The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Tell the buyse that he's buying a 1 day dry and he'll have no fucking clue what you're taling about MINT MATE, SO WEED YEH, BANGING!


Well-Known Member
Just aint enough of the green going about, the guy i sort out is crying out for it and not just him a few dealers he knows are the same its as dry as a bone in a certain south london burough. Very hard to get anything decent.


Well-Known Member
Just aint enough of the green going about, the guy i sort out is crying out for it and not just him a few dealers he knows are the same its as dry as a bone in a certain south london burough. Very hard to get anything decent.
east london aint no better m8 ive seen it 20 a gram for exo cheese down there, i got links to 3 different counties and it no different in any of em unfortunatly but what gets my goat up is coke/pills etc are cheaper than they ever been???


we have no bother getting hold of any and its usually VERY good green. liverpools paying £20 ON 1.2G I DONT SEE THE POINT ANY MORE SO IM DOING MY OWN DWC LEMON SKUNK, nearly ready to flower, only been in the buckets a week they're stonking along boyos lol


Well-Known Member
east london aint no better m8 ive seen it 20 a gram for exo cheese down there, i got links to 3 different counties and it no different in any of em unfortunatly but what gets my goat up is coke/pills etc are cheaper than they ever been???
Its a crazy old world sambo m8, where ave the 3.5g deals gone lol i need to put me prices up i think.


Well-Known Member
if plants are going to hermie thru genetics how far into flower does it normally happen? jus that i dont want to put my new plants into flower unless im sure the old lot in there arent going to fuck em


Well-Known Member
we have no bother getting hold of any and its usually VERY good green. liverpools paying £20 ON 1.2G I DONT SEE THE POINT ANY MORE SO IM DOING MY OWN DWC LEMON SKUNK, nearly ready to flower, only been in the buckets a week they're stonking along boyos lol
A fucking score for 1.2, jesus christ whats up with them up north.


Well-Known Member
if plants are going to hermie thru genetics how far into flower does it normally happen? jus that i dont want to put my new plants into flower unless im sure the old lot in there arent going to fuck em
from my experince with hermi blueberry usually bout week 5-6 of flower, but dont worry bro no chance of hermi with the specials ;-);-);-)


Well-Known Member
same down south m8 its nuts i honestly dont no what happend??? 6-7yrs ago i was paying 900 on a bar of high grade skunk you never new the strain name but it was dry,sticky n stinky!
You would be lucky to even pick up a bar of anything where i am ATM, if i was sitting on keys of the stuff it would be gone in the blink of an eye. So many growers have had there door kicked in by plod the supply just aint there, even the shite chinkie gear which i wont touch aint about its a real sorry state of affairs, plenty of rockie tho lol.


Well-Known Member
You would be lucky to even pick up a bar of anything where i am ATM, if i was sitting on keys of the stuff it would be gone in the blink of an eye. So many growers have had there door kicked in by plod the supply just aint there, even the shite chinkie gear which i wont touch aint about its a real sorry state of affairs, plenty of rockie tho lol.
different areas m8 no rockie here aint seen it for yrs although did see some fake pollen a few wks ago was just good rockie lol is the same tho dusnt matter if keys or oz' if its nice then its gone quicktime, i dunno the satistic but the uk as a whole smoke alot of green/hash each day puff junkies aint much different ina lot of ways to any junkie now i dont mean the robbing etc but the fact that they dont care aslong as they get a smoke they are happy weather chink,rockie whatever.


Well-Known Member
if plants are going to hermie thru genetics how far into flower does it normally happen? jus that i dont want to put my new plants into flower unless im sure the old lot in there arent going to fuck em
Ive had them hermie 2 weeks in and 6 weeks in ya just never no m8 i would say tho if its bad genetics its more likely to be early, Ive got rocklock on the go atm, started 8 fems 4 started growing nads at 2 weeks 12/12.


Well-Known Member
different areas m8 no rockie here aint seen it for yrs although did see some fake pollen a few wks ago was just good rockie lol is the same tho dusnt matter if keys or oz' if its nice then its gone quicktime, i dunno the satistic but the uk as a whole smoke alot of green/hash each day puff junkies aint much different ina lot of ways to any junkie now i dont mean the robbing etc but the fact that they dont care aslong as they get a smoke they are happy weather chink,rockie whatever.
Yeah yr right some people will smoke anything lol, not me tho id rather go without besides after a few weeks with no smoke the first decent j is great. I rekon ive got 3 weeks before i chop thats about when ill have some decent green cause theres no chance of any before.


Well-Known Member
any1 have anything nice for dinner? i made meself the meanest bacon n egg roll hmmm fucking thing was tastey! 5slices bacon, 2eggs, 2 cheese slices and a fresh large soft roll oh yes!!! went down a treat!