I'm sure glad that international flights exist....
So that fuckers that aren't happy in the mighty US of A can fly the fuck out!!!!
I'm not a blind Hyper-nationalist, and I am by no means saying that the US is peachy, what i do want to say is that it is too freakin easy to criticize the US. Either we did something stupid and wrong, or we didn't do something which IS stupid and wrong. Why is the US always used as one of the basis of comparison? Why is it always our "responsibility" to intervene when the other countries sit picking their noses. Then as soon as we do something that (of course) benefits us, all the rants turn into "oh the US is only there,because there's oil"!!! Well you're goddamned right, and none of the other countries around the world would give a rats flying ass about a country if there was NO resources!! Let get real here!!! One way to change that perspective is to change the perspective on resources. As long as people are not considered a resource, like Oil, Gold etc... then lives are not going to be valued as highly. It's sad for us as humans, but it's a reality for us as humans. At least at this time in our evolution....
On the conspiracy theory.. I know our govt. does some pretty fucked up things but pulling the body out is a bit Neanderthal-ish! i think Obama can be a bit more creative than that!
And if you look at his death from a certain angle you could almost be duped into believing that we are preserving life by taking his, thus celebrating art and life... (it's a stretch but......)
yeah why is this in outdoor grow?? LOL
