What to do on dxm


Well-Known Member
What are some things anyone prefers to d on dxm? Its getting boring for me just because the normal activities get old :( The best things always happen while taking walks, swimming, laying down listening to music.. Those are the most cool things, but I'm sure there are some outlandish weird things that would be fun

Not even necassarily on dxm, what are some fun things you do while tripping period?


Well-Known Member
find yourself alone.
and completely let go.

its better than my first time on MDMA...and that was fucking amazing


Active Member
i always try to think of some fun stuff to do when im trippin balls on dxm but then when it comes down to me trippin i find myself too fucked up to even do half the stuff i thought of so i just chill and zone out lol


Well-Known Member
Lol well music is amazing I feel like I'm flying through the music. I listened to this grizzly bear CD the yellow house one.. Jesus Christ my mind was blown in half. I was doing summer salts through the blackness inside of the music lol

Dubstep aint outlandish :p Thats what ends up happening a lot we have a perfect friend willing to drive us around while tripping balls and he doesn't do drugs.. That much.. Lol

And disc golf? Wtf? LOL I couldnt even remember the rules! Or what rules are. I'd probably just sit there saying rules over and over again giggling :D

heir proctor

New Member
When I dex, I can't do anything but lay in bed listening to music. Anything that requires walking or speaking is out of the question. So far it hasn't gotten old.
I wouldn't recommend music if its your first time tripping and you plan on reaching a higher-level plateau. Depending on the type of music it can scare the shit out of you.

For instance at the end of Down and Out by Kid Cudi the music beat slowed down depressingly and me being a stupid ass on a first-time trip (70 mg dose, I weigh 160 lbs.) of 4-aco DMT, I was seriously freaked out. I mean, it was enough that my voice was echoing continuously and I started perceiving audio in slow-motion, I didn't need Kid Cudi subtly playing a joke on fellow trippers. Just be careful. Not sure my experience fully equates to DXM but just putting my thoughts out there.

heir proctor

New Member
Yeah I think listening to Kid Cudi while on any mind enhancing substance would scare the shit out of me too...:roll:
Fuck, I think it would scare the shit out me even sober. Actually, just the thought of listening to Kid Cudi scares the shit out of me!

Just cuz it's on the radio doesn't mean it deserves to be heard.

rollin in grass

Well-Known Member
Kudi is dope just gotta find the right songs dude specially while robotrippin. listen to heaven at nite while at night and dex or smoke up and.see if you dont dig him then lol


Well-Known Member
Lol Im not all that into rap, been getting used to hearing it obviously but its nothing I have on my iPod :(

Some of it is pretty fuckin cool though I got to admit.


Active Member
has anyone ever tried running when your on dxm. i had to run from the cops one time and i felt like i could run a marathon lol even after i got away i just kept running next thing you know i was at wal mart which was over a mile from where i started lol forrest must of been trippin hard on dxm that could also explain why he was kinda slow


Well-Known Member

I did pushups once. The thing is you can do physical excrusiating work and only feel the exhaustion afterwards! One of my buddies was laying on the ground and propelling himself forward with his arms pulling himself across the carpet at HUGE speeds. Me and my other firend were running, away from him. RUNNING. screaming like little girls, oh my god it was so scary!
LoL, speaking of stamina... Get yourself a lady-friend and get it on! You won't blow, and you'll be going at it for FOREVER!