Club 600


Well-Known Member
nice stuff Del....I am also getting right into the 12/12 from seed ting! I just up-potted some Engineers Dreams and they have gone into the flower cab. I did give them a week or so to get going as seedlings. They just got their 2nd set of leaves and that's them been put into flower.
lemon skunk 12-12 from seed in coco........:weed:
And indecline, from what I see, unless you got the stretchiest plant out there, there is not a massive difference in the tighness of the plants. They go through the little veg stage and then start to throw out pre-flowers. I guess at the end of the day the majority of landrace MJ is grown in max amount of 14 hours light. I don't know any country that gets 18 hours of daylight where MJ is an indigenous plant.


Well-Known Member
nice stuff Del....I am also getting right into the 12/12 from seed ting! I just up-potted some Engineers Dreams and they have gone into the flower cab. I did give them a week or so to get going as seedlings. They just got their 2nd set of leaves and that's them been put into flower.

And indecline, from what I see, unless you got the stretchiest plant out there, there is not a massive difference in the tighness of the plants. They go through the little veg stage and then start to throw out pre-flowers. I guess at the end of the day the majority of landrace MJ is grown in max amount of 14 hours light. I don't know any country that gets 18 hours of daylight where MJ is an indigenous plant.
I am now doing the same with seed grown plants and am only vegging my clones for a week or so. More plants but smaller and it seems like there might be a little less trimming at harvest time with this method. The most recent clones to go into flower got about 2 weeks of veg but only because I didn't have a home ready for them in flower at 1 week.

God I hate it when I can't sleep....I've been awake since 12:30 and went to bed at 11!!
Going to be a slow day I think, LOL

Next time I'll remember to make more edibles before running out, hopoefully.


Well-Known Member
Hey whodat, I have been up for a while, just getting round to reading all the 600 posts.

HeadsUp, I ended up getting 11 grams of hash from the SSHit. The has is very very very nice...just smells like super silver haze, lemon cupcake hash, nice! Will be interested to hear what you think of the Blackjack in smoke.

Take it easy 600.

Peace, DST
Nice!!!!....what method of extraction did you use???


Well-Known Member
Morning lad, youtube sucks sometimes, the Uploader has not made this video available in your country...what, the WWW country? lol.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
mornin marlowe! love a bit of brother ali, if someone had told me last year id like listening to a black albino muslim convert I'd have laughed till i fell over.


Well-Known Member
Good morning everybody, hope your all having as good a morning as me. They seem to get better by the day. Like always lots of great porn to mention all but you've been "liked". I don't know about everyone else but I think the like thing is working well on RIU. At first it gave me heebie jeebies with the facebook flashback I was having but it give a guy a chance to give a brother instant recognition for their work. Anyway, WHODAT! You know I'm comin out swinging hard in the first round right? I wont be tellin ya which way though! I can taste that prize brother, and it tastes reeeeeeal goooooood!

Heads Up. That was me that posted the White Widow on the scale at 98grams. There was someone on here I meant to get back to who made a comment about how early I harvested and I apologize for not doing that, I always make an effort to show respect when someone takes time for me. Anyway, I knew I was cutting early but I didn't realize how early. I was so close, test buds were giving me a real decent high and I didn't want to put out another dime to someone else s crap. I also knew her sister was finishing as well so I chose the sacrificial lamb and she's doing me well. And her sister is looking great, and she's the real stinky sour pheno. Anyway HU, I weighed her 3 or 4 days later at 38grams. I still have the plant back in veg with 4 nice pine tree buds I left on her.

Doobie, Doobie, Doobie. I was gonna say something to you but hell if I can remember what, but I'm sure it will come back to me. :bongsmile:

And last, for now, I'd like to post this pic of my garden, taken yesterday, for del. I've worked my way perpetually, as fly by the seat of your pants that it is, up to this. Right now there are 27 plants from germing seeds in soil and clones, to flowering. Of late, I've only been giving them a week veg to give them their legs and in they go. I'm on track to pump out a plant or two, or three, every week or so at this rate. I've really got the urge to get a second bulb, or even tent going but the way things are going I really don't see what sense that would make. Hell why not grow a field? Because I can't smoke a field, that's why, and I'm absolutely not in it for the money. Unless of course they finally wake up and legalize it, then I'll be right there. But it won't be for the average Joe Plumber, it'll be helping medical patients, particularly those inexperienced and phobic to it all. Which reminds me of the dumbest f#cking thing! Our MM laws prohibit growers from smoking it (being smokers) themselves, unless they too are a MML patient. Duuuuuuuh! Anyway dudes, working on a weekly update and hope to post soon, and getting ready for 420, both here and in the Big Smoke.



Well-Known Member
I ended up with 4.1 grams of MK Ultra out of a solo cup, and 24 grams out of a 1 gallon pot, from clone, probably about 5 inches tall when they went into flowering. Just figured I would share that, they are the first clones I have grown, or even taken from a mother plant. I have a Wappa clone coming down soon, she looks way chunkier and more frosty than the mom did, and she was killer herself so Im looking forward to that. Sorry no pics I have lost the charger to my camera apparently, and the damn thing has a lithium-ion battery so its not like I can just put some new AA batteries in there like my last camera, kind of sucks... I know the damn thing is around here somewhere, off to find that fucker, take care Club 600.


Well-Known Member
Oh man, I completely forgot to post this one, check it out!!!

Ontario court strikes down marijuana laws
I read about that, so if they don't change the med laws soon, then they wont have any marijuana laws period in Ontario? I think thats what the article said. I will read that again. Sound pretty good to me. In my state we just got past our fist hurdle in the House, we have already made it through the senate, after the house its on to the Governor I believe. Fuck I hope this passes, its a strict law, doesnt allow growing, but does allow possesion of up to 6 ounces and there will be dispensaries to go to for cannabis, which for me Im more interested in the concentrates they would hopefully have. As I can grow enough cannabis to not run out, but I cant make enough hash..


Active Member
dont really time it but some start to flower within 2 1/2 weeks old.....
just wondering.
if its 2 and a half weeks veg growth with 12/12
then could you cut that down to say a week and a half or so with 18/6 ? or is the veg growth rate the same regardless of light schedule?
just curious.


Well-Known Member
The story's fresh so I'm not too sure yet either but I will explain what I know, or think I know. First of all you have to understand that Canada's MML is federal, not provincial (state). This is a provincial judge making a ruling against a federal law, saying it's unconstitutional, blah, blah, but is holding back the ruling until the feds get their shit together and fix it, and if they don't his ruling stands and will be enforced. How that is enforced I'm not sure, I have to go do some poking around. But, like the article says, the feds are expected to appeal his ruling and who knows how long that can take. The other thing about this is the timing. An election was called a couple of weeks ago and we go to the polls on May 2nd, and could have a new leader by then, and if it's the Liberal government I'm hoping for, this could be good, IMO.