Kottonmouths Chernobyl Single Cola's Grow


Well-Known Member
Lol sounds like a kickass time sorry about the race..still catching up on the thread :) was about to puff on this bowl of blueberry:weed:

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Wuts up gottahavit! I know that feelin'! Glad ur here! Ur sig is funny! Dont be scared,its only pussy! Hahaha i love that stuff!!lol sorry rene.not being rude.(female in the house)btw,bout time u showed up!


Well-Known Member
glad I found this thread. I'd heard that you could clone from a flowered plant, but this is the first time I've seen the process. +rep on some good smoke
You can but it take time as the longer you wait into flowering. Patience is key in Revegging from flowering.



Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
amen! aint that the truth.it took 3~4weeks to root.basicly all of jan. &then really no ve. only waited a week after rooting to put them to flower. i took 3 clones from the dominas in flower,but early. i wont do harvest time clones again. hey bk,my md's are haulin ass now.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
i forgot to mention, wed when i fed my ladys i went like 10 min early and i turned the lights on at the timer. well seeing how i just took care of them&always being told im in my shed to much,i didnt check on them till friday before i left. the friken timer was still on override from wed!!!!! soo wed at 830pm to friday at 1 pm. whutcha think is gonna happen?

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
So im feeding ,wait~kinda flush feeding today as im taking my girl to the city for the weekend& meeting up w/felloe riu bud.doin a bud smoke/share! Anyways,gonna give'em mollasses in the flush aswell. When i get home i think 1 blackk domina will go in closet for few days.(i know wutcher thinkin bk!!) but 1 dom,its still 85% wht hairs?? Como chingas??wtf? Ima take pix while feeding.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Hey,y'all wanna see some kinda funny stuff? Utube kungfu baby or beatboxing dog. Now, wanna see somethin that'll blow ur fuking mind? Now utube this: 2-yr old smokes 40 cigarettes a day. Jeeezus im ata loss of words. Pix coming few minutes of my shyt.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
:hump:cell 015.jpgcell 004.jpgcell 005.jpgcell 006.jpgcell 007.jpgcell 008.jpgcell 009.jpgcell 010.jpgcell 011.jpgcell 012.jpgcell 013.jpgcell 014.jpgcell 016.jpgokay now.heres my pix from alil bitago.im makin up my own words there ya like that! bare with me,i just smoke some 3mo cured chernobyl dipped in honeyoil. anyways,im not gonna seperate the pix. these are all of them.babbies to mamas. the group pic of seedlings is my outdoor starts.ive got 2 chernobyls reveging also.theres a pic of1 that is tied to bamboo stakes.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
you see the difference in the close up bud shots?idk what to think.they dont even remotly smell the same,they didnt flower the same,and those wht hairs should turn orange right?the ones that turned when the other plants hairs turned orange have sucked back into the bud and it seems to be putting on fat wht hairs.like its gonna take hella longer.i thot cuz i fed bushmaster 2times they would finis early,but bmaster just stopped the stretching and started flower in high gear for a minute.will use again just not outdoor.


Well-Known Member
Pistils die off and grow back so that could be it, do you have a scope to look at the trichs? That will tell you whats up and when she is ready! Hey Evil Kenevil hows the riding going? Evil is and will forever be my role model...I just wish he smoked bud like he drank! He probably still be around!
Which are the MD seedlings?



Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Nice pics kmk, those plants are looking insane. I'm 200 miles away but hoping you and dread are enjoying some good smokes this
damn brother,what a place! leaves me curious homer!! dread&i had a gr8 time!we changed up some buds &smoked some g13&la conf.i broke off a pc of chernobyl i dipped in honeyoil&rolled in kief.but ur right,we exchanged buds openly,even broke up some buds &rolled joint&smoked it.nobody payed us any mind.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
So im out town,have been since noonish yeterday.seeing how ive already missed out on the like 45trips to the shed,its killling me not seeing my girls! Im gonna go find a smoke shop &buy new sumthin.sf alot diff then home!!!fuhsho! Saw it all in 1st half hour!including a dude in whl chair flip over! Crazytimes.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
seedlings4-10 005.jpgseedlings4-10 004.jpgseedlings4-10 003.jpgseedlings4-10 002.jpgseedlings4-10 001.jpgwutsup everyone. heres some pics of all my seedlings.i just transplanted the 2blackk dominas& the1 cheese.dom&cheese lst'd&i topped all 3 of these. there is also the 3 bagseeds that popped in jiffy cups& i moved them to partycups.the 3 in the wht box are top1 is my b/w(buddys weed since he wont name it!)&bottom 2 are mamadudes.this is all my outdoor so far.i left out the 2 chernobyls that are revegging.getting new lil branches with fukt up lil leaves,but its working!il get pix of them tomorrow when i water again. i put 1 blackk domina into darkness tonight.it actually began at 9am but wont get lights on till hatchet time. the other domina still alota wht hair? idk. 1 dom cloudy trichs& the other doesnt look even close,but its stopped swelling. so again,idk. anyways, i gave off all the chernobyl i brought this weekend to dread&didnt get to smoke any till i got home. im very happy! dread grew some bomb tho too! homer that g13 u guys got is where its at brother! id love to grow that strain.anyways im chernobyling.i mean rambling.