Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!


Well-Known Member
How long does that machine run for before the hash is done. And can u customize how long it runs.

It took me 5 hours to do everything, I did two separate batches though because I had a bunch of little buds that I was too lazy to trim that I wanted to keep separate, to see if it was better than the hash from the leaf.

Making hash was some strenuous work, those machines are nice.

1.) Freeze your smashed up bags of trim after you get rid of stems

2.) Fill machine 2/3 with ice, the top to the ice level with freezing fucking cold water.

3.) Insert about 1 lb of trimmings into the bag and then into the machine.

4.) (Time till now, 4 minutes)

5.) Leave the machine on for 12-15 minutes. (There's a timer on the washing machine, the max time is 15 minutes)

6.) Empty machine into buckets via the hose

7.) Pull up each bag and use a silverware style spoon to just scoop out the hash

8.) Set each scoop on the screen and let dry

Total time for after the shits frozen till when its done is about 25-30 minutes. You can smoke the hash within an hour if you press the finished hash in the screen folded up with paper towels on the outside to dry it faster.


New Member
I wish I knew me some growers like you guys!!! I'm starting! Got 6 sprouts, ranging from 1-3" tall. You've inspired me.

Planning a 240W or 320W blackstar LED grow in a tent. Can't wait til I get everything all sorted out as far as what I need. :)

Keep it up you two, a-m-a-z-i-n-g team is all I have to say!


Active Member
its all good :) That bag kit, while unreasonable in price, does give you 8 bags for 7 "qualities" of hash. (bag #1 is just throwaway). So yea, that'd work, but it's hell-a-expensive! Unless your running a LOT of hash through it OFTEN the different grades wont matter for crap. If you have enough to ball up into golf ball sizes then go for the 20 gallon washing machine. For a grower like me, this 5 gallon one is PLENTY for the hundreds and hundreds of plants I get.
so if Im only running 20 plants a month its not worth it???


Well-Known Member
20 plants could be small could be trees, I dont know without knowing their size. Each 1000w lamp should give you about a QP worth of trim for the hash machine, so go by that. :) It holds a full pound in the 5 gallon machine. Its worth it if you want to sell hash, sure. If you get 4% hash by weight of what you start with your right on track. Do the math and see if it works for you! :)


Active Member
as for size you can see them in my tent those two just got moved in. and thanks for the info. helps alot thinking ill give Jims bags a shot to start with and go from there


Well-Known Member
20 plants should pay for the machine damn near off the first grow right? I just started doing alcohol extraction for small batches it's painless for smaller quanties . :)


Well-Known Member
20 of my plants, yes. 20 plants under a T5 in his grow tent, no. :) Alcohol extraction in a half gallon sized $10 walmart mason jar is what I'd use for that smaller quantity. The machine would be too much space if I only had space for a tent. Keep in mind I only look at the commercial prospects of something, rather than the "cool factor" or "fun". I still like the machine though best. :)


Well-Known Member
You have earned complete and total respect from me that's pretty hard.... Very nice grow what are those plants I saw that were all bud?


Well-Known Member
what are those plants I saw that were all bud?
They were marijuana plants, sir! :-) Haha seriously I'm not sure which post # your mean but the strain is usually listed under the photo. I have harvest pictures from yesterday to post today, chopped down 66 plants and flower room B is empty for cleaning now before it gets restocked. Room A is 2 weeks from harvest as of yesterday too. All of these are Grapefruit Diesel in the pictures coming up, and there's a half dozen different pheno types in the batch since all were seeds


Well-Known Member
Mother fudger, Im gonna be out and miss all the action. Might drag my ass back on the computer later just to see the harvest. That's what these scale grows can do to a small time grower like myself!