How to Sell and Not Get Caught

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Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yes please prune this garbage..i have made a mental list of the "horray for me and fuck everyone else i have my card" pricks on this site
funny how things work out, your the first i have ever reported... and the last


Well-Known Member
funny how things work out, your the first i have ever reported... and the last

stop posting to me pussy, i hate snitches and hypocrites, nobody cares about you or dumb posts..the mods are exhausted with the likes of you and green inferno..toughen up


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
stop posting to me pussy, i hate snitches and hypocrites, nobody cares about you or dumb posts..the mods are exhausted with the likes of you and green inferno..toughen up
and another one will soon bite the dust.. by by now i would say nice knowing you but i don't like the likes of U
now that i am closing this account, i would like to say that people on the forums are generally trolls and real sellers don't post shit about selling. end of story. CLOSE THIS THREAD.


Well-Known Member
lmao..mygirls...almost everything in life comes down to one marijuana was hard to grow like tobacco...marijuana would be regulated/sold in gas stations, and if tobacco grew like marijuana...tobacco (which kills tons of people yearly) would be illegal ...follow the money


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
lmao..mygirls...almost everything in life comes down to one marijuana was hard to grow like tobacco...marijuana would be regulated/sold in gas stations, and if tobacco grew like marijuana...tobacco (which kills tons of people yearly) would be illegal ...follow the money
money is what makes the world go around. but if every one was to ilegal activeties what kind of world wold this be.. sales of marijuana, drugs, prescriptions drugs, ect. are ilegal.. even if we are medical... donation---sale ... is the same dam thing...


Well-Known Member
It is MEDICALLY LEGAL end of fuking story..dude like seriously i was just watching the news and they even used the word LEGAL..state law says weed is MEDICALLY LEGAL and federal law aint doing shit about it


Well-Known Member
Those are the ones that piss me off..... card carrying people that preach that marijuana sales outside their little circle is illegal.... I got mine, go get yours..... they are worse than prohibitionists in my opinion.

so, you talk for all the people of the world who smoke and grow..NICEEEEE


Well-Known Member
And the attitude you are exhibiting is a perfect Humboldt county one.....

as long as you are legal, it's OK.... ;p

What about those that need it but aren't in a legal state? Fuck them? I don't think so.... who are you to decide they shouldn't be allowed to purchase weed? You can cite law all you want.... when it comes to the FEDs, we are all in the same boat and the ultimate goal has to be decriminalization and then the removal of MJ from the Schedule One list. So before you chastise others for doing what you consider legal in your state, try seeing the bigger picture...

wtf are you talking about..MEDICALLY LEGAL only applies to certain states..nothing really to argue about


Well-Known Member
wtf are u talking one was talking about non legal states and i never said my point of view on that..and if you aint got a card and live in my city i'd hook u up i can care less whether you got medical issues or not i remember how it was before i had my medical license..and what are you retarded? were not all on the same boat lol all the people in your state have to agree and vote to make weed MEDICALLY LEGAL, lots of states are doing it so dont be a hatter just cuz your jealous lol god i love being legal..good thing im not in your state lol
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