Bring Back The Crytpkeeper

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Mike Young

Well-Known Member
i care he gets banned un fairly could be you would you like that? serapis your hated around here by tons of peeps so you shouldnt speek on this subject
Ooohh. Didn't see this comin, bob. He opens up an all out ass assult on serapis, but fails to use proper english.

That's gonna hurt him, jim.


Well-Known Member
I was going to tell him that SPEAK wasn't spelled 's-p-e-e-k, but then he woulda thought I was picking on him. Thanks for taking care of that detail for me. ;)

Ooohh. Didn't see this comin, bob. He opens up an all out ass assult on serapis, but fails to use proper english.

That's gonna hurt him, jim.


Well-Known Member
blah blah typing error gramer error who gives a shit <---look another spelling mistake should he fix it no he wont


Well-Known Member
i dont speak for anyone but there are folk around i seen that ignore the shit out of serapis i dont mind him either i just wanted to put down the bashing before it started if im wrong then im wrong i will admit it and if im wrong serapis and you are cool the sorry for the shit spelling error again nope not fixing it


Well-Known Member
Start a poll and find out........have to start a new thread and GO ADVACNCED and at top will offer poll and how many questions you want to ask and type in the questions and make it public and good to go..................I wouldnt do it but thats how its done


Well-Known Member
but why ? has he fuked with all of you? i like the guy i find him very funny oh well guess im the asshole


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i care he gets banned un fairly could be you would you like that? serapis your hated around here by tons of peeps so you shouldnt speek on this subject
oh it has trust me.. we learn to take to beating by the mods and lick oue wounds.. we create are own beatings..


Global Moderator
Staff member
blah blah typing error gramer error who gives a shit <---look another spelling mistake should he fix it no he wont
I think you meant "grammatical error", there should be an apostrophe in won(')t and a period is kinda handy to signal when you're done talking.
I like Serapis as well.


Well-Known Member
Threads like this get locked because as forum participants, we are not to discuss how moderation is done. It's a terrible idea to publicize a ban or infraction for that matter. I've done it in the past, and it's wrong. A moderator donates time to keep the fights civil. If he has to ban you or give you a time out, you made him do something unpleasant and owe him or her an apology, in most cases.
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