Ive used similar setups and have a 3x3 table with 4x4 rockwool cubes going now. I dont like the coco stuff and personally would avoid it and use rockwool slabs but I always use square pots with hydroton and 4x4 cubes then place those on the rockwool slabs as this way the roots dont dry and you get better drainage. Your gonna have a few variables.Is your table 6,8,10 inch deep?. Whats stage of growth are you in? I currently flood 10 minutes 4 times a day every 6 hours. I was floddoing once a day first week then 2 weeks went to 2 and now after 3 weeks have been going the usual 4 times once every 6 hours but since your not using hydroton or pots its alot more difficult as you have to figure evaporation and I assume you have a film stretch over the table to protect the roots since no pot or are you using the table filled with hydroton? Let me know which method your using and what stage and I can try to help more. Just make sure your using either the covering film or hydroton over te coco slabs and rockwool or your in for a troubled grow if its just cubes on top of mat and no root protection