What kind of weird behavior is this from Obama?


Well-Known Member
it's against his religion.
hahaha..here we go again:mrgreen:
do you know what his kids names are?
In Arab culture and under Islamic law, if your father is a Muslim, so are you. And once a Muslim, always a Muslim. You cannot go back. In Islamic eyes, Obama is certainly a Muslim.


New Member
Think about this (I know and everyone with any brains knows Obama is a christian) but what if the world thought he was a muslim. Wouldn't that have a greater influence on the muslim world to respect us rather than hate us? It might be a positive thing if the idiots thought he was a muslim, Just like the idiots around here that think he is a muslim, they aren't smart enough to check things out for themselves.


Well-Known Member
not that i like that commie but why do people put their hand over their heart to sing anyway? i thought that was to pledge something. like you're saying, "i swear on my life" or "by my heart", etc.



Well-Known Member
Think about this (I know and everyone with any brains knows Obama is a christian) but what if the world thought he was a muslim. Wouldn't that have a greater influence on the muslim world to respect us rather than hate us? It might be a positive thing if the idiots thought he was a muslim, Just like the idiots around here that think he is a muslim, they aren't smart enough to check things out for themselves.

All I know is he attends a racist church...please enlighten me.


Well-Known Member
Think about this (I know and everyone with any brains knows Obama is a christian) but what if the world thought he was a muslim. Wouldn't that have a greater influence on the muslim world to respect us rather than hate us? It might be a positive thing if the idiots thought he was a muslim, Just like the idiots around here that think he is a muslim, they aren't smart enough to check things out for themselves.
I feel we are at war with muslims(to a level). them vs us/ us vs them whatever.then while at war we have a muslim president to fight against muslim terrorist?
isnt that like america voted in a japanese(american born)president during ww2 or europeans electing a german during the same war?
Ask *nick bergs family if they want a muslim as president.
*I have his uncut beheading video,I can email it to you.


Well-Known Member
I feel we are at war with muslims(to a level). them vs us/ us vs them whatever.then while at war we have a muslim president to fight against muslim terrorist?
isnt that like america voted in a japanese(american born)president during ww2 or europeans electing a german during the same war?
Ask *nick bergs family if they want a muslim as president.
*I have his uncut beheading video,I can email it to you.
We're not at war with muslims, bro. We're all God's children and are all equal.
Please do not let yourself be manipulated and brainwashed by the media and outside forces. They are just like us YouTube - Afghanistan cannabis production - 3 December 2007 watch this. They just want to grow there dope and be left in peace. Did you know America has been fucking around in there politics since the 80's??? Of course, they're pissed. What if fucking China was over here occupying us. Would you shoot some chinamen or do nothing????


Well-Known Member
Here is the text form the homepage of Obama's racist church:

We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of slavery, the days of segregation, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community.
The Pastor as well as the membership of Trinity United Church of Christ is committed to a 10-point Vision:
Replace black and african with the word "white" and tell me, what do you have? Would it not immediately be a racist church? Oops, I almost forgot, only white crackers can be racists...everyone carry on...


Well-Known Member
Here is the text form the homepage of Obama's racist church:

Replace black and african with the word "white" and tell me, what do you have? Would it not immediately be a racist church? Oops, I almost forgot, only white crackers can be racists...everyone carry on...
Yes you're right. But, that's just how it is, quit trying to divide people. I bet you if you went to there mass they would welcome you with open arms. I bet you if a black person went to a church advertising itself the way you said, it wouldn't be a pretty sight. That's the major difference.


Well-Known Member
We're not at war with muslims, bro. We're all God's children and are all equal.
Please do not let yourself be manipulated and brainwashed by the media and outside forces. They are just like us YouTube - Afghanistan cannabis production - 3 December 2007 watch this. They just want to grow there dope and be left in peace. Did you know America has been fucking around in there politics since the 80's??? Of course, they're pissed. What if fucking China was over here occupying us. Would you shoot some chinamen or do nothing????
hmmm, lets see people coming in from ONLY muslim countrys to fight against the evil americans.The muslims have bann together. right or wrong muslims are killing americans, americans are killing muslims.
brainwashed and manipulated? no dude thoes are facts. while you are far from the war playing playstation and doing bong hits acting all hippy, a war it still is.
pack ur shit and move to a muslim state and find out how equal we all are.what you will find my friend is that ur thinking of the world is far from reality.
if you want I can also sent you that nick berg video, nothing like watching an american getting his head cut off slowly(while they yell Mohammed Ockba over and over) using a dull hunting knife.
its not all muslims fighting and its not all americans fighting,but its a fight within both sides.


Well-Known Member
Yes you're right. But, that's just how it is, quit trying to divide people. I bet you if you went to there mass they would welcome you with open arms. I bet you if a black person went to a church advertising itself the way you said, it wouldn't be a pretty sight. That's the major difference.

"thats just how it is"
Why do I get this ever certain feeling that if it was...say...McCains church that said "white this and white that" on their webpage, then it would be a HUUUUGE deal. But, since he's black then it's "just how it is". Very nice hypocrisy.

quit trying to divide people.
True, don't let facts get in the way of your pro-obama circle jerk.

I bet you if you went to there mass they would welcome you with open arms. I bet you if a black person went to a church advertising itself the way you said, it wouldn't be a pretty sight. That's the major difference.
I bet
I think
Could be
Well maybe but I'm not certain
blah blah blah the white man is actually the evil one obmama is black he can do wrong blah blah blah


Well-Known Member
Hi - nothing to do with Obama but since we were talking about the Pledge of Allegiance I thought i'd share this...

My Mom told me when she went to school they started the pledge with their hands over their hearts but when they said "And to the flag", they would gesture with their hand towards the flag. But later after the Nazis became popular in Germany, the hand gesture looked a bit too much like the "Sieg Heil" gesture of the Nazis so they stopped doing it.

And I recall when boys where supposed to salute the flag and it was only girls who "covered their hearts".


Well-Known Member
hmmm, lets see people coming in from ONLY muslim countrys to fight against the evil americans.The muslims have bann together. right or wrong muslims are killing americans, americans are killing muslims.
brainwashed and manipulated? no dude thoes are facts. while you are far from the war playing playstation and doing bong hits acting all hippy, a war it still is.
pack ur shit and move to a muslim state and find out how equal we all are.what you will find my friend is that ur thinking of the world is far from reality.
if you want I can also sent you that nick berg video, nothing like watching an american getting his head cut off slowly(while they yell Mohammed Ockba over and over) using a dull hunting knife.
its not all muslims fighting and its not all americans fighting,but its a fight within both sides.

Perhaps he's a muslim and sees things a bit differently?


Well-Known Member
hmmm, lets see people coming in from ONLY muslim countrys to fight against the evil americans.The muslims have bann together. right or wrong muslims are killing americans, americans are killing muslims.
brainwashed and manipulated? no dude thoes are facts. while you are far from the war playing playstation and doing bong hits acting all hippy, a war it still is.
pack ur shit and move to a muslim state and find out how equal we all are.what you will find my friend is that ur thinking of the world is far from reality.
if you want I can also sent you that nick berg video, nothing like watching an american getting his head cut off slowly(while they yell Mohammed Ockba over and over) using a dull hunting knife.
its not all muslims fighting and its not all americans fighting,but its a fight within both sides.
Why do I get this ever certain feeling that if it was...say...McCains church that said "white this and white that" on their webpage, then it would be a HUUUUGE deal. But, since he's black then it's "just how it is". Very nice hypocrisy.

True, don't let facts get in the way of your pro-obama circle jerk.

I bet
I think
Could be
Well maybe but I'm not certain
blah blah blah the white man is actually the evil one obmama is black he can do wrong blah blah blah
Whatever you two got me confused. I'm just all about peace and love for everybody white, black, muslim, it doesn't matter. You guys can continue your hatefest. That's what the powers that be want. Divide and conquer. I got better things to do peace:peace: P.S. You should really check out that afghan weed farmer video. Most of em are pretty cool dudes.


Well-Known Member
Hi - nothing to do with Obama but since we were talking about the Pledge of Allegiance I thought i'd share this...

My Mom told me when she went to school they started the pledge with their hands over their hearts but when they said "And to the flag", they would gesture with their hand towards the flag. But later after the Nazis became popular in Germany, the hand gesture looked a bit too much like the "Sieg Heil" gesture of the Nazis so they stopped doing it.

And I recall when boys where supposed to salute the flag and it was only girls who "covered their hearts".
When I was in high school 80% of the kids didn't get out of their seats for the pledge of allegiance. I always made sure I did tho. I felt kinda dorky b/c no one else was doing it. But, I was like fuck it I don't want to be a follower.


New Member
Why do I get this ever certain feeling that if it was...say...McCains church that said "white this and white that" on their webpage, then it would be a HUUUUGE deal. But, since he's black then it's "just how it is". Very nice hypocrisy.

True, don't let facts get in the way of your pro-obama circle jerk.

I bet
I think
Could be
Well maybe but I'm not certain
blah blah blah the white man is actually the evil one obmama is black he can do wrong blah blah blah
I can understand now, you are a fucking rascist hate monger. May the pox be on you.