Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
I think spider mites are finding there way into my grow room. I noticed over the last week, really little webs on a few of my plants. I haven't been able to see any of them yet but something is making the webs and I don't think its a spider.
Today I sprayed them with ortho insecticidal soap. I've never used the stuff before but I'm hoping it will kill them before they get bad.
I'm pretty concerned. I had a house plant this winter that got infested with them. I had to throw it out because I couldn't get rid of them.
I've heard that spider mites are more of a indoor plant problem. Have u guys had any problems with them once your plants were put outside?
Spider Mites are a bitch to get rid of ,I use Doktor Doom Spider mite knockout but takes a while to get them you have to spray once a day for like 2 weeks and keep your fingers crossed
As for moving them outside I moved 6 out last year to get them out of my grow room and mother
nature took care of them, some plants are more suseptable to mites they ate the shit out of Kandy Kush last year and couldnt save them
GOOD LUCK Bro:wall:

Mary I Wanna

Active Member
Im in the same boat as you are...only been able to work 3 days in the past 2 weeks and only looking at 1 or 2 this week cause of all the rain.
I've worked maybe a week total in the month of April.. I can't justify tearing off a roof when there's heavy rain in the Forecast.. Looks like after tomorrow morning we have a few nice days comming...

the morel's will be popping this weekend hopefully so itll give me something to do
I found four small ones beside my deck this morning, Hopefully by this weekend I can find enough to fry up a good mess of them.. I love them bastards, almost as much as I love MaryJane...

I think spider mites are finding there way into my grow room. I noticed over the last week, really little webs on a few of my plants. I haven't been able to see any of them yet but something is making the webs and I don't think its a spider.
Today I sprayed them with ortho insecticidal soap. I've never used the stuff before but I'm hoping it will kill them before they get bad.
I keep cloves of garlic spread out in my grow room, and I also drop some around my outdoor plants.. Insects (and rodents) hate the smell of it.. I've never found a single bug or mite on any of my babies.. My grandad use to grow garlic next to his beans in the vegetable garden, just to keep the bugs off of them... I've also hurd Dill is another plant that will keep bugs away..


Well-Known Member
I did a little research on those hot shot strips and it sounds like they could be the silver bullet for spider mites. Walmart has it so I'm gonna give it a try.


Well-Known Member
I did a little research on those hot shot strips and it sounds like they could be the silver bullet for spider mites. Walmart has it so I'm gonna give it a try.
got a couple in my grow, preventative measures are always a good thing


Well-Known Member
Well with all this rain and the good temps coming up spring will be in full tilt come the weekend. The suns getting stronger plants are going to be getting alot more energy out in the sun then they were 2 weeks ago! I am slipping into 2nd gear, time to get earth work done!


Well-Known Member
Let the soggy boots and caluses come cuz I'm ready!!! I just finished up my indoor so I'll have some good energetic smoke for the woods!!


Well-Known Member
Easy on that shit come planting day. No mistakes on planting day. I am ususally as high as a kite except on days I actualy throw them in the ground. On planting days I take just a few puffs. I try to operate at %100 on all levels when it is crunch time.

But when I get home... I fire it up hot.


i am planning my first outdoor grow, i plan on vegging indoors then transplanting to outdoor, i tried reading through this thread but it got off topic alot lol, but what would be the best time to plant outdoor? and will i have to induce 12/12 or will it happen naturally? it will be in the middle of a 5 acre private property with approximatly 50 clones, whats the best time to plant

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
I am waiting till the middle of May and you will need the plants on about 18 light and 6 dark this should keep them in veg till flowering there is no real 12/12 during the grow season here


Well-Known Member
How long should I harden my ladies to full sun light? They veg under cfls.
Would it be safe to make a greenhouse and leave out, or would they start flowering.
Plan on putting out sometime after mothers day.


Well-Known Member
so say i got this motherplant, and say its gettin itself a VERY WELL established root zone, then say i chop off everything and leave one shoot on it and then take it outside and continue to prune it to the one main shoot up until flowering season..... the question is since it has a massive root zone but has kept being routinely pruned to have one shoot would the one shoot just be a massive mindfuck spectacle to witness in regards to the cola it would form ? or would i just be wasting time and wasting budsites by extensive pruning. im not worried about yield, i just wanna play and try to make a cloa the size of a full grown man.