Firsttime Bagseed Outdoor Guerilla Grow


Active Member
this is my first try at growing. i have three bagseed plants vegging indoors. they sprouted around three weeks ago. the are pretty small, but i dont want them to be large anyways because i have to move them from my house to the site about 1.5 miles away. they have had a pretty weird light schedule due to my laziness. they havent been getting the same amount of light everyday, but its been around 16 hours everyday. they are in a "grow box" thats is very inefficient and has a lot of light loss. for soil im using promix "flower and plant." it has more perlite than regular promix. and also some homemade compost. ive been using miracle gro organic fertilizer, its 10-0-0. so i dont have alot of questions for now, other than how do you think im doing? i plan on growing at least 3 more, i have one seed from a bag of "pineapple", it was very good weed so im going to focus on that plant. im putting these little babies outside in around a week(?) when the weather hopefully gets better.

plants 1&2 seem to be indica
plant 3 seems to be sativa but it might be to early to tell
they might look big, but theyre only about 6 inches tall



Well-Known Member
they look excellent. it's a surprise for me - isnt sunshine soil-less? so i would think you would be seeing symptoms of lack of pk, but obviously you're not? I'd still recommend maybe jsut a bit of it for better root growth. unless your soil has nutes in which case you should only now sort of be starting feeding.


Active Member
they look excellent. it's a surprise for me - isnt sunshine soil-less? so i would think you would be seeing symptoms of lack of pk, but obviously you're not? I'd still recommend maybe jsut a bit of it for better root growth. unless your soil has nutes in which case you should only now sort of be starting feeding.
are sunshine and promix the same thing? well after reading that promix was soilless i decided to add some homemade compost when i transplanted them about 2 weeks ago. what they are in now is mostly promix, but when i transplant them in a few days im going to add some soil and organic nutes. for now im using organic miracle gro nutes with every watering at about 1/4 strength.


Active Member
yea im going to put them in bigger pots soon but i have to wait till they go outside. the weather has been shitty lately so that could take a while.


Well-Known Member
so yeah, with compost and shit like that you don't really need to use ferts, till they've depleted at least. same when you transplant.


Active Member
i only have a small amount of compost though so i need to get some form of nutes. i can get blood and bone meal, but im going to have to look around to get things like guano. i can also get mushroom compost and cow manure, do you think these would help? i would compost them before adding them to the soil.


Well-Known Member
well like i said, they look great, so whatever it is you're doing, keep doing it :)


Well-Known Member
yeah you seem to be into organics i still don't know much about that, though i think it might be next phase for me.


Active Member
well i want to try to keep it as organic as possible, but i will probably just grow a few extras in miracle gro. what kind of soil do you use? to anyone interested in this grow, i will be posting pics and updating my progress more over the next few weeks

seed slaya

Active Member
your plants look fine as hell, i started mine mybe around the same time and yours are much bigger, although mine have been strictly outdoors, i hope to catch up once the weather picks up ; p
good luck to ya


Active Member
thanks, i cant wait to get them outside. i kind of have a problem though. i have to transport them to the site about 1.5 miles away, and i have to walk down a few roads and areas where i could be seen. so i need some sort of way to conceal the plants. does anyone have any ideas? i was think of putting them in a shopping bag with a tray in it, or a backpack somehow

seed slaya

Active Member
i actually had to do the same thing a long time ago except we ran ours right through the middle of a small town lmao, we used something that looked like a luggage bag(the airplane ones?) they got a handle nice rolly wheels and a solid base at the bottom, it actually worked like a dream and no one would of known, we had a plant in the bag, keep that in mind but youd be doin a few trips : p


Active Member
lol i think if i tried that id get busted, id be walking through the woods with a briefcase haha.i think im gona use a backpack and make some sort of tray to put inside it, since im mainly worried about the plants spilling over


lol i think if i tried that id get busted, id be walking through the woods with a briefcase haha.i think im gona use a backpack and make some sort of tray to put inside it, since im mainly worried about the plants spilling over
The best way I've come up with is use your old water bottles, cut them few inches from the buttom, but not all the way around enough that you can bend them over and put the plant in then duct tape it up around the cut, stick them snug in your pack. Can fit 30 or so in a normal size backpack same idea for 2 ltr bottles if you have bigger plants, obviously can't fit as many.

seed slaya

Active Member
hmm i never liked the long distance transplants, but yeh some kind of backpack would be best if you were going for complete stealth, forunatley for me i have all the privacy i need : p, as for the spilling plants see about fitting some kind of cage or strucure to act as a roll cage then have your base in the bottom then fit howerver many u can next to eachother to limit movement and it should work out great : D sounded alot simpler in my head


Active Member
so one of my plants started drooping last 2 days ago. i gave it water and it perked righted back up. last night it started drooping again. by this morning the leaves were completely limp, and one of my other plants started to droop. now all three are drooping. its strange though because basically all the leaves are green. on two of them the bottom leaves are slightly yellow and brown, but 80% of the leaves are fine. i have a few ideas of what it could be:
-nute burn [least likely]
-nute deficiency [probly nitrogen]
-PH problem. im using promix which i heard can turn acidic cus its a mostly peat moss mix.

so i gave one plant water, i slowly poured it in until it started leaking out the holes, then added a little more. im going to see how this affects the plant and i will see what i do from there. :wall:



Active Member
The best way I've come up with is use your old water bottles, cut them few inches from the buttom, but not all the way around enough that you can bend them over and put the plant in then duct tape it up around the cut, stick them snug in your pack. Can fit 30 or so in a normal size backpack same idea for 2 ltr bottles if you have bigger plants, obviously can't fit as many.
wow dude thats a really good idea thanks