BE DONE...

The mind is a doing machine.. even when ONE says they are "not doing anything", the mind is actually "DOING" nothing...

BUT it is possible to do NO THING.... but it is not possible for the mind to do this or to even comprehend this... this is where I suspect the confusion lies in our dialogue...

People have awareness... yet they have pointed at there mind.... and forgotten that THEY are AWARENESS.. and not the mind.... Once ONE connects with awareness...ONE can not be effected by my word.. your words.. or even ONE's death.....

Sanity begins to creep IN.. only one realizes that THEY are nothing more than a body...

If I smash "your car" with a sledge hammer and that effects "YOU" then you are 1 million miles away from awareness.. NOTHING on the outside Can effect awareness..

and nothing on the inside can affect awareness either...

It is still all experienced... but it does not effect the BALANCED BALL of stillness


Wow. I love talking with you. That is no lie. You seriously just opened my eyes with that talk about awareness. It's sort of strange, I feel kind of invigorated. The stillness is still iffy for me. I don't know whether I grasp it so easily that I feel I'm not grasping it, or I just flat out can't wrap my mind around it. But, I do understand the perfectness of the present.

edit: What I realized is that despite knowing that I'm not my mind. I attributed myself to being it. While really I am just the awareness. It makes me feel disconnected from my body. Yet more connected at the same time. Great feeling.

Teach me more

love you too


Active Member
Evolution is the truth... it is witnessable in the deepest of our oceans...

New life forms come into being all the time.

Essentially all life on this planet came from a single living thing. This is your god... or maybe not. Although this life-form is the ancestor of all life on this planet... there is still the birth of the planet to consider. When all the various pieces of rock and debris collided together to form the planet, maybge this is your god... or maybe not. Although the birth of this planet is the predecessor to all life on this planet... there is still the birth of the universe to consider, maybe the big bang is your god.

Either way they are all 'gods' as they form some type of catalyst to the world we live on today.

karma too, is not some extraneous force. It is a force of right and wrong that resides within us... and it will give you pain if you don't 'ask for forgiveness'... of course the person you are asking forgiveness from is yourself. If you do not or can not forgive yourself then your guilt will cause you much pain... could even be strong enough to kill you.

The time of magic and spirits should be vanquished forever... to a memory, similar to mocking fashions from the 70's.

I do believe evolution is true, You don't have to look into the deepest of our oceans, just look at man. We are born as babies, grow into boys, into young men, into mature men, then finally into old men. The same happens not only with our physical bodies, but our physical and non physical minds too. If an old man looks back at his photo of when he was a baby, well damn if that's not evoloution I don't know what is.

Perhaps I don't agree with certain evolutionary theories is all, such as you probably think that we evolved from dirt into fish, into land animals into humans or something like that, well Skunk, what exactly do you believe to be true on that front?

Do you think just because the ape has 98% similar dna to our own that we evolved from monkies or apes? If so I'd like to ask the age old question of why arn't there any half evolved apes today, or in the near past? I.E talking apes or something similar. Sure it takes "millions of years" for the thoery, but in my eyes, there are apes, and there are humans, not in an between. And there should be if that theory was true, shouldn't there?

So then, where did everyliving thing, we have today come from, you say the earth. Ok where did the come from, the Universe you say, Ok where did the Universe come from, the big bang you say, alright, what created the big bang? And what created the anomoly that created the creation of the big bang? And so on and so forth we go, until it becomes clear that you can't get what we have, from nothing. Just take a look at nature, its sheer beauty. There is no way in my mind that it's random evolution or you could look at the complexity of the human body. It is definately created purposfully, and perfectly for us to live. But look at what we are doing to it, killing it.

In regards to Karma, I think yes it is ourselves that bring us to the point of where we want forgiveness, but forgiveness comes through learning never to do it again. You have to see the opposite side to what you have done to be able to really and truly learn. External circumstance is what you have to realise we bring upon ourselves in order to be forgiven, to learn. I'll say it again as I have said it before, whether we like to think it or not, whether we can see it or not, whether we can be big enough to take responsibility for it or not, every circumstance that happens to us is somehow, someway brought upon us, by us. I also believe that certain lessons, may be to big, to horrific to learn in the one lifetime, and perhaps that is why people for no seemingly good reason, are born with phobias, born without legs, arms, eyes, a dick, a clit, born in africa, born then are confined to a wheelchair and so on and so forth.

I truly believe, at the beginning of our existence, we were all born from the one supreme energy, equally. It is up to us how much we want to evolve.

Peace out Brother and Sisters :joint::peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
i am spiritual and i beleive many powers far greater than myself exsist. I do not beleive in god.................


Well-Known Member
Yes, and your point?

Religion is man made bud, man wrote all that shit down, not "god".

Your a fool to think otherwise.

Oh my fuckin GOD!! I was joking with natmoon you fookin stoopid kunt. lol

If you had read this whole thread you would seen that I am atheist.

People who shoot their mouths off!! lol lol lol :mrgreen:

God bless you.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
edit: What I realized is that despite knowing that I'm not my mind. I attributed myself to being it. While really I am just the awareness. It makes me feel disconnected from my body. Yet more connected at the same time. Great feeling.

love you too

This disconnected whle fully connected is exactly what I am tryig to point at...

The body is the perfect tool to help redirect awareness from the mind.. to the body.... during this shift.. one becomes fully aware of the "BODY"...

Becoming 100% aware of the body is tantamount to being 100% aware of the entire cosmos...

The entire cosmos... is GODs body.... KIND of... lol

Becoming 100% of the body is a life long process.. there is no end to how deep ONE can go into the SENSATIONS of the body.. just as there is no end to how deep one can go into the cosmos....

THE HUMAN BODY is made in the image of GOD... sort of... lol...

Through SITTING still and NON reaction..... NON reaction to both the inner and the outter... ONE can cultivate enough awareness to BREAK away from the "control" mind and redirect awareness to the body .. and complete stillness...

WHAT really surprises me is that YOU seem to know that everything is just a reaction... It usually can not be KNOWN that everything is a reaction... until ONE experiences complete stillness.... apparently you have had a glimpse...


It is impossible to wrap ONE's head around this... it can only be pointed AT... when ever I feel oke I have my head wrapped around "IT"... I realize that I am trapped in the mind.. again.. LOL

ONCE we get stuck in the mind, we start to "understand" and "know" things..

KNowing things is the same as arguing YOUr limitations...


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
BTW.. don't let the word "GOD" through you for a loop... it is just a place holder for the UNKNOWN.... we can call it "space" or "no thing" ... or "kunt breath"



Well-Known Member
This disconnected whle fully connected is exactly what I am tryig to point at...

The body is the perfect tool to help redirect awareness from the mind.. to the body.... during this shift.. one becomes fully aware of the "BODY"...

Becoming 100% aware of the body is tantamount to being 100% aware of the entire cosmos...

The entire cosmos... is GODs body.... KIND of... lol

Becoming 100% of the body is a life long process.. there is no end to how deep ONE can go into the SENSATIONS of the body.. just as there is no end to how deep one can go into the cosmos....

THE HUMAN BODY is made in the image of GOD... sort of... lol...

Through SITTING still and NON reaction..... NON reaction to both the inner and the outter... ONE can cultivate enough awareness to BREAK away from the "control" mind and redirect awareness to the body .. and complete stillness...

WHAT really surprises me is that YOU seem to know that everything is just a reaction... It usually can not be KNOWN that everything is a reaction... until ONE experiences complete stillness.... apparently you have had a glimpse...


It is impossible to wrap ONE's head around this... it can only be pointed AT... when ever I feel oke I have my head wrapped around "IT"... I realize that I am trapped in the mind.. again.. LOL

ONCE we get stuck in the mind, we start to "understand" and "know" things..

KNowing things is the same as arguing YOUr limitations...

I don't know where to start. Talking with you last night has really put a lot together for me. From the stuff I've come to know previously (i.e. reaction, etc) and the stuff I learned last night...I feel as though I've had a number of glimpses into stillness now. When I, as you put it 'connect' with awareness, I feel as though I'm sitting outside my body watching it.

I now feel as though I am as much a part of everything in sight as I am my body. And why limit it there? I'm as much a part of anything as I am my body. But why, why is what I call 'my awareness' limited to my body's vision and feeling. Or is it?

I completely understand what you meant with your earlier post when you said to the effect of, "When you are connected with awareness you cannot be affected by outside things or even one's death" But wouldn't the awareness that I am be gone if my body ceased to function?

KNowing things is the same as arguing YOUr limitations...
- I like that quote...

love you too

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I completely understand what you meant with your earlier post when you said to the effect of, "When you are connected with awareness you cannot be affected by outside things or even one's death" But wouldn't the awareness that I am be gone if my body ceased to function?

I would love to tell you that I know the answer to this question.... ahahahahah

AWARENESS does not appear to have any permanent connection with birth or death or anything in between...

It appears to me that AWARENESS is LIFE... and LIFE transforms and evolves and contracts... and expands...

YET it does not CEASE to exist....

the opposite of birth is death...
LIFE has no opposite...

WHAT is important is to practice stillness... and more stillness... and stillness within stillness. and to NOT get attached or react to any sensations while making the JOURNEY inward... or outward...

DO you experience deep and over whelming affection for ALL of MAN KIND?
