Pistols from Birth?


Well-Known Member
I wasen't planning on tracking this grow but since this little lady did something that "stood out" from my last grow, I decided why not. Let's keep record of the damn thing. So....

Day 1:

This plant is only 3 days old from germination. She popped up on 4/21 and today is, if I'm not mistaken 4/24. By the way Happy Easter. Anyway, this girl is showing me her pistols already. She has never been in 12/12 yet. Only outside under sunlight. But I do plan to flower her inside under my 400 watt HPS (which needs a bulb) I have a 150 watt HPS back-up light:sad:....But I did not anticipate on budding her until a month or 2 from now. It is bitter sweet cause I now know that I have a baby girl. But this may be a defect and she might just continue to flower unprovoked.:wall:...I may have to post this story in the help forum also lol.

Any comments or advise would be much appreciated.




Well-Known Member
This is the closet that will turn into my flowering chamber. I feel this is enough space for the tiny ops I run. My last grow was pretty nice in here with three 4 month old ladies. This filthy shiny thing is my hps reflector (it will be cleaned when flowering begins) But for now my girl(s) are outside. I also have another girl germinating and she should be popping out of the soil hopefully tomorrow. Her roots have just "broken shell" if you will. This will be 100% organinc grow for vegging process. I will see how the buds start developing and may add a minute amount of bloom formula for that extra umfph!!;-).... If anything interesting happens I will be sure to update.



Well-Known Member
I have grown a few plants and have never seen anything like this on them before. These things appear to be little white hairs. Maybe you are right...But in a few days I will know for sure. Smoke well.


Well-Known Member
Day 2:

Progress Progress Progress....

Today my little girl is 4 days strong. She is still wierding me out with the way she is developing but nevertheless, progress is being made. Those little white hairs are still there and what looks like a "cluster" of new leaves. This is some wierd biznizz!....Not much to talk bout..lets have a look see....

Looks like we have some company:lol:


Well-Known Member
She is growing fast!!. Also..my other girl has popped her head out of the soil.won't be long now.. She looks exactly like a butterfly!!!:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
Day 3:

As of today my eldest girl is 5 days old from seed and today makes 1 day that my second lady has been out of her seed.
Last night we had a major storm pass through but it seems the ladies did not mind much. My oldest girl still has those 2 white pistols and a ton of new leaves that are comming in which is giving her a butterfly shape blah blah blah...on with the pics!!


Well-Known Member
hey man thanks for stopping by my journal, is this your first grow? I'd be glad to stick around and help out if I can


Well-Known Member
This will be my 4th time growing but I'm still on the noob level. I know just enough to get some budz and make them smokable.This is only a bagseed grow so whenever I get my hands on some "worthy seeds" I will have atleast had a few test runs under my belt. Thx for hanging around I love experienced peoples input.


Well-Known Member
Day 4:

Today makes 7 days from seed for my oldest girl & 3 days from seed for my littlest lady. Seems those little hairs weren't pistols but the middle of the new leaves forming. She is a weird one for sure. Hope she smokes better than she looks:lol:. Now that she has grown a little more I can clearly see that those white hairs are not pistols but leaf stem comming from the middle of the 1st set of leaves. BOOO!!! But hey. Could still be a girl;-) High Hopes. Anyway....

I cleaned out the flowering room and it's all ready for my girls to enter. I'm gonna try the 12/12 thing a little early so it won't exactly be 12/12 from seed but pretty close to it. I have seen some truly inspiring 12/12 from seed grows and I have always wanted to try it. This will be a test run and maybe next time I will do about 7 or 8 plants and flower them from seed. I'm not going for huge yeild. I have my 150 watt HPS for this go roun. Hopefully both plants are girly girls. Last 2 pics are of my little girl.

The "ladies" are soaking up thier last bit of sunlight before going into flowering cycle. Here's a few pics of the ladies, light and the set up I'm working with.



Well-Known Member
She does look quite odd lol, i want to see how she turns out... I'll be lurking your thread :D.


Well-Known Member
Day 5:

Today is day 20 from seed and 13 days flowering with this grow. I started giving her half teaspoon of nutes about 5 days ago and yesterday I gave her about a tespoon of nutes "12-55-6" called super-bloom...about an hour later she showed a little nute burn but not enough to worry about, she seems to be loving it.

My younger seedling died on her 5th day of life. She just dried out from what I've seen..but I buried her and what not..hate to lose them like that..but anywhoo.

I got some really "deep" indica body high green from a friend and it had a seed in it so I dropped that bean in the soil yesternight and hopefully she pops up for me.

And thanxk to all the peeps that are watching and chillin with me for this ride. I have to go check you guys grows out..been a little busy. ...but uhm...pics!

P.S My little lady doesen't look like a mutant anymore;-)



Well-Known Member
Day 5:

Today is day 20 from seed and 13 days flowering with this grow. I started giving her half teaspoon of nutes about 5 days ago and yesterday I gave her about a tespoon of nutes "12-55-6" called super-bloom...about an hour later she showed a little nute burn but not enough to worry about, she seems to be loving it.

My younger seedling died on her 5th day of life. She just dried out from what I've seen..but I buried her and what not..hate to lose them like that..but anywhoo.

I got some really "deep" indica body high green from a friend and it had a seed in it so I dropped that bean in the soil yesternight and hopefully she pops up for me.

And thanxk to all the peeps that are watching and chillin with me for this ride. I have to go check you guys grows out..been a little busy. ...but uhm...pics!

P.S My little lady doesen't look like a mutant anymore;-)

She looks normal :D! I don't think you should be feeding her right now tho.


Well-Known Member
She looks normal :D! I don't think you should be feeding her right now tho.
Ok. I'll take your advise..no food for her..but when would be a good time to start her back up on nutrients?..and should I use vegging nutes or bloom nutes?


Well-Known Member
Ok. I'll take your advise..no food for her..but when would be a good time to start her back up on nutrients?..and should I use vegging nutes or bloom nutes?
Vegging nutes i use 12-4-8 for vegging. I started feeding when my plants started to show deficiency or at least 2-3 weeks old, when you do start feeding, gradually introduce the nutes to her. I feed my plants every 3rd watering.


Well-Known Member
Vegging nutes i use 12-4-8 for vegging. I started feeding when my plants started to show deficiency or at least 2-3 weeks old, when you do start feeding, gradually introduce the nutes to her. I feed my plants every 3rd watering.
Thxnk bro.. will do.:blsmoke:

kush fario

Well-Known Member
use veg nutes dont use mg its good for flowers and shit but not mj and it has lots of salts in it i dont realy have a set time for starteng to use fert but when they start to show defficiency or just when i feel its right i always start with a small bit then half if. I usualy never use as much as the directions say beceause i find if your growing in dirt it will cause nute burn peace :bigjoint: :weed::hump: :p