9 hours of outdoor sunlight


Active Member
Just noticed my plants are only getting 9 hours of direct sunlight. I have a small backyard and currently have them so my neighbors can't see them and as close to my house as possible. Do you think they will be ok? Or do I need to find a better place?

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
Just noticed my plants are only getting 9 hours of direct sunlight. I have a small backyard and currently have them so my neighbors can't see them and as close to my house as possible. Do you think they will be ok? Or do I need to find a better place?
when u say 9 direct does that mean u have a few indirect??? but yes like the farmer said should be ok....might be a lil skinny....might flower early....but they should be ok...


Active Member
The pic in my avatar shows how close they are to my house. They are all getting the same amount of light once the sun comes around but I have noticed that the fence farther away gets longer light. Only problem is my neighbor has a two story house and they would be visible. I was thinking of maybe placing them there and building a overhang with clear plastic to block their view. Is that a good idea or would that be too hot?


Active Member
The pic in my avatar shows how close they are to my house. They are all getting the same amount of light once the sun comes around but I have noticed that the fence farther away gets longer light. Only problem is my neighbor has a two story house and they would be visible. I was thinking of maybe placing them there and building a overhang with clear plastic to block their view. Is that a good idea or would that be too hot?
they will stink once they flower.


Active Member
I would suggest not sacrificing security for better growing conditions. You're lucky your plants can have sunlight. My ladies spend their whole lives locked in a closet and never get to see sunshine.


Active Member
I currently have my 215 and do have the county limit 6 plants so im not worried about the cops. I also tried to post a pic of my back yard but could not.
But another reason I think moving them to the farther side is because the house across and to the left have a clear view, but its currently vacant and will probably be listed with an agent and have showings(previous owner that forclosed there had a garden too). And if I moved them there my neighbors to the left will see them but I trust them and know them good, I just thought it would be a good idea to build an overhang with clear plastic so that they wont be visible. My neighbor behind my house is cool and lives by himself too.


Active Member
Ok, check out my avatar im standing by my back door and looking to the left. The big house on the right is currently vacant and has a clear view of my plants. If I move them to the right of the walkway and next to the fence on the right. The big house on the right which is vacant wont see them. However the neighbors to the left will see them and that is why I thought a plastic tarp would not give them a straight
View. (That is the spot that gets the longest amount of light too).


Active Member
So let's say F it and I move them to the right where they get more light. Would it affect my plants if I build an overhang off the fence that is 4 feet out. From the top then let the clear plastic hang to block my neighbors view?

Thank you all for your patience and advice, I just want to give them more light without giving them a heatstroke and killing them.


Active Member
I read that 6 hours minimum of daily direct sunlight is needed so 9 hours should be more then enuf. 9 or less hours is about how much I give some outdoor plants and they always do really well.


Well-Known Member
move it to where they get the most sunlight possible, fuck the neighbors, u pay mortgage, you need it for your cataracts!!...get in your boxers and yell that to them over the fence, its legal, fuck em....lol


Active Member
move it to where they get the most sunlight possible, fuck the neighbors, u pay mortgage, you need it for your cataracts!!...get in your boxers and yell that to them over the fence, its legal, fuck em....lol
I like how you think. I guess ill just have to post a pic of my gun and post it next to my recommendation.