Court Ordered Drug Test For Custody Case (Help Needed!)


I am currently involved in a child custody case. I have stopped smoking since this came into play. The question I have is in regards to hair testing possibilities. I really have 2 main questions:

1. Has anyone gone through this, and if so, what are the procedures of the court? How does the court ordered drug test play out?

2. What's the best way to pass hair follicle test.

I have searched the forums, Google, and more. I ask the help of the rollitupers.

Here is one link i found:

My hearing is May 26th 2011.

Thanks in advance!
Heavy smoker. Few times a day. Hasn't been long, only a few days since the last smoke. They gave me a months notice until the custody hearing. I realize the importance of this, so I quit immediately.
then they will most likely take a blood sample. the minimum length of hair accepted is 1.5" i believe. (which goes back about 3 months)
If that's the case, then I would be good to go. From what I hear there is only a trace for 72 hours in the blood. I am confident in passing the test in all aspects except hair. But what I really want to know is the court procedure. Do they do it in the court, send you to a lab with a time limit, something else?
if there testing hair bleach ur hair and re-dye it oh and if u decide to do that make sure you get all the hair on the back of ur head they test the back of the head around the neck line and i believe they can only go back 2 or three months but in ur case it might be different but ive passed a hair test by bleaching and dying my hair
If that's the case, then I would be good to go. From what I hear there is only a trace for 72 hours in the blood. I am confident in passing the test in all aspects except hair. But what I really want to know is the court procedure. Do they do it in the court, send you to a lab with a time limit, something else?

I am not sure how that works in civil court. I *ASSUME* they would give you a couple days to goto a lab and get the test done. I know in criminal court they can do it on the spot.
Thanks for your info ToastyCookies. I hope this thread keeps going because I believe this is valuable information.
I think I would just be bleaching scalp pretty much. They aren't gonna be able to get much hair from anywhere on me when I show up.
I figure so what if they do think somethings up. Prove it is my motto. As long as everything else is clean, and they can't get any hair, fuck em. That's their problem. I'd just say "so where do we go from here?" Wouldn't you agree?

I could say "I do it for swimming" or "its for the ladies". This is for conversation sake because I just have pretty much invisible, short hairs on my body that couldn't be harvested for effective testing. (1" required).

I won't miss those forgettable spots though. Thanks for the heads up! JoC
I have never heard of any effective way to beat a hair test. I don't know about drug tests, but I know from being an EMT and hearing stories, if the test is for hair match/DNA in a rape case, they will pull pubes if they need to.
I have recently been thru this.... they sent me and my wife to a lab. From her they cut at the scalp in 4 different locations on her head collecting 200 strands of hair. On me (shaved head) they asked if I wanted my arms or legs shaved. I picked leg because I didnt want anyone to see my arms shaved (allways wear pants at work). They didnt actually shave it down to skin, just lightly rubbed a razor over both legs collecting a cotton ball sized mess. We were told that it can go back up to 6 months. We had no warning of this test coming but if I had a few months notice I would have shaved thuroghly and regrow clean hair. BUT I have not done any research on this matter. Good luck!
Q What acceptance/rejection criteria does the laboratory use for proceeding with the analysis of a hair specimen?
A The following would be reasons for rejecting a hair specimen:
No Chain of Custody Form
No way to link specimen with the donor
Quantity of hair insufficient for analysis
Length of hair less than 1 cm
Hair contaminated with lice