The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
IMAG0390.jpgIMAG0389.jpgIMAG0387.jpgIMAG0391.jpgIMAG0388.jpgIMAG0392.jpgright finally heres the pics of that cloner i bought, thought id throw some pics up as del was thinking bout buying one and because of how cheap they are it might help more of yas out
nutriculture x-stream 12 aeroponic cloner

Havent got it setup or anything yet but one noticeable thing is that this only has one spray nozzle for 12 clones whereas the 20 site unit has 4 sprayers for 20? im hoping it only having 1 sprayer doesnt hold its effectiveness back but we shall wait and see, if it does seem like its hindering things ill mod the pump and sprayer assemble to include more spray nozzles

new grower uk

Active Member
hi guys, sorry i dont hang aroung this thread often but got a few questions that hopefully you guys can tell me the answers to, il quickly explain my situation
i jumped into all this without too much research so im the proud owner of a tiny secret jardin dr60 II, which if anyone dont know is 60cmx60cmx160cm, with a 250 HID lamp, its ok but i cant grow that much or that high, i live with my mum whos kinda cool, agreed to it but is pretty pissed i didnt explain that it smells or takes more than a week to grow haha, she wants plasterers over to do the upstairs where my plants are.
well anyway will say getting a 400W light be that noticable on the bills? if i was to get a bigger tent, and is a digital that much better than regular? and in which way?
and 1 more, seems every time i read the local mercury another poor fuckers been caught growing, how do they get caught? like i dont tell anyone about it apart from family and 1 very close mate and my bird, so am i running a risk of getting busted?
sorry for the life story and i really do appreciate anyone who takes tiem to read and reply, thanks alot


Well-Known Member
providing your not stealing electric and your paying your bills you have nothing to worry about with how much you use.


Well-Known Member
hi guys, sorry i dont hang aroung this thread often but got a few questions that hopefully you guys can tell me the answers to, il quickly explain my situation
i jumped into all this without too much research so im the proud owner of a tiny secret jardin dr60 II, which if anyone dont know is 60cmx60cmx160cm, with a 250 HID lamp, its ok but i cant grow that much or that high, i live with my mum whos kinda cool, agreed to it but is pretty pissed i didnt explain that it smells or takes more than a week to grow haha, she wants plasterers over to do the upstairs where my plants are.
well anyway will say getting a 400W light be that noticable on the bills? if i was to get a bigger tent, and is a digital that much better than regular? and in which way?
and 1 more, seems every time i read the local mercury another poor fuckers been caught growing, how do they get caught? like i dont tell anyone about it apart from family and 1 very close mate and my bird, so am i running a risk of getting busted?
sorry for the life story and i really do appreciate anyone who takes tiem to read and reply, thanks alot
telling just 1 person is dangerous...........stupidity catches some...a fall out with a girlfriend need a carbon scrubber and fan to kill smell and heat.......i like digi cause think they are safer and dont get as hot...

new grower uk

Active Member
cheers del, the close friend is a 52 year old neighbor whos been growing before i was born, like he grows too, i really cant see him snitching, and the birds cool, like she moved from NY to be with me, and she really aint got that mean streak in her, and i know everyone says it about their missus, but shes gotta know otherwise il have to be single and never bring birds home, i prefer sex over cannabis


Well-Known Member
cheers del, the close friend is a 52 year old neighbor whos been growing before i was born, like he grows too, i really cant see him snitching, and the birds cool, like she moved from NY to be with me, and she really aint got that mean streak in her, and i know everyone says it about their missus, but shes gotta know otherwise il have to be single and never bring birds home, i prefer sex over cannabis
believe me one day you will prefer cannabis....................


Well-Known Member
A wise man once said " beer drinking dont cause half the harm of love makin" something along those lines anyways im too sotned to remember it properly :P

arent u lucky new grow i moved in and out 3 times just cause i cant even smoke at home haha :P


Well-Known Member
old new borrowed and blue...........well im coluur blind ond deslixik..............:weed:



Well-Known Member
serious i can do now so early? they under 20 hours light aday at the moment. i no you do 12 12 from seed but was worried if i do now it wood stress them.also if u not give girls nutes will they bud up still??
changing hours aint going to do shit,if they get stressed give them a valium lol..... why no nutes?