True HP Aero For 2011

ro unit 005.jpgMore candyro unit 003.jpg This is 1 of the controllers that will run my system it does automatic water changes and auto pulse flush The Reverse Osmosis system and uses optical sensors . The Reverse Osmosis system is a 100 gallon per day and i have the extra membrane to make it a 200 gallon a day won`t need it
Will post some more pics later.
Sent back the 12 nozzles i had and ordered 36 stainless ruby 30-50 micron nozzles should have them in a week or 2.
View attachment 1660475More candyView attachment 1660473 This is 1 of the controllers that will run my system it does automatic water changes and auto pulse flush The Reverse Osmosis system and uses optical sensors . The Reverse Osmosis system is a 100 gallon per day and i have the extra membrane to make it a 200 gallon a day won`t need it
Will post some more pics later.
Sent back the 12 nozzles i had and ordered 36 stainless ruby 30-50 micron nozzles should have them in a week or 2.

Jesus man! That's some fancy gadgetry. Are you gonna use one of those nute controller dealies? Right on par with what ya got thus far.
Still collecting and yes i will be able control PH swings, water changes etc.... complete automation is the direction i want to go and yes i will ba able to monitor everything on my phone
60 PSI is the factory setting MAX PSI is 150 @ 25 amps purrrs like a kitten 120 PSI that is what i have ran it at testing. you can go up to 200 PSI i have read with a simple mod
Gotcha. This should be one hellava setup. You move quick. The rate you're goin, yer gonna have plants growin before me.
Will not be able to start the system up until late september I will start the build in aug thats the plan got to keep things legal.
9 amps, damn! That thing is a beast. Based on that alone, I'd quess that thing isn't all that quiet. I'm not sure of the draw on the aquatec, but the power supply is 800mA. Both my sureflo's were loud as shit. I was blown away by the low rpms of the aquatec. Thing is almost silent. Hope that badboy works for ya.

LOL- 800ma is 8 amps- not much difference, but homebays fatboy is 17 amps, now that's a beast!
Jesus man! That's some fancy gadgetry. Are you gonna use one of those nute controller dealies? Right on par with what ya got thus far.

Well, if he does DTW- then the periostolic nute pumps will be unnecessary...

And- good job with all the parts hammer, looks like you are just as serious about followthrough as we are. I don't see any legal reason why you can't build all your system now, and just don't pop a bean till your legal... You might be interested in this- finally some reason has struck...
800mA is 0.8A :)

That's another fine example of me not getting enough sleep... Thanks for the correction...

By the way- I've solved my filter setup/concerns. I found a 10" clear filter housing ( )that specifically has no air bleed valve, and bought some 1 micron filters for it. The plan is to install it between the res and the pump. I will install a jg check valve on the inlet of my pickup line (the very tip), and if air still gets in the system there will also be a y splitter with 2 on/off valves on each branch just after the pump, but before the accumulator. If I find air got into the pickup line during maintenance or res cleaning, I will simply close the valve from the Y going to the accumulator, and open the the other valve that circles back to the res. I'd have a switch to manually kick the pump in and cycle it until the air is quickly forced out- but bypassing all my components other than the pump and filter. -I knew I'd figure it out sooner or later... :)
Trichy you might have a problem with the set up the filter you are using is not a suction filter and you may burn that new pump up. I would put it after the accumulator with 2 pressure gages one on each side to monitor the filter. I purchased the nozzles from the same place and they are the same 0.12 stainless nozzles but with ruby inserts
One of many diy controllers that i have made this one does EBB and aero nft etc with a flip of a switch one controller that does everything
.xv 001.jpg And yes it will be able to do 1/10 second on the aero side when ready.