how important is air?


Active Member
i grow in a tent, not as big and i dont have proper ventilation just old air being pushed out and i dont seem to have a problem with yeild using 250w and 400w MH and HPS.

could be something else??

Nubby Tubbs

New Member
the light was about a foot away when it was finishing... i vegged it for only about a month (only topped once)... extremely vigerous plant that i kept snips off of because it grew so well and stank so bad even when it was vegetative.


Active Member
yes but all you potheads are correct yes, i dont smoke the stuff i grow it to sell.
so you have no care about quality? might as well start bricking your weed cuz its easier to ship.
do you realize that plants do not exhale c02?? STOP SPREADING USELESS (FALSE) INFORMATION.
if we dont use feet to measure air then why are all fans labeled with CFM or Cubic Feet / Minute?

PS. im sorry about all this bantering on your thread nubby tubbs.


Active Member
actually the fans you're suggesting are much too powerful for a tent his size, I don't know why you would need to move five hundred cubic feet of air through a room less than 150 cf. You complicated it with a huge paragraph of misinformation. do us all a favor and keep your mouth closed if you don't know what you're talking about.
actually it is not my fault you use feet instead of metres that is a very ancient way to make calculations and measurements, why you still use feet yards and miles is beyond me, my original thought was his tent was a 4 metre x 4 metre x 2 metre tent and to be fair a 100 cfm intake and 150 cfm exhaust is perfect.
so stick that in your bong and smoke it


Active Member
so you have no care about quality? might as well start bricking your weed cuz its easier to ship.
do you realize that plants do not exhale c02?? STOP SPREADING USELESS (FALSE) INFORMATION.
if we dont use feet to measure air then why are all fans labeled with CFM or Cubic Feet / Minute?

PS. im sorry about all this bantering on your thread nubby tubbs.
to the uk are you crazy why ship it and do 20 years when you can grow it and do 20 months.


Active Member
to the uk are you crazy why ship it and do 20 years when you can grow it and do 20 months.
and our fans are cm maybe that is why you still use little tents to grow, i will post you some pics of my grow homes soon, Wink,Wink.


Active Member
no worries i hope u get it sorted. however, i did think that plants took in carbon dioxide and released oxygen. never heard any different till now.
i dont think it was his fault, the link he gave me led me to some really bad info.
i quote
"Plants do breathe - they give out carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen from the air that surrounds them. Their tissues respire just as animal tissues do. Plants, however, do not have lungs or a blood stream, so we cannot say that they breathe in the same way as animals."

he found some really bad info.
heres the link again
i repeat this is FALSE INFORMATION!


Active Member
plants require light to photosynthesize.
do you still think that plants exhale oxygen?
i would like that link :D


Well-Known Member
i think you better go back to horticultural college my friend and look up a proper book that will tell you facts about our planet and how we and plants survive together, and do not look in to too much that you will read on a canabis forum. here is a link for you clam digger and pay special attention to the little blue box with red writing in.

for those of you who cant be bothered here is the quote " remember that a green plant respires (breathes) all the time day and night, a green plant photosynthesizes (exchanges co2 for air) only in the presence of sunlight".
You need to go back to college period.....4x4x2=32 not 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1515338

they never exhale c02

Originally Posted by kbo ca

way to complicate the shit out of an easy question
wtf is complicated about it it is a simple mathematical equation, and i gave him the final answer. he needs a fan that runs at 300 cubic metres an hour and an exhaust fan at 400 - 500 cubic metres an hour for f***k sake wake up. mind you the picture looks like a 1 x 1 x 2 metre tent that means 150 cubic meter an hour fan.

your plant biology site is wrong. its f**king BACKWARDS!
Anyone who cant use metres or foot and convert the two are a bit silly frankly....


Well-Known Member
Regardless of anyone's opinions you really want a full exchange of air meaning the whole volume of the tent every 4 minutes in a tent environment as they are usually smaller and more prone to heat issues, I am assuming you don't use CO2 so that's not an issue.

kbo ca

Active Member
they have these cheap co2 emitters that don't use a flame you just plug them in and they emit safe levels of co2


Well-Known Member
You may want to try a CO2 bucket before you spend the cash on a bottle and regulator kit...see if you really can maximise the addition but to be honest it sounds like you still need to refine and hone your other environmental factors before even considering co2. I'd focus on getting the basics right before adding bells and whistles.


Well-Known Member
the light was about a foot away when it was finishing... i vegged it for only about a month (only topped once)... extremely vigerous plant that i kept snips off of because it grew so well and stank so bad even when it was vegetative.
need some pics of them plants man....
well after reading this im gonna go get a co2 bottle and emitter or whatever... what should i know about that?
co2...u do not need co2 to get big yields!!do not think like that.
it do help,but is jus a fraction of your grow.