Ron Paul, Barney Frank To Introduce Bill Legalizing Marijuana...


Well-Known Member
I'm all for legalization I just believe big business should be kept out call me greedy if you want but the everyday grower myself and tons of friends could get put out of business. The medical format in cali and co have been a win win for us because it allows everyone safe access without losing the potential for growers to make a living.

I just don't want to see it drop down to the price of tobacco and all the growers who have worked so hard get squashed under the foot of a major corporation.
Greedy and selfish.

If your products good enough then people will still buy.

I'd just be happy to see it legal.

Big P

Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
Greedy and selfish.

If your products good enough then people will still buy.

I'd just be happy to see it legal.
Oh believe me I want it legal for everyone I just don't want major companies growing massive fields. If the price drops down to what it is in cali right now where everyone who wants to can grow that's totally fine it's only when companies mass produce a product the price drastically drops. Keep it in the hands of people who care not workers mass producing crap.

And excuse me for wanting to keep my job


Well-Known Member
Oh believe me I want it legal for everyone I just don't want major companies growing massive fields. If the price drops down to what it is in cali right now where everyone who wants to can grow that's totally fine it's only when companies mass produce a product the price drastically drops. Keep it in the hands of people who care not workers mass producing crap.

And excuse me for wanting to keep my job
There will always be the fine wines amongst the budlights of the industry.

Like I said, depends on your product.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday the talk shows were all over this. And it made me realize that now that the conversation is here we need to be ready.

I do not like Sean Hannity and do not regularly listen to his show. However, yesterday he had a guest host so I thought I would listen.

The host was against the bill. And the callers varied. You could tell some were stoned on the air.

At one point, the guest host asked a caller, "What about cocaine?'

I wish I had been on that call. I would have responded, "Yeah, what about cocaine?"

The bill is not about cocaine, but that host tried to obfuscate the issue by mentioning a substance not even mentioned in the bill. They do it to link cannabis with hard drugs. It is irrelevant to the issue.

Then he asked about driving stoned and a dumbass caller responded by trying to justify it. Bad idea. The automatic response should be that driving while impaired should not be tolerated.

He then tried to scare listeners by stating that everybody would be smoking cannabis. My response would be that people use cannabis now. Our laws should reflect that reality. The War on Drugs is a failure.

If you call into a radio show, please think it through before calling in stoned.


Well-Known Member
There will always be the fine wines amongst the budlights of the industry.

Like I said, depends on your product.
its not a question of quality we grow a+ by colorado standards. There is nothing more that I want to see than legalization the only thing I am saying is that I dont want major companies growing which I don't think is bad at all


Well-Known Member
Oh believe me I want it legal for everyone I just don't want major companies growing massive fields. If the price drops down to what it is in cali right now where everyone who wants to can grow that's totally fine it's only when companies mass produce a product the price drastically drops. Keep it in the hands of people who care not workers mass producing crap.

And excuse me for wanting to keep my job
If I were to see a gigantic field of cannabis growing, I would probably shoot a load in my boxers right there.

And it would not matter if the field belonged to R.J Reynolds, Monsanto, or Farmer Brown.

Re-legalization means regulation and taxation. It also means industry. Accept it.

My biggest complaint against MMJ is that once patients get their meds, they tend to become obstructionists against re-legalization.

Fuck that.

I use cannabis because I like to get high. I should not have to commit fraud to enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
For sure hemp would be amazing on it's own and it would create so many jobs agriculture would boom. Obviously I'm fine with companies mass growing hemp


Well-Known Member
I use cannabis because I like to get high. I should not have to commit fraud to enjoy it.

Who said anything about committing fraud? I know I can't stop big business and I understand it will happen im just standing up for the people who make their living growing. I want it legal in case you didn't read that the ten other times I wrote it.


Well-Known Member
Who said anything about committing fraud?
I said it.

In order for a non-brokedick to receive a permit to use medical cannabis in a medical state, he or she must commit fraud.

I can't believe I had to explain that.

I know I can't stop big business and I understand it will happen im just standing up for the people who make their living growing.
Boutique growers will not go anywhere. People will always be willing to pay for really good product.

Large-scale commercial crops will simply replace the mass produced shit called schwag. And it will be grown here by people who make their living growing. :clap:

I want it legal in case you didn't read that the ten other times I wrote it.
That's funny because I do not recall stating otherwise.

You didn't read that. You assumed it.


Well-Known Member
I was trying to have a discussion not get attacked it was a simple statement and you completely misinterpreted my post. I want it legal for everyone to use. You act like I don't want this but I do, the fraud statement was in the context of it being legal not medical guidelines. The only thing I said was that I am not going to be happy about big business producing it which is an opinion. I have mine you have yours.

Can you just chill and not act like a dick


Well-Known Member
I was trying to have a discussion not get attacked it was a simple statement and you completely misinterpreted my post.
You have not been attacked, by me at least.


And I understood your statement perfectly.

I want it legal for everyone to use. You act like I don't want this but I do, the fraud statement was in the context of it being legal not medical guidelines.
Again, I never stated anything of the sort.

The fraud statement, as I made clear already, applies to non-brokedicks in MMJ states who wish to procure medical permits. They must fake an illness to get one. Fraud. Since I brought it up in the first place, I should know to what I was referring.

The only thing I said was that I am not going to be happy about big business producing it which is an opinion. I have mine you have yours.
And I expressed mine which opposes yours.

Poor baby.

Can you just chill and not act like a dick
I am chill.

And I would advise you to not act like a dick, either....

But I know you're not acting. :-P

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
For sure hemp would be amazing on it's own and it would create so many jobs agriculture would boom. Obviously I'm fine with companies mass growing hemp
No doubt that if the government allowed for the industrialization of hemp products on a large scale basis, it would be a massive leap forward for industry and create a "greener" (no pun intended) enviornment. However, the problem big brother has with this is that if they were to allow such a thing, other industries which many politics are "buddy-buddies" with would suffer greatly and probably cease to exist. The list of potential applications for hemp is can be used for clothing, paper, biofuel synthesis, food (seeds are high in proteins and essential amino acids), paints, and even in commericial constuction. Not to mention the smokeable buds. I think it's safe to say that if hemp if completly legalized as an industrial fiber, so then will the buds, and this means more competition with big tobacco and booze companies like anheuser busch.


Well-Known Member
Johnny either your trolling me or just being a general ass. Either way I came here to talk about the law not bicker with an overly critical child. Good day to you sir we are through.


Well-Known Member
Johnny either your trolling me or just being a general ass.
Don't flatter yourself.

If you think I am an ass then I bow to your expertise on the subject of general asses.

Either way I came here to talk about the law not bicker with an overly critical child.
And I have been talking about the law.

Your pussy is sore, presumably, just because I disagree.

Good day to you sir we are through.
We'll see about that. :-P

