The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
7 weeks today lads........I was thinking next saturday Don. Ill see what it looks like in 7 days and get all your opinions. That was just a small bud. I'll get some pics of the big ones tonite. They are real frosty. Think Im going to get a good yield aswel which is great considering all the shit Ive put them through


Well-Known Member
don - you say that ona stuff is business? are the scented ones better than the PRO (odourless?) I don't want it smelling like bogs like you said haha

things are starting to bang :/

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
don - you say that ona stuff is business? are the scented ones better than the PRO (odourless?) I don't want it smelling like bogs like you said haha
things are starting to bang :/
aye its good stuff, the linen fresh is sound but the polar ice is the bog smell one ;) not tried the odourless.
I can confirm Ona is the bollocks. Aye Don his baws were kicked but he had some good pics that went in his favour. lol
ah well spose you can give him leeway for a bit of filth


Well-Known Member
all went as expected. back on bail for social work reports until 13th july......split second of nerves when the judge mentioned that i had been in jail before( a few times in fact) but he glanced at me and then just let me go on bail.


Well-Known Member
My girlfriend is making me sell my entire collection of 1970's children's bikes.

On reflection, asking her mum if she fancied a ride on my shiny red chopper wasn't the smartest thing I've ever said.


Active Member
Auto assasin short stuff autoflower grow
2-3 weeks old, should i start adding nutrients.

What nutrients should i look for APART from these hydroponic brand names such as fox farm, bio buzz or whatever.

My local ' poundstore ' sells plenty nutrients for only a pound and i read that a fellow grower did very good with them.

What NPK values should i look for?

And i water with a two liter bottle so how much ratio water:nute should i add?


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
There's no specific ratio for NPK, but here' one that a forum member states works for him

veg 17-8-9
flower 3-13-14

An easy method would be to look at nutrients like bio bizz canna etc, look at what their NPK ratio's are and then shop around for something cheaper of the same or similar ratio.

For a 2 liter bottle, the ratio will be as advised on the purcahsed nutrients. Why a 2 litre bottle out of curiosity?


Active Member
im using tesco 2 liter bottle's to water my plant
their water is ph @ source 6.5 and my plant seems healthy
it stil is indicating on the 3 in 1 meter that it is 8 but that doesnt bother me as their no sign of nothing bad on it
may sound very noobie, but what is vegging? wiht a cannabis plant
also the NPK's are 5-5-5 and 6-5-5 which ones are good?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Cannabis has two stages of growth, veggin, or vegetative, this is when it is simply growing, this occurs under a light cycle of more hours of light than dark, say 18 hours on, 6 hours off, and then flowering is once the light cycle drops to 12 hours on and 12 hours off. Vegging and flowering.

I will admit i know very little at present about suitable ratios so will leave it so someone more knowledgeable to answer that. The best piece of advice i can give you though, is buy a digital ph meter, those 3-in-1 2 prong analogue things are an absolute piece of crap, they are not to be trusted! Also bear in mind that once you start adding nutes to water, the PH is going to drop, if it's already at 6.5 then adding nutes could potentially drop the PH to a level not suitable for soil plants so just keep an eye on that one :)


Well-Known Member
Opened my cab today to find one of my plants had fattened up enough for a branch to flop so now ive gotta see what i got laying around to support them but getting excited now plants are going to crop at diff times but id say my first crops looking good :)

wrekstar i used a general 5-5-5 pk nute it didnt really do alot from what i could tell i wouldnt waste my time with it again im only using specific nutes from the hydro store now


Well-Known Member
"Knock knock"

"Who's there?"

"It's me Mummy... It's Maddie!"

"But... But it can't be... We buried you..."

"Yeah, I'm just fucking about. It's Gerry, I forgot my key."

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Not looking abd at all bam, i tend not to concern myself with pointy cannabis when it goes like that, i just tell myself it's got it's arms in the air and it's fucking loving life :) the power of suggestion is EVERYTHING!

You got the bairn back home now or is he still being watched at the hospital?

I just spat over my keyboard, that is fantastic dura :lol: