Well-Known Member
I don't think so, not really, they could probably do it with lazers or like a circumcisionnot sure, is the process painfull?
I don't think so, not really, they could probably do it with lazers or like a circumcisionnot sure, is the process painfull?
i suggest you look up the definitions of class envy, totalitarianism and larceny. what you propose is the epitome of all three. that any free man would believe it proper for the government to step in and confiscate what small minds might consider excess personal property is an embarrassment to those who understand the price that has been paid for the liberties we enjoy. it seems so easy for these small minds to consider all this wealth that has been created to be the rightful property of those who have failed to thrive as fully as the few.
just how often do you propose we make this economic adjustment? every five years, every ten or twenty years? i hope you realize that such a cap is not only a disgusting display base envy, but an exercise in futility as well. a few years down the road we would see a certain percentage of the citizenry increasing their wealth and the vast majority frittering it away, just as has always happened. what then, another adjustment? what you propose is born of the liberal agenda of class warfare and a moron's view of economic structure. it is the short-sighted answer that takes into account only the present, ignoring all that has been and all that is to come.
the most dangerous aspect of such an asinine idea is the power it vests in those who have made politics their vocation. while a single such adjustment would soon be rectified by the vagaries of the marketplace, the consolidation of power within government could never be undone. once such a precedent is set, it would be brought back time and again to finance the excesses and follies of the ruling class. it would allow political insiders unlimited access to the wealth of the nation and usher in a true modern age of feudalism.
The last time you saw a mother sleeping on the sidewalk with two children, did you offer to take her and her children in? Did you direct them to the nearest church? Did you direct them to the local Salvation Army location? Did you solicit donations from your neighbors and hand her the money? Did you do ANYTHING other than expect the government to offer the solution?I'm pointing out that the wealthy should be grateful the people of this Country allow economic injustice.
When a child complains that they are unhappy because the toys they have are not enough and clearly what they have is more than most the only lesson, to help them grow up is to take away the toys they have so they realize how lucky they are.
So far in the USA we only take away from the very poor and the rich need their turn soon.
I cannot cry for a man who have A million dollars my friend.. Not one tear drop will fall from these eyes..
But where I see a mother sleeping with two children on the side walk of a church because they have no home I figure anyone worried that their deduction for a new vacation home and pushing for higher taxes on the poor? I say those people have too much.
This is about life after all.. Last time I checked money had no pulse.
The last time you saw a mother sleeping on the sidewalk with two children, did you offer to take her and her children in? Did you direct them to the nearest church? Did you direct them to the local Salvation Army location? Did you solicit donations from your neighbors and hand her the money? Did you do ANYTHING other than expect the government to offer the solution?
I will have to rely on Google for any factsAnd by the way, the poor in this country don't pay income taxes. The VAST majority of income taxes are paid by the "rich." In fact, the top 5% of income earners pay over 40% of the income taxes.
Why do poor people pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than rich people?
Some people think that lower income people pay higher taxes than higher income people. Now, higher income people can get lower tax rates by taking money in capital gains and dividends, which are currently taxed at a 15% rate. So your regular income tax rate might be as high as 35% or so. So if you're getting regular wage income, that could, in many cases, be taxed at a higher rate than dividends and capital gain, which is taxed at 15%. But overall, wealthier people pay much more of the tax burden than middle and lower income people. But the rates that lower income people may pay are going to be higher if they're getting it in regular wage income, as opposed to capital gains and dividend income.
Thanks for watching video Why do poor people pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than rich people? For more how to videos, expert advice, instructional tips, tricks, guides and tutorials on this subject, visit the topic Understanding Tax.
I'm looking on google for data. Personally I do know people who cannot afford to eat well. I understand our Seniors are at risk of having to go without food for medicine or go without medicine for food.In your post, you said the rich should be grateful that the poor allow for economic injustice. Really? Shouldn't it be the other way around? I mean, should the poor be grateful that the more well off can afford to contribute to charities/churches that take care of the poor? Not to mention those who pay through the nose in taxes to pay for welfare relief for the poor.
If you are saying that people in the U.S. are starving on the streets, please tell us what street you saw this on. If you cannot name the street, can you name the town in which you saw this?
ernst there is a way called comunism just read my other thread in russia after complete down fall they still had food homes to live cause governement controlled it all gas for there cars etc schools they compared russia level of education to that of usa grade 8 in russia is like 12 + 4 in usa my Father defected from a comunist country and i for one could never tell you how life was but my father sayed its not as bad as one might think compare china and usa for instance and both economys is comunism really that bad ??? sure people goin to say yea it is but they never lived both styles so its really debatable which is better obviously way usa is goin one could say well that didnt work just look at government book no lies there
and to think usa is not comunist they are just in a diff version of comunism if you really think about it
It is the governments money in the first place.Really Uncle Buck? Only a flaming liberal would consider the scenario of Obama allowing the wealthiest Americans to keep paying 35% of their incomes a COMPROMISE. Why you could and pretty much did say, the government is "LETTING" them keep 65% of their income, as if it's the government's money in the first place. Telling insight into the mind of a liberal, statist, lemming.
I agree with everything except people who are working in a foreign land still paying taxes to the US Gov.You want to make taxes fair? 10% across the board, EVERYBODY pays 10%. Mother Theresa? You pay 10%. No deductions for ANYTHING!! You make $1 a year? 10cents is your tax! ALL corporations based in the US pay a 10% tax also, no matter where they do business. All non US based corporations pay 10% import tax on all goods and services rendered upon a US Entity. You move to Australia and do business in Australia only? As a US Citizen you will still pay 10%, in fact the only way to get out of paying the 10% is to either make zero income, die, or expatriate yourself and become a citizen of another country.
Not only is the tenth man selling things for the other 9 to buy, and paying more than his share of the taxes, one assumes he is employing the other 9 or another 'tenth man' is. That being said, I would like to talk to the PHD in Georgia that made that video and ask him what his goal was with the video. It could be considered socialist because Obama's goal was to give tax breaks to those who already didn't pay any taxes and those who didn't pay very much and none to those who paid the most taxes. The end result is redistribution of wealth, which is a pillar of socialism. Whenever you talk about the ideals of socialism to the left, they agree with them. It is calling it "Socialism" that they disagree with.that was completely retarded.
the tenth man can go drink his beer overseas. the places he can go to that will save him money may also serve him beer that gets him sick due to non-existent regulations, but hey, it's all about money, right?
and who cares if the person serving your beer is a child working in slave labor conditions, right?
and do you even realize the irony in the fact that the tenth man wouldn't have any wealth if the 9 others didn't have the means to buy whatever he was selling?
all in all, if you rely on this type of simplified, dumbed-down, retarded example to understand our tax system, you are fucked.
also, how does this relate to obama and his 'tax reform' being socialist?
as i recall, he brokered a compromise in which the wealthiest got to keep paying at 35%, instead of the planned 39.6%. not to mention other breaks in other taxes.
furthermore, i have kept over $2k more of my own hard-earned money over the last two years thanks to obama tax policy. why are you so against letting me keep more of my own money?
Why stop with money, why not restrict how many significant others you can have in your life, how many children you can have, what color your house can be, what size bed you can have, what type of grass. Restricting others is taking away their freedoms - regardless if it is financial or personal life.Th only way to make it fair is to cap private wealth and make all wealth over say $5 million dollars the property of the Government.
So once everyone can be in the position to be equally rich then taxes will be fair for all.
Until then the poor need help because the difference between rich and poor only gets bigger each day.
So to solve this problem.. Reduce private wealth so we are all equal.
I bet the rich stop bitching about paying their taxes now.