I Know It's My Job But It Pisses Me ff!! A Rant TL:DR


Active Member
I work at a gas station and I have been working there for a year and six months.

I hate!!! the customers that come in there. They can never order all there items at once. they bring their items to the counter I ring them up as soon as I hit the cash button they say "Now I want xx item"

Now I know what you're saying. Mora you went to fast and got ahead of your self blah blah blah. NO! I always ask anything else. They say no. Then as soon as I am done with the current transaction they say oh yeah I need x item. (cigs etc stuff behind the counter )

Thats not the only thing they do that pisses me off. Another thing they do is the come in the store ask to use the restroom. I tell them I don't have one. Sometimes I hear about how its a law that I have to have one etc etc. I tell em call the cops then. So now they go outside and piss on my store!! WTF!!!

The other day these three ladies came in about 2 minutes before beer sales where over for the day. I told them that they needed to hurry up if they wanted beer. So one lady gets a beer places it on the counter. She walks away. (another peeve. if you're not ready don't set things on the counter) the 2nd lady walks up to the counter and places her beer there and walks away. the 3rd lady is trying to get gas. I asked her to wait until the beer is sold cause I can sell gas any time. So since the 2 ladies walked away form the counter they wasted their two minutes so I moved the beer away told them it was to late they waited to long.

So they start bitching at me. I took the money the one lady wanted to pre pay gas. I made the sale and she kept running her mouth about the beer. I canceled the sale and gave her the money back. Told her she could go somewhere else.

Now the other two ladies are made cause I did that. i explained to them why I did it. I don't them that if they didn't like it they could go some where else. That pissed them off. They called me racist etc. I told em "sure that's what it is"

I know that you read that (if you read it ) and you're thinking Mora you're crazy! I know it comes off crazy But if you weren't there it doesn't transfer to a story very well.

Why can't people get all there items buy everything at once.

I really like smoking weed and going to work. makes it so much nicer. Nothing pisses me off then.


Well-Known Member
Yea I feel ya and like said working for the public can suck!!
Nobody in their right mind would hire me to work were I would have to put up with some of their shit.
I HATE RUID customers!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Your store and your rules. Looks like they acted like you SHOULD do it and you got annoyed and basicly said fuck off. Fair enough. I`m not too sure about the restroom thing though, people do need to go when they go and it looks like its the law too. Its just a battle of the ego`s at the end of the day as always :)


Active Member
Your store and your rules. Looks like they acted like you SHOULD do it and you got annoyed and basicly said fuck off. Fair enough. I`m not too sure about the restroom thing though, people do need to go when they go and it looks like its the law too. Its just a battle of the ego`s at the end of the day as always :)
umm its not a law. If we have a restroom it has to meet the Americans with Disability Act. The one we have is in the back office since its not public its a small room no hand rails a mop sink and a hand sink thats it.


Well-Known Member
Its not you dude, its dumb people. I love the movie idiocracy, because the human race is literally getting more stupid. like, if they came for the beer deal, they should get the beer first especially since they got a few minutes left till the offer expires and they know it too, but instead, they think the world revolves around them and they take their time, if people do that to me, I'm going to be a dick back to them. I totally support you bro. and I forget some stuff i need to buy too sometimes, but I get the stuff before he rings it all up everything so I don't waste his/her time.


Well-Known Member
Dumb people suck.. but in a way .. you just gotta stay positive and appreciate their stupidity.. they would need alot less customer service jobs if everyone had common sense .. everything would be more efficient... so every time you see or deal with a idiot.. just think JOB SECURITY lol. When I was in management at a grocery store 6 years or so ago.. I had a lady buy milk at one of the registers.. walk out to her car.. come in 5 minutes later with a gallon of milk that was hot to the touch.. curdled .. seperated gross.. looked like she left it in her trunk for week in summer.. THEN she proceeded to tell me that she bought it 5 minutes ago and we sold her rotten milk. WOW ok lady your milk went from our cooler to your car and got hot and curdled in 5 minutes .. people are dumb!!

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
We are not familiar with the register, we don't know that once you press a button you can no longer add things. We forget why we came in and think aout all the other things we may need to save ourselves a trip in the future. I cannot tell you how many times I went to a convenience store for something and left without the intended items and slurpee and a bag of snacks instead. I also wait till everything is rang up and then pay the change towards gas. I don't think that should cause a problem since it's cash. Take the change from the transaction and make a new one for the gas. If your convenience store had a bathroom people would piss on the store much less. Without a bathroom, it's really not much of a convenience.


Well-Known Member
exactly. if people weren't that dumb, this unemployment problem wouldn't be nearly as big. people would rather try to scam stores then get a dam job!!!!
It can get pretty crazy out there. I worked at a gas station/car wash during college and WOW people are dumb that come in sometimes. The absolute WORST customer base however has to be the Smoke Shop I worked at. You get the dumbest asses in there every day. Oh and every illiterate stoner who just broke his pipe wants to tell you how things in the world work. I wont even get into how difficult it was to explain how detox drinks work to these people...

Just imagine if every dumbass from this forum came into your store and began spewing nonsense at you for 15 minutes?


Well-Known Member
People can be smart and go to another store to take a leak or go home and take a leak? you should call the cops on those P.O.S for pissing in public.


Active Member

Thats understandable... You could still have a smoke though? Even if its just before you go to work ;)
It wouldn't be fair to her. i smoke it cause I enjoy it. She smokes cause she enjoys it + it helps with her Psoriasis and her knees.


Active Member
by the time they got there the person would be long gone. they are always gone like ten minutes before a cop ever shows up
buy some fake pee at a head shop. Works every time for UA. It was our #1 selling product, everyone from govt. workers to store clerks use it. Never had a complaint.

Even if I did not smoke I would use it, fuck uncle sam and fuck the idea that an employer needs to see my piss. Either I am a good worker/employee or not. My piss is between me and my toilet, maybe a doctor if something has gone awry down there, but it has little to do with job performance. Furthermore, hard drugs are gone in like 2-3 days whereas weed can be in your system for over a month. BS! It is like saying you can shoot a little speed on the weekend but if you smoked a joint last month I want you outta here. I don't like the idea at all, this is not what America was founded upon.


Well-Known Member
I HATE people with a passion that are like those customers. I feel bad for you dude. I don't let myself interact with those people. It just sucks that you have to deal with those people daily.