My first grow using 400w hps in my wardrope


Active Member
wk 3 of flowing and my babies are growing so well, already getting crystel formation on the leaves around the bud and its so smelly in the morning when i open up and stick light and fan on!! love it! bring on 6 or so wks!!


Active Member
the 2nd pic is a Arjan's Ultra Haze #2 im not veging it its on a 12-12 light from seedling as my other 2 are in flower and i want to get be harvesting every 1-2 months


Well-Known Member
the 2nd pic is a Arjan's Ultra Haze #2 im not veging it its on a 12-12 light from seedling as my other 2 are in flower and i want to get be harvesting every 1-2 months
Arjan is Legend.
You need to move that 400 much closer! Your girls are going through some serious stretching, and you're never gonna be able to fill all that stem out.
Also, stop cutting off big fan leaves. Large leafs are used like solar panels to a plant like solar panels are used to supply electricity to a house.
Let them soak up as much light as possible! You're setting your girls back by trimming off their solar panels. Trimming them and giving the bud sites "extra light" doesn't matter right now. focus on turning them into bushes and read up on "lollipopping" them instead. Especially with a 400.


Active Member
yeh i thought i trimmed it a bit to much! it was filling my wardrobe!lol know for next ones!


Well-Known Member
Nice genetics. Lookin healthy.

Your buds would be bigger by the 4th wk if not for the set back of cutting all your fan leaves off :leaf:

Next time you'll know man


Active Member
trying to germinate some PINEAPPLE CHUNK but its not going well!! iv had 2 seeds in between 2 plates of wet tissue!! got 3 more seeds of them and they were free as i had problems wiv germinating them a mointh ago and had barneys send me a pack of 5 free!! but there still shit!! gonna start to germinate GHSC THE CHURCH!! CANT WAIT FOR HARVEST TIME WANNA SMOKE MY OWN BUD!!


Well-Known Member
to stop stretch throw in blue light, only water at lights on, pk13/14 says it stops stretch to, tie them over maybe

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
how hot does it get in there mate with light on? you say u have fans ? wot u using for odour control? buds looking nice bet you chuffed for 1st grow.


Active Member
cheers mate, yeah well chuffed!! nothing for odour control part from a air fresher plugged in downstairs!!lol aint got the money to have all tht sort of stuff!!


Active Member
yeh smells a bit! i keep my bedroom door closed and got tape in the door frame and towel by the outside of the door so house doesnt stink so much!!!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
must get hot in there man.i wood defo get a cheap fan to blow on the ladys, keep them cool and help branches get thicker.
did you do it all from seed just under hps? no mh or cfl or led to veg ? if so im impressed. if you explain how you rate something on here i will fella just hate computers and cant figure simple things out on them.
another question if you keep your wardrobe doors open doesnt the room light up like a lighthouse?


Active Member
yeh got a fan mate!! no straight from seed they went under!! the buddiest 2 were on the window sil for 3wks til my light came so they are a bit behind!! yeh my room does get lite up but i pinned a dark sheet up on the ceiling so the light doesnt get out but its bout 2ft off thew ground so plenty of fresh air from the open window gets in!! its all gd!!! look at the top of the page in the thin blue bit and it says rate this thread!! cheers bud!! lol