What did you name ur piece


Well-Known Member
I named my pink pipe: genie
and my black bong with a dragon on the side: konnichiwa (which means "hello" in japanese)


Active Member
I had a cool looking pipe named "Dibs" but he went to the pipe graveyard. I also named my bro's piece witch is named El Paco don't ask about that one (was just really faded and sounded funny at the time kinda an inside joke kinda thing). My buddy also had a pipe witch we named shrunken because on the bowl there was what looked like a orange shrunken painted on the bowl. myself and my buddies all name our piece's.


Mota King
dont have a name for my bowl yet.. but me and my buddy share a bong that was originally named "The Incinerator" (dont ask really high at the time) but was switched to Barakai the evil Imoogi (after baked as hell we watched Dragon Wars) or no...wait that was his pet Iguana... nope the bong is still The Incinerator :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::dunce:


Well-Known Member
my bong is tyyyte i traded a guitar and an amp for it. when i traded for it the rain was like stuuuupid outside and the first time i filled up with some rainwater and called her Moisturization. my other pipe is called MOTA-vation because i get motivated to smoke every goddamn day.

hey timmy id ont kno why but... I DUB YOUR PIPE-----> "Johnny Jihad"


Well-Known Member
Lets see, my first ever bowl...is named Toad. (it looks like Toad from Mario)

My bong, she got named Lampy (Lampy, from The Brave Little Toaster)

My chillum got named Speedy (by my buddy...it was his at first)

I haven't named the other ones just yet.

My buddys metal piece is named Zeppelin, because it looks like one.

Timmy the Toker

Well-Known Member
Some dude got bopped w/ a white lighter in his pocket and he went around saying its bad luck, I aint buying it... | Jamaican skull is a good one, I was thinking of calling it Pacasso... Anybody like to share there glass? I had that made personaly by a friend. Its a Bubbler to.

I like jonny Jihad the most.


Well-Known Member
i always use a white lighter, and i know people say its bad luck, but i break it down like this

Green: for good greens
white: for dense smoke
Blue: for mellow
Yellow:for happy as the sun
Pink: for the giggles
black: for spacing out
red: for intensity
purple: for tripping

Timmy the Toker

Well-Known Member
Heh, nice deal. Im gunna get a different color lighter for each day of the week. Its hard to find a pink bic tho... I dont think ive ever seen one. Good observation G.G.G. that is definately some dense weed.


Active Member
haha its funny how many people have gotten into naming their shit. I've gone from

Mary Joanna
The Soldier (because i broke it, taped it back up, and used it for one final bowl before throwing it away)
The Love Machine (first small bong)
McLovin (bigger bong)
Baby Beluga


Well-Known Member
My first bowl was called Whitaker in honor of my english teacher that i smoked with a fews after class...then i gave him that bowl as a parting gift as he went off to get his phd..

lost touch with him..been about 3-4 years..

my first ever bong which was like 3 bottles and rubber hose..double cleanze anyone? :)

i named that patches..because good god that bitch had a lot of ducktape..

I Hit a superbong my first time ever that was named ACHmeddd..

because you coughed up at least "somthing" hitting that bitch..