Neemed 3 Weeks before I Begin Flush

My bf said I have f*cked my harvest anyone have experience with this??? Kinda close to harvest but mites were freaking me out...


Well-Known Member
don't sweat about it. neem is totally safe. worst case you'll have a bit of a funny taste but no more than that and i doubt even that. just make sure it dries out quickly (put a fan on it) so you won't get mold. a bit of neem is MUCH better than watching mites devour your plant. spray again in a few days, no fear.


Well-Known Member
ewww, you can still harvest...but it will most likly tast like poo...only ting you can do is after mites are gone spray this shit outa it with water, and hope to get some neem residue off...go to home depot and geta pump sprayer for like 10$ youll need it!


Well-Known Member
also, safer soap water are considered effective against mites, but not as neem imo.


New Member
well imo it wont harm Fck all, Hell as long as you got good room circulation, neemed lights off, and didnt go to crazy. You should be fine i think most people worry more about late in harvest is having buds to wet i have neemed in 5 to early 7th week and with the resin monitoring buds as so they wouldnt burn,
but its important not to go Crazy and try not to get to much on buds


Well-Known Member
You can use Doktor Doom up until the day of harvest or just buy a lot of ladybugs and as for neem it will be fine if you got 2 weeks more to go. Don't listen to the non experienced people on this site



Well-Known Member
Doktor Doom also make bombs. You should bomb the room with it

and it's made from pyrethrin which is made from flowers(Chrysanthemum)lol


Active Member
Spray them with a water and milk solution mixed at 1 part milk 9 parts water, you can use this for powdery mildew apparently and its safe, it should wash the neem off if you do it a week before chop.


New Member
for what its worth i saw a big grow end up as a waste from them BORG there bad ass for what its worth this is what i do i purchase this stuff mix it into a 60 litre bucket get a cardboard box cut it out set plant into box holding stem and dump intire plant keeping it under the solution for least 2 mins i save the bucket and re due 3 - 5 days later and problem solved i think this is the only way to rid them people use sprayers but imo just doesnt cut it every plant i have or get if it has bugs or not i dunk them


Well-Known Member
You can use Doktor Doom up until the day of harvest or just buy a lot of ladybugs and as for neem it will be fine if you got 2 weeks more to go. Don't listen to the non experienced people on this site

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lol, bomb your shit the day b4 harvest? ahha!, you wouldnt be gettin my hard earned $$... and iv neemd a couple weeks b4 harvest years ago....never did it again, lol good luck op!


Well-Known Member
lol, bomb your shit the day b4 harvest? ahha!, you wouldnt be gettin my hard earned $$... and iv neemd a couple weeks b4 harvest years ago....never did it again, lol good luck op!
I've done it but I don't have mite problems anymore. Used doktor doom foggers 2 years ago and the smoke was fine. I can't afford to have mites since now I supply growers and dispensaries clones at least 100-200 a week and the count is going up.


Well-Known Member
I've done it but I don't have mite problems anymore. Used doktor doom foggers 2 years ago and the smoke was fine. I can't afford to have mites since now I supply growers and dispensaries clones at least 100-200 a week and the count is going up.
well, thank god you dont do it anymore with your mass production for medical patients...


Well-Known Member
well, thank god you dont do it anymore with your mass production for medical patients...
Do you know that doktor doom is ultra safe? No because you don't have any real experience growing since you've only been growing for 3 years and you want to be an ass too me trying to be cool on this thread. When I do flower I grow monster plants so I don't have to have 50+ plants here's my proof on how well I grow

How many plant are in this pic?

how many plants in this one as well?

Now let's see your pics rookie grower lol


Well-Known Member
you think the size of you plants impresses me? or your 4 subscribers on youtube? and go ahead and bomb your shit in flower, and when your wondering why people dont come back for more, it might be your nasty tasting budds, but i guess thats why you clone now eh? and yea i know alll bout drdoom, homie of mine uses it, he only been growin for a year or so, read the label and thought it be cool to use too,

EDIT: my plants are about the same size tough guy, and their not moms that were veggin for god knows how long, i can veg long time too, your not special or anythign you know...or maybe you are, hehe


Well-Known Member
you think the size of you plants impresses me? or your 4 subscribers on youtube? and go ahead and bomb your shit in flower, and when your wondering why people dont come back for more, it might be your nasty tasting budds, but i guess thats why you clone now eh? and yea i know alll bout drdoom, homie of mine uses it, he only been growin for a year or so, read the label and thought it be cool to use too,

EDIT: my plants are about the same size tough guy, and their not moms that were veggin for god knows how long, i can veg long time too, your not special or anythign you know...or maybe you are, hehe
hahahahaha first pic 4 weeks second pic 5 weeks because I had to wait for my apartment manager to bomb the whole building and those aren't my moms you ass. My moms don't have a chance to get that big for I chop on them every 7-10 days. Just face it you're jealous and you sir are not on my level, maybe if you are nice I might teach you something. Do you even know about Doktor Doom? No!!!! because if you did you would not be saying the crap you are saying. You're just talking to be talking , you should read up on it before opening your mouth and btw my friend who I've known for 10 years owns a hydro store and I chop it up with big time growers and owners of dispensaries. I'll let you keep saying what you are saying because you have no clue.