The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Man, weed as it is is a hardy fucker. But i've just found wheil using DWC that i can get away with too much :D if you smakc the palnt over sideways, nowt snaps, netpot moves and the root mass just changes position, unlike a big ass pot of soil. Only issue i see is nurtirnet or water related problems can change things a lot faster than in soil, but other than that if you so wish it can be easy peasy as fucking :)


Active Member
Dwc is the best hydro system. Explosive growth. Im using wilma dripper and its defo for the lazy cunt
Wilma 4 pot is on the cards for ma next buy,startin ma new job thmoro so betta get the baby tired out so i can get a sleep,il stik him out on the whirlygig overnight haha

Peace n cheese fuckers lol


Well-Known Member
Having done most hydro methods i would say NFT comes out on top for me in terms of ease of use and end results. Havent got the room for my large NFT tables now but got some DWC grows starting up.


Well-Known Member
M8 ive never changed the res or ph'd. I use Ionic and it buffers my water to bout 6. As long as your water is soft and good u dont neex to change the res

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I never EC/PPM it,. but PH it when i fill the tank, then just let it run down empty then start again from fresh. I do toe the line a bit and get a lot of burns and bad growth, but for my needs it's tolerable, but yeah, it really can be top it up and leave it a week, if i had sapce for an external reservoir and control tank i ould get by with changing water etc on a near monthly basis. I often keep water or feed in watering cans un-aerated for a month at a time and i see no isues at all whe using it :)


Well-Known Member

I grow 12/12 from seed atm so check out dels thread wow plenty of my pics over there mate. Made some new space in my garage for a large tent which will have 3 600w in it and ill be vegging up some girls in DWC, i will post pics as i go.


Well-Known Member
Looking good jimmy. Just gave the girls their last top up. Gave them loads of overdrive. Coming down either wed or sat.....
Thats the AKs aint it billy, whats next for ya. Im running atleast a dozen strains atm gonna slow down on the 12/12 from seed growing now ive got me tent, will still use my big cab for that tho. That overdrive, what do you reckon never used it myself worth getting some.


Well-Known Member
Aye the ak48's m8. Ive got Northern Soul next up. Dont like doing different strains coz some can handle high nutes and some cant. I like it all to b the same. The overdrive is great. Really fattens the buds up. Its pricey but worth it


Well-Known Member
Yeah its a bit of a pain in the arse mixing up different nute batches mate one of the reasons ive gone back to veggin, bigger plants but less of them was a right fucking pain making room for this tent tho lol. Havent needed to use that DM reverse yet but good to know it works still need to get me some wetting agent tho, might have to get me some overdrive i see alot of growers are using it and rate it.


Well-Known Member
them last pics you put up looks like they could use another 2 weeks or you wanting to get rid early? I remember you had to chop the nevs early as well.

jimmy those are some really nice 12.12's