I need help asap outdoor growers please!!! no bs.


Well-Known Member
Ok so i had a couple plants stashed next to the house. Some gardeners came to clean up the place and from what is told about them in the neighborhood is that they are junkies. So they are cleaning the yard in 80 degree weather so i offered them a beer to realize they were yanking out the weeds where my stash is at. I know they knew it was pot because they pulled them out with some of their root system still in tact. I gave them the beer and took my plants. Put them in soil and have them in a dark room. Would they survive if i put them back out in like an hour when they leave? :/ My purple marocs :/


Well-Known Member
yes remember weed is a weed so you might have a little shock but they should recover. use superthrive if you have any


Well-Known Member
also you are going to want to move them at least 100 feet so if they come back tonight to snatch them up they wont be there good luck


Active Member
^^ good call. Might not be best to put them right back in the same spot.

Anyway, they'll be fine. Best bet would be to transplant in the evening. That way they are not blasted with mid-day sun right away. I'm sure they'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Hate to say it but anywhere on that property outside is now compromised. I am sure that you can plant them again but now someone knows it's there and if they don't take them I am sure they will be sharing the story with someone who may. :(


Well-Known Member
Thanks you guys. I think i am going to put them under 2 5000k lightbulbs for now and feed them veg bat guano. keep them indoor for about a week and put them back out when they are stronger, that way if they do happen to come back to check if they are there they wont be because ill have them indoor. Who knows maybe i am over thinking things and probably dont care much of the plants?


Well-Known Member
Some local gardeners discovered and chopped one of my plants a week before harvest. They found out about my plants when they were trimming the neighbors tree. There is not a lot you can do when people know you grow. I just learned to keep my wife in the know and stagger my growing so I can do multiple harvests. Personally I rather have a few plants taken instead of growing inside and risk a home invasion.


Active Member
With my tomatoes: things break I put any thing that will produce in a "cloner" and pot when they have roots. Save the next transplant shock and put in a very large container. Or like the safe not sorry comment: change the location; you took their stash< actually your plants but they will drop a dime on you.
Had a friend get in trouble: stole someones stash! Please dispose of this 3 pounds of pot? Sure took to local PD they called NA I waited, Looks like 3 pounds! Where do you work? Lockheed. Would you tell us where you got this? Perfer not to as I am helping a girl I know. Yada, yada thank you Mr. ____

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Well the fact they are used to mega lumen from Mr sunshine and now suffering in a dim CFL environment??? I would put them in pots Superthrive will help as stated above. But the dim light and then getting used to that may make it for a long recovery. So if they are in pots you can bring them in at night and hope you dont get ripped
. A nice Gorilla tactic, is hang in trees in cammy buckets IF you have trees and not in you neighbors or Associations! Set a 5 gal bucket in the other while creating a wick from one to the other via rope and a small hole in the top bucket.( Jute rope so it will absorb and wick) Coil that rope in the bottom of the bottom bucket and then coil some in the top bucket. Fill bottom bucket with H2o and then fill top bucket with soil then hang inconspicuosly.


Well-Known Member
Naw man they won't die, they will get stolen if you put them where they came from. I once had some starts out in the woods and the critters came along lookin' for that fish emulsion experience has sense stopped me from using right away, and never in full strength. So for what ever reason the little buggers pushed or pulled the plants out from where they were planted. About a week later I showed up and most of the plants were still alive. Some were sideways but growing up towards the sun, and others were actually re-rooting themselves where the ended up. When I say re-rooting there was still dirt around them, it's not like they got up and walked back over to the holes lol. But nonetheless I was amazed that they lived. So don't fret, except for now you have junkies wondering what else you're doing in your house, be careful.


Well-Known Member
So yesterday i flooded the area and hopefully today they look better. Hopefully they live. I mean they are all droopy but the way i look at it is if it was to dye why isnt it all droopy? the stem is still standing strong so maybe its energy is going to its root system and hopefully they recover :/