The 12-12 From Seed Thread


Well-Known Member
Thats the 1 im usin at the min good in my space!
sozl mate not trying to knock it but rucks move a lot more air and economy filters restrict the flow of air, just trying to point out you get what you pay for, thats why i dont need a hood for my lights


Well-Known Member
sozl mate not trying to knock it but rucks move a lot more air and economy filters restrict the flow of air, just trying to point out you get what you pay for, thats why i dont need a hood for my lights
Lol...... i no mate like you said you had 1 when you 1st started up like i just have so will do me for now, will upgrade in the future defo, im after a new 6" fan for my hood also at the min ive got a old 4" ruck i got off a job so i have to use them step down thingys cos the hoods got 6" holes


Well-Known Member
Lol...... i no mate like you said you had 1 when you 1st started up like i just have so will do me for now, will upgrade in the future defo, im after a new 6" fan for my hood also at the min ive got a old 4" ruck i got off a job so i have to use them step down thingys cos the hoods got 6" holes
mate i was still using that fan 6 weeks ago after 4 ish years of on 24 hours a day, now i might use it for drying my bud...value for sure, replaced it with a 4 inch hi power 3 rucks now........2 x 4 inch and a low power 5 the wayi dont work for them.


Well-Known Member
thanks mate and welcome.....2 1/2 feet tall? wow that is a small space.........2 oz wet or dry ? you mean wet yeah?
Hey Del,
Actually i did mean dry. I thought you were pulling 2-3 oz per plant off your 12-12 from seed grows dry or have i missundertood?
you can see the pic of my grow chamber if you check out my other posts. I was planning on scrogging 4? cuttings. I know its not a big area but it seems plenty big enough compared to some of the micro grows on here grown in pc cases and such. i was hoping to get them to bout 18inch then flower em.
Sorry waffling on, bit stoned.. so guess im asking, do you think im aiming way high thinking i could get 2 oz dry per cutting? Im seeing people getting 0.5-2g/per watt dry on small sgrogs so i thought it would be achievable.

Your experience would be most appreciated!
Also do you think using wicks to feed them in coco is a good enough way to feed them?


Well-Known Member
Ok so i have a barneys blue cheese which i popped last week and was going to veg it but after reading this thread for the past few days i am deffo going 12/12 with it. Its been above soil 3 days and its been on 12/12 because its in with a big buddah blue cheese about 5 weeks flowering and a barneys Amnesia Lemon about 6 weeks. was going to wait till they were finished but what the hell. Has anyone done a barneys blue cheese 12/12. I will post pics tomorrow


Well-Known Member
lol no its deffo not a ruck but he has others if you click browse shop or sumit and i think theres a ruck kit he does . I already have mine mate i got it a few month back , i use it with my cooltube and it works a charm :)


Well-Known Member
Ok so i have a barneys blue cheese which i popped last week and was going to veg it but after reading this thread for the past few days i am deffo going 12/12 with it. Its been above soil 3 days and its been on 12/12 because its in with a big buddah blue cheese about 5 weeks flowering and a barneys Amnesia Lemon about 6 weeks. was going to wait till they were finished but what the hell. Has anyone done a barneys blue cheese 12/12. I will post pics tomorrow
Havent seen any blue cheese on this thread mate, interested to see how she goes 12/12


Well-Known Member
Hey Del,
Actually i did mean dry. I thought you were pulling 2-3 oz per plant off your 12-12 from seed grows dry or have i missundertood?
you can see the pic of my grow chamber if you check out my other posts. I was planning on scrogging 4? cuttings. I know its not a big area but it seems plenty big enough compared to some of the micro grows on here grown in pc cases and such. i was hoping to get them to bout 18inch then flower em.
Sorry waffling on, bit stoned.. so guess im asking, do you think im aiming way high thinking i could get 2 oz dry per cutting? Im seeing people getting 0.5-2g/per watt dry on small sgrogs so i thought it would be achievable.

Your experience would be most appreciated!
Also do you think using wicks to feed them in coco is a good enough way to feed them?
if your height is only 2.5ft then your plants will have to be small , your pot will take up 6 or so inch then you need 4 -6 inch min space at top for lighting and air circulation , thats took your space down to about 15inch max growing area ....


Well-Known Member
Ok so i have a barneys blue cheese which i popped last week and was going to veg it but after reading this thread for the past few days i am deffo going 12/12 with it. Its been above soil 3 days and its been on 12/12 because its in with a big buddah blue cheese about 5 weeks flowering and a barneys Amnesia Lemon about 6 weeks. was going to wait till they were finished but what the hell. Has anyone done a barneys blue cheese 12/12. I will post pics tomorrow
Im growing the big buddha blue cheese too, its just broke ground. How is your blue cheese looking? How long did you veg for?


Well-Known Member
Actually ive just seen your cab and its bigger than i thought , id say you could get a decent plant in there , not sure if you would pull 2oz though with just the cfls though, how the fan and filter setup going to work ? Dell gets big yeilds on his plants but he is the master imo of 12/12 and theres not many pullin as much as he does without the right experiance and knowledge and also dell doesnt use cfls to flower.


Well-Known Member
Im growing the big buddha blue cheese too, its just broke ground. How is your blue cheese looking? How long did you veg for?
Vegged it for 5 weeks and severly LSTd, i think i might have actually stressed think its stunnted a bit....Smells unreal though, that mixed with the amnesia...yum

richard rahl

Well-Known Member
lol, i had them in a jiffy thing in a dark cabinet and they didnt pop when i was expectin them to, and i forgot to check the next day and when i checked the next, they were like 6 inches tall and the lil leaves was all shriveled up. i tried to save em by burying them deeper, but they didnt make it. the ss og is hangin by a thread, but i dont think she gonna make it, and the ej is shriveled and gone
good news!! lol, the super sour og that was barely hangin is gonna make it. i put it in my wifes flower bed, lol, and it was hangin on, and now it finaly grew two more sets of leaves! you guys think i could transplant and bring back inside for 12-12( wife wants it out of flowers, lol)?


Well-Known Member
Actually ive just seen your cab and its bigger than i thought , id say you could get a decent plant in there , not sure if you would pull 2oz though with just the cfls though, how the fan and filter setup going to work ? Dell gets big yeilds on his plants but he is the master imo of 12/12 and theres not many pullin as much as he does without the right experiance and knowledge and also dell doesnt use cfls to flower.
Hey RobbieP, cheers for the input, yeah im kinda guessing my cab size and i wasnt really including some area at the top for lights nor was i including the space used by the pots. My bad!
I thought Del used cfls for flower, must of been confusing his posts with some of the others ive read this last few weeks, to be fair ive read too many grow diarys for my brain to take in.
I know Dels got a hell of a record when it comes to his yields, not expecting the same results myself. To be honest when i first started researching i was intending on just pulling half an oz total, just ive read so many possitive and amazing results from all parts of this forum. Even guys using LEDs pulling large amounts so i think ive maybe let my optimism get the better of me.
The filter system is currently my homemade scrubber, design from here, or as near to as i could get it, it seems to be working as far as extraction, guess il have to wait and see if works for the smell. I will take some more photos soon when i get my proper bulbs in.
At the moe ive just got the two fem seedlings, was planning on taking cuttings from them, flowering the seedlings then having a supply of clones.

All in all this is just an experiment for me, never used any of these methods before so im just excited to see what can become of it.


Well-Known Member
Hey Del,
Actually i did mean dry. I thought you were pulling 2-3 oz per plant off your 12-12 from seed grows dry or have i missundertood?
you can see the pic of my grow chamber if you check out my other posts. I was planning on scrogging 4? cuttings. I know its not a big area but it seems plenty big enough compared to some of the micro grows on here grown in pc cases and such. i was hoping to get them to bout 18inch then flower em.
Sorry waffling on, bit stoned.. so guess im asking, do you think im aiming way high thinking i could get 2 oz dry per cutting? Im seeing people getting 0.5-2g/per watt dry on small sgrogs so i thought it would be achievable.

Your experience would be most appreciated!
Also do you think using wicks to feed them in coco is a good enough way to feed them?
yes mate 2-3 dry is correct...............ok yes you can grow in that space with cfl but i doudt you will pull 2 dry per plant,,,,,,,however i think you should now go prove me wrong........thers a guy called stonesour who uses loads of cfls in a small cab 12-12, he may be able to give you more idea........not sure about the wick thing, def used for plants when you go away but not sure if is any good all time....guess its like drip feed. i reckon you will get 4-6 total...............this is based on the theory that i know nothing


Well-Known Member
Ok so i have a barneys blue cheese which i popped last week and was going to veg it but after reading this thread for the past few days i am deffo going 12/12 with it. Its been above soil 3 days and its been on 12/12 because its in with a big buddah blue cheese about 5 weeks flowering and a barneys Amnesia Lemon about 6 weeks. was going to wait till they were finished but what the hell. Has anyone done a barneys blue cheese 12/12. I will post pics tomorrow
im looking forward to seeing those girls.......................


Well-Known Member
good news!! lol, the super sour og that was barely hangin is gonna make it. i put it in my wifes flower bed, lol, and it was hangin on, and now it finaly grew two more sets of leaves! you guys think i could transplant and bring back inside for 12-12( wife wants it out of flowers, lol)?
watch you dont bring in bugs mate........not sure id risk sounds like its being a twat anyway.......


Well-Known Member
Del when your seed 1st pops do you 12/12 it under your cfl straight away or give it a day or so of light 1st ?