Is Cali Still Flooded?


Active Member
Everything Iv said is true if you grow outside in rural California.
O yeah I guess some guys use lawn dirt and miracle grow, yeah then its pretty much free.
And with crappy weed, no one will try to rip it off so yeah you wont need a multi thousand dollar fence.


Well-Known Member
yea the best I can do is have a big fence a big dog and a big baseball bat, i dunno the laws specifics there since ill be a felon I cant have a gun but maybe my buddy can bring his 12 gauge. thats a question for the lawyer, but shit ill be high all day sneakin around my giant pot bushes waiting for someone to try something bongsmilie

and doing it the illegal way so long the #1 rule will stand. we dont tell anyone and all equipment and efforts must be disguised. Ill buy a few hundred dollar counter surveillance camera system to set up around the property to look for people scoping shit like i had for my place here. even if im safe on a state level im still gonna treat it like its illegal cause fuck guys dont forget it still is :evil:


Well-Known Member
I've lost probably over 50 grand in my life getting fucked over by "friends" lawyers cops and random people, I have never ripped off anyone other than selling a bag at a really high price a small handful of times to people i dont like. I sometimes wonder what it would be like to get a few thousand bucks for free and how it is to be on that end but unlike most people i have a conscience. I don't think ill ever know how it feels to profit at anothers expense and im ok with that.


Well-Known Member
Hey FDD did you get a chance to see my grow thread? Doin 20 gallon smart pots this year. I got pics up and all the thread exploded!


Well-Known Member
Dam i just zoomed in that picture. The way i see this whole thing is that every year just get better and bigger. Help more patients spread the happiness. And i hope to be doin something like that plan soon! Maybe this go around intill i get some lights! haha


Well-Known Member
Hey FDD did you get a chance to see my grow thread? Doin 20 gallon smart pots this year. I got pics up and all the thread exploded!
Dude, relax on the whole promoting your grow thread thing. You've told everyone. Chill.


Active Member
kern county has im sure over 30 clubs some grow some dont some dont know what they are doing when growing. i know bakersfield ca has 20 clubs alone

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
You guys are funny! Just Excited over here thats all. And cant wait to start seein some buds!
Just had one hit the 7' mark and still have quite a bit of veg time left. Wish I'd have built the roof a few feet higher at the moment.