Cutting Early. Double Dare Me?


Well-Known Member
did you really spend so much time growing it to cut it down at half potency?
Good point. Thinking of it that way helps to not cut anything down.

The shitty part is, I am out of marihuana, and I don't expect to get any in the next couple of weeks. And since I am about 3 to 4 weeks out until I can enjoy these buds, it pointless to buy a sack 3 weeks from now... damnit.. Has anyone smoked any household products to get high?


Pickle Queen
ah go buy some sativa at the corner store, i heard banana peels do something????
Dude why would u have to wait so long? Sorry but that sucks i feel bad for u!
Fuck i run out of money before weed


Well-Known Member
ah go buy some sativa at the corner store, i heard banana peels do something????
Dude why would u have to wait so long? Sorry but that sucks i feel bad for u!
Fuck i run out of money before weed
Money is not the prob. I have plenty of that. It's dry around here, the two guys I know are out. And I dont have a card, so I cant just go to a mmj store.
I might try this banana thing you are talking about. I hear spraying spray paint into a brown bag and then huffing it is fun times too. May give that a shot.


Well-Known Member
wait for most of the hairs to turn and the calyxes to swell.... tell-tale signs of a finished plant.


Active Member
Money is not the prob. I have plenty of that. It's dry around here, the two guys I know are out. And I dont have a card, so I cant just go to a mmj store.
I might try this banana thing you are talking about. I hear spraying spray paint into a brown bag and then huffing it is fun times too. May give that a shot.
Dude you need to chill.


Pickle Queen
Money is not the prob. I have plenty of that. It's dry around here, the two guys I know are out. And I dont have a card, so I cant just go to a mmj store.
I might try this banana thing you are talking about. I hear spraying spray paint into a brown bag and then huffing it is fun times too. May give that a shot.
oh wait what about that shit in a bottle stuff, we had a thread all about that fabulous drug

U don't even have a friend with weed?

catnip maybe lol

poor muffin i hope u find some soon!!!


Well-Known Member
oh wait what about that shit in a bottle stuff, we had a thread all about that fabulous drug

U don't even have a friend with weed?

catnip maybe lol

poor muffin i hope u find some soon!!!
Haha -- funny you should mention catnip....
A friend of mine and I smoked catnip from a bamboo branch when we were kids.. we were like 10 years old or something -- we thought we were so bad ass.

That's probably why I'm so messed up now.

smokey green

Active Member
Its a bitch patiently waiting the last week or 2....looks like you dont have long to go...better off to wait....believe me, you will regret chopping her once you smoke the other nugs compared to the cola you cut off early....


Well-Known Member
yeah man if you chop early that nug will feel like some weak ass shit that looks strong. don't want that.

just like the outdoor bud analogy... if you're growing a dank ass plant that's almost done, and you have a week of somewhat shitty weather... leave one plant out there and see the difference in the high... 99% of the time the plant survives perfectly and is way stonier and strong....


Well-Known Member
1 week really makes a big difference? That's pretty nuts. Thanks for the great advice guys! (and gals)

So, 7-10 days til harvest, another 7 days for drying, and another 7 - 14 days for cure? Does that sounds about right? I'm lookin at another month huh?


Well-Known Member
I would say the MOST difference is made now.

this is when the bud developes it's cannabinoid 'cocktail' , the dynamics of the high are being shaped RIGHT here. this is definitely the MOST important part of growing. that's where people do the most damage, harvesting early, improper drying and curing..etc..

you're looking at atleast a month for full cure.

but you will be able to get high on some dry buds within 5 days of harvest.... but definitely don't slack on the next week or possibly TWO under the light.


New Member
If the plant is for you then cut a nug or two off.. you will have tons left. If its care giving or *cough* selling then I would wait.

Ya the first harvest is the worst.. If you got smoke from last harvest waiting is easy but if you have none its almost impossible.


Well-Known Member
@r1tony - thank god someone else is feeling my pain!! im not an addict in the slightest ( I quit cigarettes cold turkey after 15 years ) but looking and smelling these beauties is just torture!

@Samantha - thanks! Yea, Im having slight troubles with ph and cal/mag deficiency - but I think I got it under control now.... note to self - add dolomite to roots 707!!


Well-Known Member
Money is not the prob. I have plenty of that. It's dry around here, the two guys I know are out. And I dont have a card, so I cant just go to a mmj store.
I might try this banana thing you are talking about. I hear spraying spray paint into a brown bag and then huffing it is fun times too. May give that a shot.
why not get a card, it's only 45 here.

i only clipped one bud off my plant because it wasn't healthy looking. i wouldn't clip a big healthy bud early.