MN Outdoor Guerrilla Grow

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xebeche- Yeah, I will definitely be posting pics of it when the time comes. I have little use for it for now, so it will be slow going on that since I have many other obligations at the moment. But I will be sure to update as that progresses as well.

On another note, I had another spot in mind that is now crossed off my list. I sorta mentor a neighbor kid with no mother or father (lives with grandma) and I took him out fishing today. Keeping in the back of my mind how nice the area would be for a few plants and I can fish at the same time, can't beat it. Then I noticed a small marijuana plant already growing and was taken aback. I took a closer look and realized it was our old friend and current enemy, wild hemp. Once you spot one you always see more too. Many people think you can kill all the hemp and till continue to plant, but that is usually an incredible undertaking. I have noticed a single large female plant that will be surrounded by a hundred males plants of varying shapes and sizes. They do this to ensure pollination I believe. Some of the males will flower at five inches tall! Try killing all of that within a large perimeter around your plants, not so easy. Even if you think you did get it all, lets say you wanted to make seed, can you be POSITIVE that the pollen is from your chosen male and not some runty ass four inch ditch-weed male from 100 yards away ? Anyways, this is my rant for the night. Stay safe friends.

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Another lovely day out in the woods. I can't believe the excellent growth exhibited by the Kodiak Gold* White Widow, very impressed to say the least. Brought out some Cinderella 99, Bubblelicious, and some New york City Diesel with me today. Planting going good. I will continue to be busy over the next few weeks planting and whatnot, but will update with pics when the time is right.

Active Member
Oh my oh my. I found a guerrilla growers wet dream of a grow spot. So much potential. I can't believe how perfect this spot is, despite the lack of convenient water (300 yards away) . I wish I hadn't even planted in the location as seen in the photos I have posted thus far. I went out and planted ten plants earlier (Northern Lights #5 and NYCD). I have dubbed the spot Fortress Buckthorn conveniently tucked away in Guerrilla Valley. I think I may broker some deals to get my hands on plenty more clones and step it up a notch. Photos to come soon.


what's up my fellow Minnesotans? i live somewhere north of brainerd and south of bemidji...and am looking forward to a solid year in our most excellent wilderness growing some most excellent MN homegrown buds. this year my primary strains will be: Purple Maroc, white widow x big bud, pandora and galaxy. these are the strains i have done the majority of my cloning from and will be taking up the bulk of the space in my best spots. my secondary strains are: Pipi (pyramid), blue hash, blue widow, heavy duty fruity, critical + and burmese kush. all of these strains are the direct result of attitude seed bank's giveaway, as you may have guessed, i got one or two seeds of each of these strains (along with many others that...did not make it). this seeds were germinated appx a month ago and are now healthy veg plants that i am acclimating and plan on moving outdoors. i will post more in the next week or two once things go numbers and space...and current photos. the pictures here are from about a month ago and are of the mothers of my primary strains and my flowering room (purple kush, ny diesel, pandora).


Active Member
Well, I arrived today to find that Fortress Buckthorn was under attack by some marauding animals in the night. Likely coons. They dug up the holes..... every damn one of them. Some of the plants were just fine..... others, not so much. I broke the rule of digging your holes well in advance so wildlife gets their chance to investigate them first. Oh well, the loss is minimal in the grand scheme of things, a couple females. Will not repeat this mistake.

Active Member
xebeche, you simply have to follow the path my friend. Cross the river, up the hills, through the valley, to Fortress Buckthorn we go !

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Active Member
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The First three are Bubblicious, followed by A single veneno and a single Fast Nevilles. All feminized from seed.

This accounts for the smallest patch that I have going right now. I needed to get some plants out the door and tossed them out nearby me quick. Consequently, there has been a single casualty that I previously documented. Another was dug up and has made a full recovery and has been in stable condition for a while now. Another I didn't photograph had been dug up, yet re-rooted itself and kept growing.


Active Member
if i may ask,... wtf is over grow dot com.?
That OG shit. The original gangster of sites like this. Got shut down by the Feds. Spent endless hours of my younger days going through that website in my parents basement. Ha, that's kinda where it all started I guess. Without overgrow woulda never started my first grow. But yeah, was a huge deal when it went down...shitty


Well-Known Member
xebeche, you simply have to follow the path my friend. Cross the river, up the hills, through the valley, to Fortress Buckthorn we go !
Looks like beautiful country there, OG. Your plants seem to like it, too. Keep up the fight against those critters.

How many have you got in the ground so far?


Well-Known Member
this is awesome i will deff be following man, im going to do a guerrilla grow to in the IA lol. Its funny cause my old lady dont know anything about what im doing either. + rep
hiding it from the old lady to good job i can't hide anything from mine......lmao

Active Member
xebeche- I got somewhere in the range of forty in the ground. I have thirteen Krakatoa and a single Quasar sitting in pots outside that I will put in the ground in the next few days. I will also be picking up 15 Northern Light clones from a colleague of mine sometime in the next week. Only thing stopping me is that I want to get out there and dig all the holes first to help avoid the wildlife digging my plants up. Give em time to investigate the holes before my babies are in em.

blumpkin420- Yeah, it helps when the old lady is naive to these sorts of things. She has seen me germinating seeds nonstop, failed to look into the greenhouse as she walked next to it with forty plants inside, seen light coming from a box in the basement. She thinks it's all related to the food garden, lol. I was carrying up 14 small plants in a box the other day and put a little flat of beans on top and she walked right by me. Good times.


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Wut gwaannn Im in MN just north of the cities doin my damn thing waitin for the better half of the weather to come around nd things really start to take off!

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Sicker than a dog right about now. Got out into the woods to dig some holes this morning. Got three dug and felt too weak to do any more. Got the flu something fierce. Will update soon.