Leaves are All Drooping. Heat Stress? Pics


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I was in yesterday and she was looking like a champ, then I came back to her 24 hours later and she's all droopy. It was a warm day today. Does this look like Heat stress to you?2011-05-25_19-36-42_901.jpg2011-05-25_19-36-20_313.jpg2011-05-25_19-36-34_331.jpg

Anyone have this happen and was able to save her? She was fine just yesterday...

There are better pics on page 2. I just took new ones.


Well-Known Member
Can you list some stats? Like temps... Humidity.
I'm no pro, but looks like a case of over or under watering...


Well-Known Member
Temps 75 - 80. I let the soil get dry before I water (possibly an under water problem, it went 5 days without water but I stuck my finger in the soil and it was still damp 3 inches down) today got to be around 90+. The Soil PH is 6.5. so maybe a combo of not enough water and a day of high temps?


Well-Known Member
Could quite be a combo of both, the thing Ive read about such ailments is that there not permanent. Under watered plants as long as it dosent go for to long will bounce back fairly quickly.
I wouldn't panic... If your new to this like me, get a moisture meter there fairly cheap and it takes the guessing out of it :)

But yeah 90 is prettty effin hot!! Get some air movein in there!


Well-Known Member
Again all, the top of the soil was never chrispey dry (it did go 5 days without water). could it be that the soil is just holding on to the moisture too much? Does reverse somehow stop it from sucking up water (Non of the other girls are like this) here ill take a better pic. 1 sec.


Well-Known Member
I usually use the "less is more" approach. I've brought back plants that I thought were "gonners". I try not to rely on additives to solve initial plant ailments, that are a mystery, and hope to hit on a solution. When growing in soil, many of my issues have always been cured with a flush, and a simple temperature and nute modification. Still, i've killed the shit out of plenty of plants, to come to this realization. I hope to check back and find all is well. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
should I transplant2011-05-26_17-39-59_621.jpg2011-05-26_17-40-08_256.jpg2011-05-26_17-40-23_959.jpg2011-05-26_17-40-15_959.jpg to new Dry soil or totally flush it. I am so confused as it went 5 full days without water but the soil didnt ever dry..

Signed: starting to panic a little.

As you can see She's nice and green and ALMOST looks healthy, just absolutly no perkyness. I like em perky. :hump: THANKS AGAIN all.



Well-Known Member
If you repot you could reoxiginate between pottings with h202. I've done that with success. or add h202 to your nute water I'm just throwing things out there,


Well-Known Member
Thanks guts! I tried a transplant but the 5 gallon is all roots. so I put fresh barely moist soil on the bottom in hopes of getting some air down there. the soil is definitely moist. I will put a little fan blowing at the soil in hopes of giving it some air.