Problem with My Ladies 25 Days into Flowering. Urgent!


Active Member
so the past few days my girls have started to look sick not sure what it might be i flushed em last niht just to make sure it wasent nutes burning it or the viniger i used to drop the ph of the water... the leaves are curling under the folding upwards theres also getting these darrk lines on some of the leaves after i flused them i put garden sulfer ontop of the soil to bring the ph back down from 8.5 to 7.5 so im kinda worried there gonna die or hermi really bad if this isnt fixed soon:wall:



Well-Known Member
Nitrogen toxicity, heat stress, ph fluxuation. A long list of things. Lookin pretty cooked.....flushing was probaly a good idea. Unless thats MG soil....all I have to say.


Active Member
no its a organic soil the only ferts i put in there were the veg ones i was using and then for flowering i got some jobes organic spikes which are 3-7-4 and i used some viniger to lower the ph of the water but i flushed that out and used garden sulfer and some lime juice cause i ran out of lemon juice and maby like a teaspoon per gallon of shultz fert thats 10-15-10. and as far as heat stress its only 79-84 and im using cfls.


Well-Known Member
All of your disclaimers you posted to dismiss my opinion of your grow only strengthened my diagnosis. I am not sure what you are looking for.......


Well-Known Member
those organic spikes might have something to do with it? ever used them prior to this grow? i have no experience with them but never heard anything good about any kind of spike on the mj side of things. if the spikes were in there when you flushed then that might have done it. i would rip them out now. i dont know a whole lot about vinegar and lemon and lime juice to adjust ph. if i were you i would get ride of the spikes flush them out with ph'd water or distilled water if you dont have a ph meter. DW is like 65 cents/gallon at wal mart, purple lid. then your last watering for the flush i would use just DW. see what happens, if it doesnt get worse i would add small nutes to see what happens....thats all i got man, if i were in your shoes i would try that and if it didnt work i would try to keep them alive but be ready to count my losses, sorry of luck bro let us know


First of all your ph levels are way too high. You should have your ph around 5.8-6.2..... 6.0 is perfect and what kind of water are your using? tap/ ro


Active Member
All of your disclaimers you posted to dismiss my opinion of your grow only strengthened my diagnosis. I am not sure what you are looking for.......
i wasent trying to dismiss anything i was only mentioning other factors and as far as the heat stress thats the one i was dismissing how would there be heat stress were it dosent get that hot from the cfls?


Well-Known Member
i wasent trying to dismiss anything i was only mentioning other factors and as far as the heat stress thats the one i was dismissing how would there be heat stress were it dosent get that hot from the cfls?
Ok then. Pull the spikes and then flush with plain water. If your source is between 6.5 to 7.5 do not adjust, just flush very well. Then just plain water for a few days. Those plants are pretty overdosed. Once new growth is vigorous and looks good then ease back into the nutes. As far as the heat stress goes. They are already very stressed from the nutes so a little heat can go a long ways..........


Active Member
i flushed em again but the leaves dont really look like there getting any better ill post pics tomorrow hopefully itll look better but flushing should fix everything right? i mean since your removing all the salt buildup and extra chems and shit.... and how long do you guys think it would take for it to turn around and stat to look better will the gold/orange parts on the leaves go back to green or would it stay the same color and just fall off when it feels it needs to?


Active Member
:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:I have faith! she'll pull thru!!
thank you im kicking myself in the ass for this im almost certain that when u used that viniger it droped the ph down to low and then lock out happened im fucking pissed if this dosent worrk 3 months down the fucking tubes.... blaahhhhhhhh:wall:


Well-Known Member
i flushed em again but the leaves dont really look like there getting any better ill post pics tomorrow hopefully itll look better but flushing should fix everything right? i mean since your removing all the salt buildup and extra chems and shit.... and how long do you guys think it would take for it to turn around and stat to look better will the gold/orange parts on the leaves go back to green or would it stay the same color and just fall off when it feels it needs to?
ever had surgery? thats how she will look man...healthy, good. but still recovering. and they dont live long enough to show the full recovery. but she will pull through. keep flushing her dude


Active Member
ever had surgery? thats how she will look man...healthy, good. but still recovering. and they dont live long enough to show the full recovery. but she will pull through. keep flushing her dude
how often should i flush her im worried about root rot the ones i can see around the bottom of the pot are looking brown so im concerned about that...but one thing at a time gotta get these girls on the right track